Everything just seems so out of control. The US seems to be tearing itself apart. The world is on fire. We seem to be going backwards when it comes to freedom and human rights. We’ve turned our backs on each other. How do you cope with all this without just giving up?
Don’t spend all your time reading news, they are purposely negative because it generates more interest and money, don’t take everything you read as truth.
99% of these problems won’t turn into anything other than a faded memory.
End of the day, nothing you can do will change what’s happening half way across the world, so why let it change you?
End of the day, nothing you can do will change what’s happening half way across the world, so why let it change you?
I beg to differ. Here are a few things you can do. I agree these won’t make an impact, but if enough people are willing to do these, it could work:
- Donate money if you can afford it. (Just carefully check where you’re exactly donating to.)
- Promote non-propaganda, factual information. Muscovy spreads disinformation through social media and propaganda websites using their trolls. So why can’t ordinary people step up and upvote, share, publish, and promote factual information? Sure, the algorithms of social media platforms favor the disinformation, but again, if enough people are willing to overcome what’s happening, I believe, it could make a change.
- Promote education. Only stupid people can be influenced by the far right propaganda. Unfortunately there are way too many stupid people.
- Just do what you’re good at. If your profession is irrelevant, that’s fine. But if you happen to be a hacker, or want to become one, go ahead, and fight online scammers and trolls. Are you a software developer? Wanna be a web developer? Create something that has an impact if you have the free time and interest. Make it open source. Encourage others to join. Again, if you have no affinity for this kind of stuff, it’s totally fine.
- Do your research and vote on elections.
In my opinion, this kind of mindset of “you cannot do anything, get used to it” is a very demotivating and harmful piece of advice. Because that’s what’s been going on all this time; everyone being ignorant, while evil people never stop doing what they’re doing.
Also, a large part of it I’m assuming is driven by the upcoming US presidential election and a certain ongoing conflict in the world. There is at least one country that benefits from an increase in general chaos and uncertainty in the world. It divides Western military attention and increases discontent and anxiety in Western countries. Alot of our recent problems all lead back to Russia being a general force for chaos in the world, they stand to benefit the most from it.
Not just news but social media (yes that includes Lemmy). Generally anything that invokes some strong emotions will get up votes.
I scroll lemmy. Apparently we are about to go to war with Texas.
We can never preach our values to the world again. How can our allies trust us?
The United States has been overthrowing democratically elected governments for a hundred years. The CIA has exported terrorism, trained gorilla soldiers to terrorize and torture civilians, and promoted fascism over democracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change
We have a war on drugs that is really a war on people, an excuse to target people of color. We have a for profit prison system run by private corporations that lobby politicians in what is effectively legal bribery. Our entire economic system, capitalism, allows those with wealth to exploit those without, and to use their power and money to “lobby” politicians. People are never going to get a fair shake.
Edit: The US has amazing people and so much potential to survive and overcome our problems, but there’s a darkness that motivates people in power, maybe it’s fear of communism or fear of powerlessness, idk
It’s greed, mate
What values?
Hey, we trust you!
About as much as any other international terrorist organisation anyway
deleted by creator
This is why I only use social media (ie. Lemmy) for memes.
Exactly as Stephen R. Covey pointed-out, in “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families”
You have a Circle-of-Concern: all the things you attach your awareness on,
and you also have a Circle-of-Influence: all the things you actually can alter.
Since the bigger your Circle-of-Concern, the LESS life-energy you have for your Circle-of-Influence, therefore you need to deliberately reduce your Circle-of-Concern, in order to expand your Circle-of-influence.
That’s it: it’s that simple.
Deny awareness-vampire processes your lifeblood.
Own your own self, more, & use that self-owning in order to make your portion of the world more-healthy.
Just because mass-media did all it could to make one boundaryless, helplessly stuck in consuming-trance, bedazzled & led-along like steers the industry is bringing into the abbatoir, doesn’t mean that you or I agreed to our lives doing/being only that, does it?
We never agreed.
It is our right to break the “agreement” that our childhoods were signed-into, before we could do any considered-reasoning.
Either we have the guts & gall to do it, or our-lives are consumed by the “machine” that exists only for sake of its own transient profit-sensations.
Owning one’s own life is a right.
_ /\ _
Very well put, thank you.
I think it’s time for me to read Covey again.
I gave up on everyone: I’ve packed my shit and moved back to the EU, to a middle of nowhere, population 50. Closest neighbor is a 10 minute walk away. Started a large garden, learned some blacksmithing and basic carpentry. Still working remotely for the same company as before, but now when I go outside I have fresh air, I can see the stars and I can hear nobody.
That sounds… very pleasant.
It mostly is, but it has it’s drawbacks:
- if I don’t feel like cooking I don’t have an option of ordering a pizza or eating out - I’m outside of delivery range of everything
- closest town has limited choice of everything. I have to get everything shipped or drive for 1.5h.
