I’m expecting some child recreating superhero stunts and gerting hurt
I broke smth in my ring finger bc I punched walls as a kid hoping to break it the way they did in spy kids. We make brick houses here. Was reminded of this after I saw a similar post on lemmy somewhere.
I can’t remember what movie it was, but we took the ball out of an old school computer mouse, the kind that’s a solid steel ball covered in rubber. Then we all sat in a circle, and hucked it at each other’s nuts. Hurt like a mother, and we each did it at least ten times, iirc, but that may just be me remembering it more extreme than it was, because it was horrid. Lol. We played many, many times during sleep overs and such. I think my balls we bruised for most of my 13th year. Lol.
Nut Ball. From the jackass movie. Forgot which one
Well hopefully y’all took each other out of the gene pool
One of us has over a dozen kids, another has two, and I’ll probably never find out because gay
The last one isn’t surprising given how much you liked playing with balls
Real talk, that’s why I played. The idea of doing anything with another guy that involved that area was tantalizing. Lol.
I think I watched Superman or something rip his shirt open so I did it to my own PJs. I was only five so I could only rip them a little.
I went to school with my Superman pajamas underneath my regular clothes and specifically wore a button up shirt so that I could rip it open and be Superman. If it became necessary, y’know.
When I was 3, I put a towel on like a cape and jumped off of some furniture thinking that I could fly. I hit my mouth on the corner of our coffee table and had to get stitches. I got to eat ice cream for a week, though!
It was a chest freezer for me. I used my bike to climb up and jumped off. Mum thought I’d broke my nose.
I went over a bike ramp when I was about eight or nine years old, pretending that I was bo duke from Dukes of Hazzard. I lost the bike. Instead of my sitting on the bike. I was spread eagle over the bike, the tires were pointing to my right the handlebars were under me. Laws of physics took over. I dropped on that bike really hard. Slightly caved in my chest.
Saw a girl on TV cut a big chunk her hair off and give it to her stalker. I wanted to be tough like her, so I cut off a chunk of my hair. Ended up with the Johnny Depp style Willy Wonka haircut. I hated it. I was like 7.
Who did you give your hair to?
The dog because he was standing there.
That’s the best part lol.
Imitating Pauly Shore in Encino Man during freshman year of high school. I was already a conventionally unattractive overweight nerd, so the affectation was not so much the final nail, but one of many in my social coffin.
I got better tho
The picture in my head of you doing this is so hilarious.
On the plus side it’s given me new intrusive memories for when I’m trying to fall asleep tonight.
So I got that going for me, which is nice
Get this guy a fresh bowl, and pronto! He needs some good rest and even better dreams! I want him riding Falcor, you ents!
A 5mg edible an hour before bed has been pretty effective lol
Tack on some tryptophan and you’re floatin’ like a reindeer in no time! (Fuck melatonin supplements, that’s pedestrian and unreliable.)
My dude i am a lightweight, 5mg has got me out like a light
Fair. Safe passage, space monkey! 🤙🏼
No wheezing the juu-uice!
Not me personally, but back in high school (in the late 20th century lol) a group of kids I went to school with got inspired by Dead Presidents to rob a bunch of banks. They got caught.
I was in collage when Fight Club came out. Of course a bunch of guys decided to make an underground Fight Club. I never went to one bc I am a women and therefore exculded from Manly Punching Time but, boy, oh boy did I witness the fallout.
It didn’t take long for poeple to realize that maybe a computer major shouldn’t be fist fighting a ex marine who was here on the GI bill. Or maybe accounting majors shouldn’t be trying to punch the six foot tall guy who does construction to afford his textbooks. Poeple had black eyes, knocked out teeth, concussions and face swelling. Turns out it’s hard to hide an underground fight ring where you hit each other in the face.
Luckily the Fight club disbanded before admin got involved, and before anybody got really hurt.
I was 19 when that movie came out. I’m so glad I never knew about one or I would have definitely gone and probably ended up with some life long scar. Luckily at 19, I was only stupid enough to pierce my nipples, and not take care of them properly, so the only life long scar I got was permanently hard looking nipples (I’m male BTW, so no padded bras to help me hide them.)
So, Tyler Durden?
I ripped a leaf off a tree and tried to eat it because they made TREE STARS LOOK SO FUCKING GOOD
Nothing myself, but when I was a kid, I recall reading an article saying kids from Edmonton went into the sewers, trying to find the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Idiots. Everybody knows the TMNT live in the sewers of New-York city.
Nothing overly crazy but I remeber watching the Matrix in the theater for the first time and being sooo pumped up that my buddy and I went whopping and hollaring through the mostly abandoned mall food court (got out super late). Mall security ended up chasing us down in the parking lot because they thought we had stolen something or were vandals. We had to explain we were just high from a great movie lol.
Pretty sure movies are at least partially to blame for that first programming class :-)
Brave move saying that’s stupid on lemmy lmao
LOL I still remember the feeling of my brain sort of melting the day I realized that someone had to write all the error messages I had ever seen :-)
Yeah it’s wild how different software things are when you understand how they work
It really is! I can wrap my brain around some of it, as long as it’s basic enough that I can keep the main loop in my head. But I’m in awe of developers who write complex software packages by themselves. Or folks that write low level hardware libraries… literally anything involving a network stack.
So yeah, pretty much everything:-)
After a screening of The man who stare at goats, me and my friend were walking out of the theater silently, and as we approached a corner, we both had the same idea. Without a word, we both walked into the wall. It was pretty hilarious - for us.
Buried Skittles for no rainbow