My train was stopped in the middle of my ride home because of a terrorist attack, I may have missed the last ever chance to celebrate with my great-grandmother because my entire extended family got COVID, my hometown is desperately trying to prevent a huge flood and when i found out that i would be sad and lonely on christmas my muslim friends ghosted me :) So its a mix of some circumstances.
We… May have to close this thread early, I think you won.
Holy shit, where do you live? Sorry to hear about your missed chance to celebrate with your great-grandma.
I was curious too, based on the timing I think they live somewhere in Europe and have family in Germany. There have been attack threats in Cologne
Yea without disclosing anything too specific: I have to drive through cologne to get home. The entire region is having problems with floods, but my city is facing additional complications.
As if the train rides around there aren’t shitty enough as is.
The train ride actually reassured me that moving far away was the right choice. Where I live now the trains are on point and you see beatiful landscapes instead of coal reactors and warehouses while riding them.
my mother. asked her to stop bringing up my rapist in conversation with me. she said “ya know other people have problems too.” Then she went and had holiday lunch at his house. that was before I was set to drive there for christmas, so instead I stayed home and did nothing. Turns out christmas is just a regular day.
Holy shit I’m so sorry. I’d give you all the hugs if I could.
Your mother sounds like what specialists would describe as a, and i quote, “massive cunt”
Xmas for me was ruined because I found a guy that was robbed and dumped in the middle of nowhere during my drive.
Helping him fucked up my entire days plans and even the little festivities I wanted to take part in but bloody hell who robs someone on Xmas and then leaves them to die? Ofc I had to help.
The intense rain didn’t help. I think I’m ill now.
Glad you were there to help at least. I imagine being robbed and murdered and dying in the rain would rank towards the high end of the “worst Christmases ever”. If nothing else today will be one of your more memorable ones.
Thank you for being a good person anyway! Your plans may both have been ruined, but you’re a hero to that guy! You’ll both remember each other for the rest of your lives!
I said above that Christmas is alien to me, but isn’t helping people and doing good the whole ‘spirit of Christmas’ thing? In a sense, you had the most appropriate Christmas even though it wasn’t the most pleasant.
And, of course, you helped save a life. You’re a hero!
Congratulat- oh, that’s not a pregnancy test. :(
Tbf, it would be more depressing if a positive pregnancy test was the reason christmas was ruined.
True. COVID doesn’t last 9 months.
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Sure. Plus 9 months.
Look at you, short-timer! My daughter is pushing 30, has three kids and can’t afford to move out (divorce and deadbeat dad’s suck).
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COVID usually only lasts maybe two weeks vs a pregnancy/child lasting 18 years. This is definitely the better deal.
18 years… that’s optimistic in this economy…
For some people, covid lasts the rest of their life…
Mazel cough!
Not ruined, but pretty fucking annoying. In laws came for a few weeks to visit for the holidays. We don’t see them as much as we’d like, and its nice. But MIL wants to include her sister too - the deadbeat aunt-in-law boomer who still can’t get her shit together for over 70 years. Whatever - we tolerate it.
Except she fucking shows up sicker than a dog and is hacking non stop. You know the kind of coughs where you can hear gallons of snot being coughed up - ya that. Wtf - I give it one week and we’ll all be miserable with that exact cold/flu/covid whatever the fuck it is. Fucking loser boomer bitch who thinks of nothing but herself. Sigh.
In order of worst to bad…
My cat of 14 years had to be put down, my parents gifted my sister nearly a half million dollars with the reasoning that she needs it more (with the " dont worry, we will even it out later"), my wifes mom semi disowned her ( not sure exactly what this situation is) and wifes dad is playing favorites with step kids.
Well fuck your parents, and I’m sorry about your kitty.
Well fuck your parents
From Alabama?
What the fuck
If it makes you feel better, I’m not expecting half a million of free money at any point!
Sorry about your cat.
The religious fruitcake portion of my family. I’m so tired of listening how they’re afraid of everything. This year it was the horror of how my state legalized weed, abortion, and some Disney movie had “gay stuff” in it and how thats bad because the movie is meant for kids.
Hello my fellow Ohioan
Hello! Hopefully your family dynamic is a little more agreeable for these holidays
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Weed?! Legalized?!? Oh, GOD no!!!
