he said. “We’ll be gone, and it’ll be gone because of an advertiser boycott.”… eeer, no.
“I fucking hate you and wish you’d get hit by a bus”
Five minutes later: “Please don’t leave babe… I love you…”
Dude is not well.
Yeah I just watched the clip and he seems legitimately unhinged. “Earth will judge them.”
I mean what the heck, honestly.
Billionaires are money addicts
True but normally they at least rationally act to pursue their goals.
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Their goal of getting more money might not be rational, I just meant they act with a kind of logic that’s in accordance with that goal. Burning down the planet is the perfect example, they don’t care if it doesn’t impact them, but they can earn more money and have that as a side effect.
Musk is saying shit like “the Earth will judge them” when someone asks him how he’s going to make sure his business earns money. This is another level of deranged and disconnected from reality in my view at least.
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Fair enough, maybe they are all just crazy after all
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A source for billionaires pursuing their goals rationally? I don’t think there’s been a study on that but I’m sure it’d be an interesting one. My point is mainly that Elon seems comparatively unhinged, I’m not trying to establish any kind of objective truth or anything.
“Tell that to earth!” Spæce Kæren
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I’ve been saying this for a while now. If he were an average person, a loved one or friend would have probably tried to get him help, if not voluntarily, then as an intervention. He’s a billionaire, and has clearly been unwell for a while, but the world just keeps egging him on to do more crazy shit.
It reminds me a little of the South Park pop star thing, where the world needs a “sacrifice” in terms of fame. We’ve now moved past pop, and now we’re letting influencers (which, let’s be frank, that’s basically Musk’s contribution to any of his businesses) dance for our enjoyment.
but muh 20-d chess
What a fucking clown. Shareholders should be holding him personally liable for tanking the company.
The whole conversation sounds like he is pissed and already accepted that this was a waste of money.
I’m wondering if someone else is also unofficially paying?
Wise notion. I’ve always understood that only new money is loud. Old money is silent.
BTW, cool user identity!
keep it going musk, I want to see that company burned to the ground 🔥
Well, as dumb as this was (and it was very, very dumb), I found myself distracted by just how… weird he looked. Not just his face, which reminded me of Lady Cassandra from Dr Who (“Moisturize me, moisturize me!”), but his weird, jerky movements, and just his general vibe. He’s like the personification of the uncanny valley. Eggar-from-MiB “get me sugar water” lookin’ ass. If someone were to come out with a tell-all saying that Musk had been secretly replaced by aliens, I wouldn’t even be terribly surprised at this point.
It’s always fun to play is he weirdly out of touch because he’s a billionaire or is he weirdly out of touch because he’s autistic. I think this might be a bit of both.
Hand gestures don’t come naturally to everybody. Some people learn them just to fit in and some try and evoke the same emotions from them without understanding the emotions or the motions completely because they’re just not physically capable of connecting those brain synapses. Add to that the fact Elon doesn’t hang out with normal people. He only hangs out with engineers and sycophants. So he doesn’t get to naturally see people in their everyday environment. He only sees people acting in videos and then he tries to imitate that and the sycophants and engineers around him applaud him. The dumb shit he says gets retweets so he thinks everyone agrees. Then he goes out into the real world and continues parroting this end stage meming with gestures he learned from Hitler speaches, not realizing the jerky movement was due to low frame rate and high meth rate, and is stun locked when everybody else is trying to figure out what the fuck is happening. And what the fuck is happening is that we are witnessing a man who is so far up his own ass that even basic hand gestures are oddly shitty.
He claims to be autistic. As far as I know, there has never been a formal diagnosis. But he sure does like to use it to excuse the things he says and does.
I think it might be tourette’s, my son has the same jerkey movements but without the verbal symptoms.
I think it’s the ketamine
“it could kill my company”
That’s the point
Did someone actually watch the interview? He just looks like an overgrown kid trying to make others in the classroom laugh… That would have been funny if it was not pathetic…
Holy smokes! I just watched it, he doesn’t hardly even look at the interviewer, he’s constantly looking at the audience and trying to get a reaction. I take it back what I said earlier, I was far more mature then him when I was in 8th grade. The interviewer is having a hard time with someone so cocky and stupid.
I could only manage to skip through a bit… any idea roughly when he says the fuck yourself line?
Here around the beginning I think
This is the free market at work, not black mail like he claims.
Yeah, they seem to have problem understanding that businesses want to make money, and you make the most of it, if you preferably don’t exclude any. They don’t give damn about anything else.
Ahh, the negotiator
I always feel like there’s this low-key conspiracy to deed out every proper noun a cinematic treatment
It’s the -or at the end. Makes everything sound cool. Almost as cool as the letter X.
The sexiest logical operator.
Its definitely—ahem—alternative
Biznis jenius
You needs to gets urself to school and get some learnings and spellingzl
So he’s not even trying to control the damage anymore, huh? Just decided he might as well finish flushing the last 20 billion?
