It should be renamed the Gulf of How Does This Lower the Cost of Groceries Again?
Gulf of Egg Prices
Gulf of fluffing people with empty promises
“empty promises” is of course more precisely worded as “outright lies”.
Gulf of Lies DOES have a nice RPG ring to it 😁
I should write this one down for my RPG that will never get made
no joking allowed, I gotta complain here too
Relax, doomer. Or don’t and visit one of the thousand threads where serious discussion is happening instead.
Their comment was a joke, in case you missed it.
oil companies regularly blowing their load all over the Gulf
I was thinking that with all the “no one will notice, we don’t have to report that” oil well blowouts, we should include Key West and make it the Gulf of M.U.C.K.
Kcum but the K is silent
An alternative suggestion - do what they did with UTC. It’s an acronym of both “coordinated universal time” and “temps universel coordonné”, which doesn’t work in either English or French so everyone is equally unhappy
I’ve seen the meme about using the average of Fahrenheit and Celsius to make everyone unhappy, but I didn’t know they actually did it with UTC.
relevant xkcd: Felsius
My favourite thing about XKCD is how every now and then someone links one but other than that I keep forgetting to check it, so any time I return there’s several new ones!
Gulf of Canada
More like Gulf of M.U.C. from all the oil spills
I support this resolution. All in favor say cum.
The Gulp
If I was president and retarded like our president I would totally cue this in! People all over would visit more. Good for tourism.
I wish our president was just stupid and not incompetent and evil.
Stupid presidents would just do things like fund insane plans for moon colonies or undersea military bases because it’s cool.
Instead we have an incompetent old man who has been given a list of easy to follow steps for dismantling American democracy.
The stickiest gulf in the world.
That risks turning the Mississippi into a slippery slope.
That does explain the temperature and saltiness.
I’m just going to start pronouncing it “The Gulf of MEH-he-co”, really laying on a heavy Spanish accent for clarity.
Just go full on Golfo de México.
It’s better to cum in gulf that to golf in cum …
(maybe, idk)Better to Cum in the Gulf than to Gulp the Cum
See everyone? Compromise.
I’d be okay with this. Now everyone is included.
I also suggest, that in celebration of renaming it to the Cum Gulf, a party should be thrown, were people are drinking the newly legalized raw milk from three fancy goblets, named the Cum Goblets, and each country would have its own to keep.
I feel like the squirt emoji would overlay and fit nicely into that sexy little gulf