This “not a democracy, a republic” crap is becoming more and more popular on the right. They’re not even trying to hide the authoritarianism and fascism any more. They’re now openly saying they don’t support democracy.
It’s literally “democracy = Democrats” and “a republic = republican” to them, simple as.
The Democrats should rename themselves the “Freedom Liberty” party just to fuck with em. Take back some of their words.
We already have the Libertarian party, which is the actual Freedom Liberty party.
Libertarians are more interested in simping for our corporate overlords and removing the age of consent.
Nope that’s just the common Redditor’s prejudice against the party based on what they read on Reddit.
I encourage you to read the actual party platform, which has none of what you described in it.
Libertarians are just republicans who do drugs and are too embarrassed to call themselves republicans.
Nah nah bud that’s the dumb toddler daydream party.
A republic is a type of democracy. This guy is an idiot. 
No, republic just means that the role of head of state isn’t hereditary. Lots of dictatorships are republics, some democracies are as well. The actual political system of the USA is representative democracy (in theory at least).
The fact that these terms are so muddled in the minds of the average American is completely deliberate, because it makes it so much easier for them to subvert US democracy when people have been told that the US is not one.
There are a couple definitions. One I’ve heard most is a republic has a citizen as head of state, which disqualifies both monarchies and military dictatorships. Another is that the head of state is elected or nominated, which disqualifies non-representative systems entirely.
republic /rɪˈpʌblɪk/ noun a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.
from one of those Oxford ones
Not necessarily, North Korea is technically a republic.
It’s not just a Republic its a people’s Republic.
So you know like way better. That’s why they don’t need elections it already says it belongs to the people
They literally hold elections following a concensus process.
Well cited effortpost on hexbear about the dprk:
Sorry you prefer to choose between bad and worse every election over reaching concensus in a constituent meeting and then voting to confirm the candidate in an election, but that doesn’t make the dprk’s system less democratic
That’s a hell of a rant for an obvious joke comment
Fucking tankie scum
Racist “believe anything the US says about a state enemy they’ve previously committed genocide on” bootlicker
Two words: Tienanmen square. If you have anything that resembles a defense of that you’re a POS. And you do.
The hand job place near me is also technically a foot job place.
Some grade 9 ass shit. A republic IS a democratic structure of government. It’s representative democracy.
I think what they’re getting at is that majority does not neccesarily rule in the US. You can have an election where a majority of voters go one way but the electoral college (your representation) goes another.
Idk why they want to harp on that right now but whatever.
Yeah, they really should pop open one of those dictionaries – if they know what those are – and look at the definition of republic.
This is terrifying.
This is seditious.
This is the scariest part about it
Remember when people were saying that Ron DeSantis was “very intelligent”?
Under his eye.
If the American electorate was slightly less stupid, I’d be ecstatic, because he made himself effectively kryptonite to reasonable, intelligent people with that statement.
Unfortunately, the American electorate is, on average, that stupid.
What’s worse is that the average is weighted further toward stupid by gerrymandering. They’re right that the game is rigged, it’s just not rigged against them.
Every accusation is an admission.
On average? 35% of people believing lies makes us all “on average” as stupid as they are? By your own logic, you just be American
They treat the Constitution like they do their bible.
They don’t read it.
If they do read it, they just read the bits they agree with.
If they read the parts that don’t fit their desired narrative, they engage in mental gymnastics to reinterpret what was written to fit their desires.
Jefferson’s reply did not address their concerns about problems with state establishment of religion — only of establishment on the national level. The letter contains the phrase “wall of separation between church and state,” which led to the short-hand for the Establishment Clause that we use today: “Separation of church and state.”
Which led to the Establishment Clause…
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…
And also The point of Article 6 wherein no religious test is to be given to hold office.
From article VI (3rd paragraph)
"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executige and judicial officers, both of the united states and of the several states, shall be bound by oath of affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."
They’re lawyers, they are idiots and they twist every word to suit their agenda - that’s what lawyers do.
