Lowtax banning Hentai put the fascists into power in the US.
Lowtax banning Hentai put the fascists into power in the US.
Good ol’ SA. I’ve split between here and there to scratch my Internet randomness itch.
I moved out when I was 18 and mostly don’t talk to much of my biological family.
They’ll SLAM him over these policies by asking for funding so they can keep fighting and SLAMMING all of these guys. They’re the true resistance!*
*Results not guaranteed beyond asking for more donations
And it was an accident because Anakin and Obi Wan were just trying to show him the “turn off your lightsaber” technique
A zip file full of text files containing a ton of knowledge necessary to complete the journey, and a bunch of books. Maybe an emulator and a few nes games.
My interactions with them point to them not believing those things are real at all, or are not planets, etc.
Yeah that part is annoying. I have to make myself not read every single comment. I have a browser extension that helps organize that a bit.
The Something Awful Forums still exist, and I go there a lot more than I go here or Reddit these days.
RPG’s for free OUTSIDE every Walmart that have logic in them where they can only be pointed at Walmart
I switched to only private trackers 5 or 6 years ago and haven’t looked back.
When I worked at a computer store (basically the store from viva l dirt league) a lady came in and kept trying to order a jizz of RAM. We had a great time getting her to say it repeatedly.
Lol I used to work for a company that has been bought and renamed several times and now is under the WebMD umbrella. They were trying that “remote work is bad” be a decade ago, and it’s funny that now they are part of a larger company that still isn’t with the times.
I drive a 2018 Mercedes GLA, and that thing is a tank compared to other vehicles I’ve owned. Last year I was involved in an accident with a semi, a convertable SLK, and an older Toyota land cruiser (I think).
I was the first one hit, but was able to immediately regain control (because AWD) and only had about 5k worth of damage (wheel, front quarter panel, side view mirror, headlight, and a couple other dents).
The Toyota that hit me (to avoid the semi) lost control, hit the semi anyway, then barely the SLK, (which lost control and hit the divider), then spun around and almost hit the divider too.
Those other two cars were totaled.
Granted the SLK was also Mercedes, but convertable and not AWD. Potential skill difference from the Toyota side since it was a younger driver.
Either way, all my previous cars would have likely been totaled. Drove a 2007 Ford focus with crank windows up until I got this car a couple years ago and it would for sure have gone flying.
Maybe the main takeaway is spring for AWD before the other bells and whistles.
Safety equipment, especially SCUBA. Also clothes, shoes, your bed, and your computer chair.
If you drive a lot, a “low-end” luxury model that isn’t fully equipped will likely drive better, be more comfortable, and every feature it does have will be at least a little bit nicer than the equivalent in the “normal” brand.
You might even get a lower sale price on a used luxury car vs buying a new Toyota or something these days.
Maintenance will definitely cost more, but the experience of having that work done is a whole lot better than how it used to be on all the shitty cars I’ve had.
Not everyone will agree with this one, but I pay more for better seats on planes too, and tend to fly only with Delta for status. That’s because I have extra blood clot risk and need the wiggle room, and because I have beef with most of the other companies due to many years of experience.
My travel curse has largely been managed after getting all the stuff that gets you through the lines faster, including global entry.
Recently we were about to miss our transfer and there was a dude waiting at the gate when we deplaned who loaded us into a Porsche and drove us around the runway directly to our next gate. That was probably random, but there’s a 0% chance Southwest or Spirit would do that.
Also treat yourself to some fine dining if you are able, even if it’s just once every year or two.
Maybe get someone to deep clean your place (even once a year) .
Note that I am in no way a baller when I say these things. I always thought you had to be rich to get anything cool like that, but it’s not attainable than you think, assuming you’re not in a paycheck -to-paycheck situation (which many are and I certainly was for like all of my 20’s and a good chunk of my 30’s).
The part where the workers own the means of production.
No wheezing the juu-uice!
They selected him and others and purposely moved them to dangerous areas so they could get a RoboCop. So it’s worse than the meme suggests.