Downvotes from Zion apologist in… 3… 2… 1…
My Wife’s Father. I don’t care for him even if he has changed following a letter she wrote to him saying she’d be out of his life if he didn’t. In the past he beat her Mom and put my Wife through constant guilt trips. He honestly has changed a lot since the letter and he does very well with his grand daughter, but I just wanted to be home with my wife and daughter after working 70 hours out of state on a retrofit job. My Wife’s mother and step father will be visiting new years weekend. I just want it to be my family, but my Wife needs the help watching our daughter while I’m gone for work, so I just put up with it like any decent human would.
Working in food/retail has completely destroyed all holiday spirit for me entirely.
It doesn’t matter the holiday. Holidays just mean my job gets harder with no extra compensation. The customers are more hostile and aggressive and it’s just an overall shitty time.
And it happens multiple times a year
I don’t love that this happens, but because I was in those trenches for many years I like to make my holiday shopping trips as pleasant as possible for the retail workers. I’ll try to take up as much time with them as I can just shooting the shit and helping them relax a little or giving them knowing looks whenever some asshole engages them.
It’s like on-the-job therapy.
hope you will feel better soon!
For Palestinians, definitely Israel
Rather foolish reply, don’t you think? Muslims aren’t known for celebrating Christmas.
I mean Jesus was born in Palestine and there are still many Christian Palestinians, some of them living in Betlehem, the birthplace of Jesus.
There’s even many news reports about how Christmas in Betlehem is canceled. I know it’s hard to comprehend but shit is really that serious. This year’s Christmas is canceled in the birthplace of Christmas.
You mean Israel and Hamas right?
I mean the genocide that Israel is conducting on the Palestinian people. Kind of a bummer when you wanna celebrate Christmas.
I don’t think either of them care very much about christmas.
Depends on who you mean with „either of them“
There are definitely Christians in Palestine
Say it with me, the ethnonationalist settler colony Israel is conducting a genocide on the Palestinian people. This is happening in front of our eyes. We can see it unfolding in real time. It’s not too late for you to stop supporting a genocidal state and be on the right side of history instead. And let me say it very explicitly. The right side of history is the side of the Palestinian people.
My truck was stolen, suspiciously right around the time Santa should have been there 🧐
It wasn’t me, I swear!
Disneyland was charging $1850 for five people for one day at Disneyland and one day at California Adventure, genie plus (some kind of fast pass replacement), and then has the gall to make some rides ineligible for the genie plus and instead you have to pay $28 a head for the fast pass. Why can’t we just wait in line? Why did the mouse feel the need to monetize every single interaction in the whole park? As great as the design is in Disneyland, definitely left a sour taste in my mouth knowing that a poor family has an objectively worse experience than a rich one, especially on Christmas. Some rides had a 90, 120 minute wait.
120 min wait? Good lord
Imagine if the ride got stuck about as soon as it started ay ? 😕🤔😞
Last time I went to Magic Kingdom in Disney world, the park was IMO legitimately too full of people. Seemed like every single space was wall to wall people and every ride, even the shitty ones was like a 3 hour wait. And it wasn’t even a holiday or a peak season time. Just a miserable experience. Feels like they just need a daily cap or something on the number of visitors because there’s definitely a point where it gets too full to be worth it for anyone.
Profits , profits , profits… Corporate greed = enshitification
I truly thought we were going to get through Christmas with zero racism. Then grandma and grandpa came over. Luckily I was able to steer the conversation away pretty quickly, but it always puts a damper on things.
We just had some mild racism too: “There’s just too many ethnic restaurants in this town. Why can’t we just have American food?!” “There’s a Denny’s down the street…”
Wait until they find out that Denny’s serves crepes.
This makes my head want to explode. I grew up in a white ass family of wealthy-ish English descent and nobody knew what the hell good food was unless it was an expensive steak or fancy seafood which don’t really need much cooking skill to be yummy, it is inherently yummy you just eat it. Ughhh the food I grew up on was tasteless, soulless crap and every time I have good Mexican, Thai, Indian or some other type of food I am deeply thankful I don’t live in a barren wasteland of uninspired shit food. The fact that people actively desire that blows my mind.
White american food is fucking trash, I mean Italian food is good but Italians weren’t even let into the white people club until very recently so that barely even counts. England should just have their cooking license revoked. Choose the type of boiled mush you want and either add salt or pepper but not both because that would be too spicey! Don’t even get me started on the inability of white American cuisine to comprehend the concept of a meal without meat.
Yeah… English desserts can be pretty nice though. I grew up much the same and the only cherished family recipes we have are desserts: Trifle, bannoffee pie, persimmon pudding, cherries jubilee, custard pie with lemon curd, summer berry fool, toffee cake, hard sauce. Yorkshire pudding made with beef drippings is a delightful savory dish.