- anything but essential services is more than half an hour away
also you end up thinking weird thoughts few people have before: e.g. “how do I stop moose from trampling my garlic?” I mean how many people throughout human history had pondered that? ;-)
possibly many people before the industrial revolution
How do I cope? Poorly
Exactly what I was about to post
Pot helps, for a little while at least
This was my answer. Blaze it 420 till the earth kicks us off.
By helping people nearby.
I browse Lemmy & Reddit for 12-16hrs per day and eat out of bean tins. I shower once per week before meeting my probation officer.
That’s about it.
Favorite brand?
Of probation officer?
Of shower.
Damn thought you were asking them their favorite band. Hold my beer, I’m going in.
Normally I just get what the food bank gives out but my faves are Branston. :)
Favorite band?
Gotta be Nine Inch Nails! I’ve seen them twice and now Atticus is officially part of NIN with Trent they count as a proper band rather than a solo artist! ;)
I think I oghtta give them a proper go. Always liked their hits, and bands typically have way better shit than the radio has time for. Thanks for answering.
Skimmed through their 2020 stuff, what is going on there? It’s like 2 hours of intros it feels like.
Ooooh yeah don’t bother with Ghosts. He’s been going for ~40yrs and his Ghosts stuff is more like his creative common free music he gives to people.
I started on With Teeth album but his top albums are often considered to be Downward Spiral and Fragile.
If I was you I’d listen to Downward Spiral, the Fragile then With Teeth. After that maybe try Pretty Hate Machine which is slightly more dark-poppy-shynth-wave.
Quicker song video tasters:
I’ll stop now otherwise I’ll be posting the entire back catalogue! :D
Thanks, I’ll check it out
Huh, haven’t had those. Will check it out!
Part of it is the mantra “out of my control, out of my concern.” Or “not my circus, not my monkeys.” That doesn’t mean I don’t care. It means I do what I can do, and try not to despair about what I can’t change.
I’m trying to enjoy things while they last and appreciate how precious they are, especially nature. Sometimes I wonder whether I should be preparing for the brutal future that is to come, since there is no avoiding famine, draughts, mass migrations and wars that the climate change will cause. But we don’t have enough information about what exactly will happen, and since humans have an unbelievable ability to adapt, it can be left for the future. so the only thing I can do now is create memories and spend time with loved ones so I’m not full of regrets once we lose everything
Keep in mind that American news is not really news. It’s strictly entertainment and you should treat it as such. FOX, MSNBC, CNN are all for profit enterprises and they are completely focused on that and nothing else. That asshole fuck face that owns FOX even admitted it in court under oath.
So instead of informing the public, these entities present “news” in a way that is designed to make you emotionally react, give you a dopamine hit, instead of actually informing you of anything. Are some worse than others? Yes, but all of them do it to some degree or another. I personally believe that the down fall of this country will eventually be tracked to the elimination of equal time laws and the limits of entities owning media outlets. It used to be a single entity could not own more than 11 broadcast stations. Those laws need to come back and it’s an absolute emergency that they do.
To sum up the above: You are constantly being manipulated by the media you watch to make you feel that things are a lot worse than they really are, so some asshole somewhere can make more money. Yes, your feeling of things being out of control is only because some fuck face is making money from you feeling that way.
My suggestion is do not watch TV for your news. Read. If you want to learn about American politics, read a foreign newspaper that comes from a country that really doesn’t have a lot of skin in American Politics. Better yet, get involved in your local political scene and make yourself a part of the news cycle.
I’d argue that the only fairly accurate source of news, in America atleast, is non-profit, publicly funded. PBS, NPR, etc.
For example, NPR will do a hit piece on Amazon, even though Amazon is an underwriter for NPR.
Either turn the news off or do something about it i.e protest, donate to the ACLU etc.
Watching the news and not taking any tangible action is a recipe for depression and is thoroughly pointless.
I see you’ve met my father-in-law. Quite the party pooper
By dedicating a certain amount of time for things I enjoy while pretending that the world outside doesn’t exist. That time when I watch an anime, or read a book, or write fanfiction, or cook something delicious… that keeps me sane, it keeps me from falling back on my natural tendency to focus on all the bad things and ignore the good in the world.
You cannot allow yourself to be in that “constant stress” because it wears you down and grinds your sanity and willpower like a big belt sander.
That timeout revitalises me, and gives me the balance to deal with the stresses and worries about everything else.
Obviously there isn’t a silver bullet, and mindfulness is probably the best bet here.
I don’t doom scroll.
I read a copy of my local, still-Independent newspaper free every morning with digital access to my library.
I vote in every local, State and Federal election.
I vote Progressive in the Primaries and Democrat in the General.
I say ‘Yes’ to any/all referendums that Tax the wealthy.
That’s about all I can do without financially impacting my family or my career. If it was feasible I’d maybe even start attending my Town Hall meetings just to get a barometer reading on my local Council Members.
Crazy thing is I’m 36yo, and sanity checks have required me to act like a 60yo from the 90s… minus the ‘got mine’ Boomer attitude.