Good fucking riddance.
I hope the boards of Tesla and SpaceX are paying attention. Once Xitter goes down in flames, he’ll be looking for the next project to micromanage into bankruptcy.
Why wouldn’t he have done that first?
Twitters downfall is intentional, if he wanted to micromanage Tesla and SpaceX he would have. This is all a symptom of the fact that he didn’t want to buy Twitter in the first place, he was using it as a coverup for selling stock in Tesla.
Both companies had teams of handlers that followed him around and kept him from messing with important work. Now that he’s addicted to 24/7 media attention, I doubt the handlers will be able to contain him.
I don’t understand why Tesla won’t remove him. He isn’t even the majority stock holder. I highly doubt he adds any value for the company at this point so the only thing I can think of is that there must be some weird clause in their agreements.
I’ve owned a Tesla since 2017 and at this point, I’ve only replaced tires and spent less than $1000 on electricity to go a bit over 50k miles, but I’m ashamed to be driving it every day and it sucks.
Sounds like a win for Tesla and SpaceX employees.
You mean he kissed Netanyahu’s ass for nothing?
Not for nothing. His Nazi fans loved it. And all he seems to care about now is what they think.
Why is he calling the act of people not using his shitty product a boycot?
Persecution fetish. It’s a prerequisite for all MAGA trash
Plus it’s buzzwords to rile up and gain favor with the authoritarian chuds who speak on the court of public opinion
Elon made deals w/ hedge funds to funnel him money as they shorted the stock (not to mention 100x leverage derivatives against Twitter).
Since canceling his PR team, Elon’s entire MO has been to run it into the ground in a manner that seems plausible to the SEC so he doesn’t get out-right sued.
He just isn’t this stupid, whether you want him to be or not.
“Fuck you” to his advertisers seems like a fairly on-brand way to telegraph his true intentions.
He’s the primary owner of the private shares. The shares are not publicly traded. None of what you said makes any sense.
TSLA is his Twitter collateral. Really surprised nobody else sees what I see lol…
There are no twitter stocks, you can’t buy or sell them, and therefore can’t short them, since you need to borrow them to do just that. This could work if Elon had some percent of the company, so other people’s money would enter the equation, but right now it is not possible.
TSLA is his Twitter collateral. Really surprised nobody else sees what I see lol…
Making deals with hedge funds to ruin a brand they have shorted seems illegal.
Is there any legislation that prohibits this in the United States?
Every insider trading law in existentiality.
Those only apply to poor people
These laws are definitely optional for the 1% lol
Do you have evidence of him committing insider trading?
Well he’s spent the last decade committing market manipulation, not that far of a jump.
So “no, there is none.” Would have sufficed.
Always a great sign if posts asking for evidence are getting downvoted.
Because its kind of pointless to the point t of sealioning.
Like take for example when the leader of Wagner group died in a plane crash and it was pretty obvious putin had him killed. Would asking a random lemmy user to provide proof of that claim add anything to thr discussion?
In this case and the Wagner example, if the point isn’t obvious it’s reasonable to ask for some kind of proof to get a better understanding of the point. But I do agree that there’s no reason to ask for proof in this case, because the conspiracy theory is already so nonsensical that any proof would just compound the nonsense.
People simply need to stop putting him on a pedestal and accept that he isn’t some genius businessman whose inner machinations are an enigma. He made a stupid deal and bought a company he doesn’t know how to run so he’s running it into the ground, that’s it. No grand conspiracy required. You need a grand conspiracy only if you can’t accept that Musk is just an ordinary man whose biggest contribution to his success is having wealthy parents.
Lol, I’m no fan of Elon either.
The question doesn’t make sense in context because that’s not what my comment was implying. It’s down-voted for being silly, not pedantic.
You clearly imply insider trading going on. The fact that it might not be (I’m not sure if the law) musk being guilty of insider trading, but just commiting fraud so others could do so, is being pedantic and silly.
TSLA is his Twitter collateral. Really surprised nobody else sees what I see lol…
Yeah I find I hard to believe that this man that has constantly done illegal shit to maniuplate the stock market would go as far as to illegally manipulate the stock market.
He only bought Twitter because he was forced to or admit he was trying to manipulate the stock again.
He bought a much higher stake, used Twitter to telegraph a higher price than it was worth. Then he didn’t use his own money when he was finally forced to purchase Twitter at the higher price he tweeted. The money he used to purchase Twitter came from countries who have stated they didn’t want Twitter to be around because it hurt their public perception when they were caught doing shady things.
His Twitter gift started the same way the SEC sued him for market manipulation for his Tesla manipulation years before. Publishing his $420 price point then selling stock when the price goes beyond his tweeted price point.
He was never savy enough to use shorting like the Hedge funds do, but his reach among the idiot masses to cause jumps in price to artificially male a bigger profit.
He’s not the one trading the stock(s) in the above scenario.