Did she injure herself stabbing other Democrats in the back?
Did she injure herself stabbing other Democrats in the back?
Replace HR person with the laptop on the desk and you’re probably closer to the truth.
They should be exactly as uncertain of their survival as the people that they’re deciding claims on.
So in that same period of time, 810 people died from being hit by lightning. Maybe we need to mandate people walk around with grounding straps on their clothing and all doors automatically lock people in if it’s raining.
If you feel like pearl clutching some more, maybe worry about how many gun owners don’t have gun safes. I guarantee, that’s responsible for far more deaths than idiots that can’t safe a firearm.
What a non-story. Idiots do idiot things like not rack a slide and safe a weapon, then point it at someone and pull the trigger. Holy fuck.
Then we give them driver’s licenses.
I wanted cheap and OpenWRT, so I got some GLinet Shadows. It has it’s own GUI, but if you go into Advanced Settings, you get the usual OpenWRT Luci interface.
You can set them up as APs or repeaters, and have failover connections. Pretty versatile and easy to use.
Are you using docker-compose and local bind mounts? I’d not, you’re making backing up uch harder than it needs to be. Its certainly easier than backing up LXCs and a whole lot easier to restore.
I was $70 for 2 more years covering every show and movie that exists.
I still drive a 98 Grand Cherokee. I’ve learned how to fix anything in it, up to and including a transmission rebuild and body work.
If you’re determined enough, you can make that run forever. Its especially easy as it’s not a Jeep.
So here’s my thoughts as a farmer with 300 head of beef cows:
Old style hip roof barns were like that because before balers, hay had to be put up under cover, and it was put up loose, not baled. You needed these massive lofts to put up any sort of useful amount of winter feed, even if at that time, a large herd was 30 beef and a couple dairy cows. Many of those lofts were used for dances as well if they weren’t filled with hay. As bales became common, you didn’t need to put as many away in these lofts, and if you did fill them with bales, you’d collapse the loft because they were built for loose hay, not bales.
So bales started be stored outside, either exposed to weather or under a roof cover or tarps. Then round bales came about and they don’t really need any sort of cover because they shed water fine because of how they’re wrapped.
Modern barns might be 12-14’ inside, but that’s because they only get used for a couple months of bad weather calving and most cows in areas that are just cold but not rainy make out just fine outside, and would be too hot inside, not to mention spreading diseases. So these barns will often get used for equipment storage and to make them easier to start in winter. The attic will be unused. The extra volume is nice for evening out humidity, but you can also run fans if need be. Many cattle barns are only big enough to run whatever equipment you need to feed and clean it out.
So which Three Letter Agency is behind this lawsuit? All of them?
anyone that has the compliant equipment to take advantage of it.
So which legislator’s brother-in-law would that be?
Franken could have come back but I think he resigned and has stayed gone because fuck that shit. If people want to be shitty and bay for blood like animals over stupid shit, then fuck all y’all. Can’t say I blame him. Plus nobody had the balls to stand with him while it was happening.
Yah, its been a while since I set that up apparently.
For anyone that hasn’t read it: https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/national/unabom-manifesto-1.html
Oh, are we doing Middle East war crimes now?
I have some suggestions.
You forgot that inside temperature is in Fahrenheit, outside is in Celcius.
So much for my post-election prayers…
Like Joe is still in there.