Over under on this guy being a pedophile?
He’s either a pedo or dogfucker, there was some statement from him about how homosexuality was bad because it makes people want to have sex with their dog.
So we have another Santorum do we? Anything need naming?
Santorum? You’re telling me a person had the same name that we use to refer to that mixture of cum and lube running out of someone’s asshole?
Yes and what’s even funnier is that this wasn’t even common knowledge at first, there was a new story about how someone tried making a Rick Santorum character in an animal crossing game that had come out around the time, I think it was the one on 3DS.
And the game flagged Santorum as being a lewd word or slur for its online cuss word prevention. Which led to people looking it up, and figuring out what that word meant.
Has the word gone further than the man himself? Or do you joke?
Here’s the deets:"santorum"
Which I recall vividly. Dude deserved it wholeheartedly
Definitely fucks dogs, he might even blow goats.
Why not both?
Because I didn’t want to create a space in my mind to consider a pedophile dog fucker.
I’m thinking pedo.
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It’s in the First Amendment. It’s more important than the Second Amendment. This guy is dangerous.
Yeah. I think what these people mean usually is that the phrase “separation of church and state” isn’t in the Constitution, which is true. They heard that somewhere and repeat it. Maybe that West Wing episode where Charlie does a bit about it.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Seems pretty clear to me.
Well the good news is that just because this fuckbrain said it doesn’t make it true.
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This is literally frightening to read that any American politician would think this. I don’t see how any moderate R could support this train of thought.
Moderate R are an endangered and disappearing species. And even if you find one, you’d be safe to assume they’re “moderate” rather than moderate.
Fucking excellent. I’m so sick of this ride. Life could be soooo good. Yet this shit exists
Yo. Shit for brains. Here’s the deal.
Get your god on the ballot. We’ll vote for it. If it wins then maybe we’ll give a listen to what it’s got to say.
Otherwise keep that fucker OUT of our government.
Isn’t that effectively what he’s doing? A vote for him is a vote for his opinions, including that of God.
No, that is not what he’s doing. He’s pretending to be the will of some magical sky fairy, and he is anything but that. He claims to “hear” this imaginary person “telling him what to do”. That is not the same thing as a god - that is a charlatan using the snake oil of an imaginary sky fairy to con the poorly educated.
What I want is god, I don’t care which one (they’re all imaginary) put on the ballot and voted for. This would be decisive two ways… First, how does one get on a ballot? (they have to prove they are a real live human being, among other tests). And the second doesn’t matter, because an imaginary thing can’t be on a ballot.
Separation of church and state is both the first amendment and a clause in article six of the constitution:
First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
article six
no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
Thomas Jefferson’s use of the words “separation of church and state” was to explain the purpose of the first amendment specifically but the actual legal text of the constitution is worded broadly enough to cover not only separation of church and state but separation of mosque/synagogue/ect and state rather than singling out Christianity.
I mean, in essence, he’s not wrong.
Nearly every federal legislator is Christian and votes that way. Some states still (symbolically, since they’re unenforceable) ban atheists from holding public office too, not that you’d even have a chance of winning public office being openly atheist.
In what way do legislators “vote Christian”? Most of them have never read a bible, and even if they did, the bible is wildly contradictory with itself and is full of cruelty.
I mean that used to be true, but I imagine today, when popular culture seems pretty much against the idea of religion
That’s inconsequential when the people are largely powerless.
I see this nutjob has no idea what he’s talking about and cannot fulfill the duties of his oath of office, so he should simply be removed from office, right? Right guys?
You got the form letter going yet?
Hopefully this guy won’t last past this election cycle.
His job isn’t to last, it’s tonflog whatever the Russians are paying him to do. Which will almost certainly be to jam up the government so it can’t function, and to kill any Ukraine spending bills. If he can cause a civil war or constitutional crisis all the better.
and to kill any Ukraine spending bills.
I love how so many are pretending that our biggest problem is not throwing another 100 billion we don’t actually have at another country’s war.