Well its day 0 now since you technically used them in this meme even if it was only the words
So you’re saying the real reason we learn about trigonometry is so we can talk about how pointless and shit it was to learn
So when I type the word “sink” I’ve used the sin() function?
Yeah you are. You can’t use electricity without it.
This is a DC only household
Shut up Thomas, Nikola won!
Nah, I hired an electrician to handle all that for me. Now if I want electricity all I have to do is stick a plug in a socket, or flip a switch. It’s way more convenient.
If the power into your house is off from 60Hz (or 50 depending on your region), an electrician isn’t going to do diddly.
Neither am I cause I don’t know what that means.
How could it be off frequecy at house level? Aren’t the generators at the powerplants being spun at 50 or 60 times a second?
Not exactly. There’s a ratio of RPMs of the drive motor to the specific input of the alternator that generates the correct frequency. It depends on the way the alternator is designed (ie number of poles) that will yield the correct frequency, almost like a gear ratio, that is optimized for efficiency, and power plants have to constantly make slight adjustments to the drive motor speed the keep the frequency exact (usually done automatically within the drive control system).
I’ve never seen frequency be an issue in a residential system, but in theory it could happen.
I don’t know how it’s in 60Hz regions, but here the generators are in 3 phases, 120 degrees apart. The voltage gets transformed to up to 400kV, still in 3 phases, and then down to 400V when it’s distributed to peoples’ homes. Then you can pull 400V 3-phase or 230V 1-phase from your wall.
It’s the same here, though we have varying degrees of transmission and distribution voltages via transformers and regulators. In my area, power comes into our valley from the 500kv lines through the open desert, into the valley at 33kv, and stepped down to 5kv for neighborhood distribution that the single phase 240/120v transformers tap off for the EOL.
More of what I was getting at was that generation is more or less the same across regions. Some external fuel source (whether it’s diesel, natural gas, nuclear, steam, etc) does its thing to drive a rotor that’s connected into an alternator which is essentially an electric motor but instead of the electric motor doing the driving, it’s being driven which generates power, and the RPMs of whatever given fueled drive mechanism are not necessarily 1:1 with the alternator speed.
The only function is sine, the rest are just remixes and ratios
Or cos if your weird
Or some say Kosm.
man I was talking about bloodborne today at work and I miss that game, might be time for a replay. Sucks that its 30fps tho
It’s true.
Cos(x) is just the derivative of sin(x)
You may have used them indirectly in the compression of your image
Fair enough, but did they use it? I always felt like focusing on statistics instead of random trig stuff for non stem people people would be more useful
Sticking with image compression, see Quite Okay Images. It treats each pixel as three numbers and expects mostly small changes. Recent pixels get hashed and can be referenced in a few bits. This is enough to compete with PNG filesizes, an order of magnitude faster, while handling each pixel exactly once.
Agreed, I use highschool level stats knowledge on a nearly daily basis, whereas the last time I did any trig was to follow along with a math video I was watching on YouTube. Trig/calc were mandatory, stats was not.
Alternatively, you could be this guy.
I aspire to be this man when I am that old.
Me, whose going to start studying EE: 😭
HAHAHAHA GOOD LUCK! I’m in my final year of my EE study and I cannot wait to escape this mental asylum
Electrical Engineers are the psychos for using j instead of i. Absolutely bonkers.
Yeah, I agree. They messed up the scheme we had going. It was a good thing, and electrical engineers had to come and be all different, confusing everyone else along the way.
From my point of view the mathematicians are evil. I can’t stand them using i in my math classes, messing my whole scheme up. Respect for my physics prof in my first semester for switching to use the correct letter j
That’s a bit much dude, mathematicians gave us complex numbers. You can’t hate too much on the ones who invented our jobs 🤣
There is hope for you after the asylum. My daughter has an EE degree. While in school, she would call me every October and tell me how terrible it was and that she wanted to drop out. I would talk her off the ledge, and she got through.
Now she’s working, making more money than I do in her early twenties, and she loves loves loves her job.
Keep going!
Luckily I have 6 years of Electronics manufacturing experience, so the math and theory are the things I’ll need to learn most of. Unfortunately, those things are the hardest part…
Don’t worry.
Trig is not hard ☺️
Compared to what you’re also gonna learn 🤣
Signed, An EE graduate from 2016, who now works in embedded fixed point signal processing 😵
I use it all the time. I’m an engineer though so it doesn’t really counteract what you’re saying.
Oh I am sinning like a motherfucker
When you’re in school you think calculus is the fucking shit, but in the real world you actually use trig way more often.
Me working on graphics and audio programming all day.
I see you have never built a chicken coop.
One day, while working on a website, I was wondering how to calculate a specific point in a graph. After googling, the answer was by using sine and cosine. Mind blew away, I had always thought I’d never use them.
Trigonometry is extremely useful when constructing things. Need to know the length of wood needed to go from corner to corner. That’s trig my friend.
Go on…
A^2 + B^2 = C^2 is known as the Pythagorean theorem. This theorem explains the proportionality of the 3 sides of a right triangle (a triangle with 1 corner angle = 90 degrees). If you know the length of 2 sides (in his example, the wall beams) you can find out the length of the third (in his example, this would be the supporting strut spanning the beams that meet at a 90 degree angle). If their example is explaining a beam that spans the room from 1 corner to the other, you still use this formula as a rectangle is 2 right triangles that meet along their hypotenuse (the longest leg of a right triangle, or the length you are solving for in this problem). The 2 known sides are the length/width of the room, and you solve for the 3rd side, your diagonal beam
Did Pythagoras even know about sin, cos and tan? I am reluctant to call A^2 +B^2 =C^2 trigonometry.
Hipparchus, the alleged founder of trigonometry, was alive 350 years after Pythagoras (500BC to 150BC).
Completely fair point, that I do not think I have the knowledge to speak on. On the Trigonometry Wikipedia page, he pops up a few times, and many trig identities are known as pythagorean identities. Perhaps its not fully trig, but was used as a basis to help discover trig? Without having the understanding pythagorus gave mathematicians regarding triangles, I would think it would be pretty hard to begin developing deeper math regarding said triangles
I use trig every few years when buying a tv. Tv specs always list diagonal but rarely horizontal and vertical which is needed for knowing how a TV will fit in a space.
I mean unless you’re able to do it in your head in less than a minute, bringing a tape measure would probably be faster and easier.