The Israeli rescue service Zaka says its paramedics removed more than 260 bodies from a music festival that came under attack by Hamas militants.
The total figure of bodies found is expected to be higher, as other paramedic teams were also working in the area and Zaka added that the bodies “haven’t all been collected yet”.
Early on Saturday morning, Hamas targeted Nova music festival, a techno rave in the desert near the border with Gaza.
Videos shared on social media and by Israeli news outlets showed dozens of festival-goers running through an open field as gunshots rang out. Many hid in nearby fruit orchards or were gunned down as they fled.
Wholesale slaughter of innocents? What a way to show Palestinians are the ones we should support.
Hamas isn’t Palestine.
Palestine could sure help get rid of them if they wanted to.
And what government body do you propose is “Palestine”. This is why Israel is an apartheid state.
Remind me how many Palestinians support Hamas and its ideology. You cannot make this comparison. Nothing Israel ever did comes near these levels of brutality.
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The people slaughtered at the music festival were foreign nationals. They had nothing to do with this conflict.
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I’ve come to realize that a lot of statements we have about violence causing violence and cause and effect and such are observational, objective statements.
For instance, you saying Israel shoulders responsibility for cause and effect is a geopolitical analysis on why this attack occurred. It isn’t a judgment that says the attack is Israel’s fault – the blame lies squarely with the actual terrorists. Talking about the event itself is different from talking about the event geopolitically.
I know you probably already know this, but I’m still coming to grips with this duality.
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Thanks, likewise.
It’s always those pesky Palestinians doing the slaughtering! For 75 years!
That’s how they’ve been taking more and more land from Israel and they even build a gigantic illegal wall to box those poor Israelis in and stop them being able to leave freely! And with their military backing and funding from giant powerhouses in the west, those poor Israelis don’t stand a chance, it’s about time they fought back and stood up for themselves! They should defend their homes just like Ukraine!
This is a chart that shows one thing only: Israel has the stronger military.
It doesn’t say a thing about who attempted to kill more civilians, and who took steps to avoid civilian deaths. It doesn’t say anything about who has made concessions for peace, and who has walked away from peace deals for almost a century.
If you think this chart shows that Israel is the bad guy, you would absolutely shit yourself if you saw a similar chart comparing the US and Nazi Germany.
If someone breaks into your house and says “give me this house and all your stuff or I’ll kill you and your family” and you refuse, so they kill you and take your house, are you in the wrong for not accepting their peace deal?
That’s a terrible analogy because it doesn’t fit the fact that for all kinds of reasons.
But for the sake of argument, let’s accept part of your basic premise.
Let’s assume that decades ago someone took over half of your grandma’s house (in which your large family lives). You’re super pissed that you have been relegated to half of what you still think of as your house.
The people in “your” house with you are much, much, much, much tougher than you, and you will never, ever, ever get them out by force.
The people in your house with you have tried time and again to come to a peaceful living situation with you, but you hate them so much that you have refused literally every single offer to live in harmony.
You constantly throw rocks at their children. Every once in a while you kill one of their children.
You do this while hiding behind your own children, so that if they fight back and shoot you, there’s a very good chance they’ll hit your children.
This is fine with you because you value the news story this will create more than you value the life of your own child.
The people in “your” house have the deed to the house, and have the might to do whatever they want with the house, and ask the neighbors recognize it is their house, even if they sometimes grumble about it.
The people in “your” house build a fence through the middle of the house to prevent you from killing their children, which you are still trying to do every single day.
The people in your house make sure you get food and water, but they are so sick of your violent behavior that they are choking you off from luxuries or prosperity of any kind.
You know your children could have a better life if you just accepted that you’ll never get the whole house back. Heck, if you asked nicely, you could probably still get a deed to the part of the house your live in. You could pass that on to your kids. They could rebuild. They could thrive by working with the people in “your” house.
But you hate the people in your house more than you love your own kids. So you keep this futile, hopeless, fighting going. And every day you wake up trying to kill their children.
Good analogy, but it conflates Palestinians and Hamas. The latter is like a security guard that’s shown up and claims to help you, but is only concerned with hurting the other family and hides behind your kids, putting them at risk.
It’s also noteworthy that the “someone” at the beginning isn’t actually Israel even! You lived in the house, but it technically owned by Britain. The British told you to make room for a new family to live there, and the British arbitrarily decided what things were yours and what was theirs. The other family were originally refugees, and the rest of their family has been slaughtered.
The root of all of this was Britain arbitrarily drawing lines and ignoring where people were living. The exact same thing happened with India and its partition. The British listened to a Muslim nationalist and the whole country burned because of the arbitrary lines they drew. Gandhi’s intercession helped part of the country return to peace and stop the violence – and he was ultimately killed by a Hindu nationalist.
I’ve made a huge digression, but my point is everyone keeps fucking the Palestinians, including Hamas.
That was a nice fantasy.
Meanwhile, the facts.
You think that’s bad?! You should see the chart of the evil United States low casualties versus the poor innocent Nazi casualties during WWII.
Everyone knows that body count tells the whole story!
Once again, was it the us invading a country and stealing it’s land? Or were they defending against someone trying to do that?
I can post random images of “facts”, too:
See, look at my post! I posted an image! Look at meeeeeeeee!!!
It’s reality you numbnuts
Yes, all revolutions in the history of the world are famous for rising against evil teenagers who were oppressing them.
Let’s hope Russia doesn’t start holding music festivals in Bakhmut
Keep those downvotes coming, Zionists. No matter how much you sweaty virtue signalers try to ‘own’ people on the internet, it doesn’t change the fact that Israel caged an animal, tortured it, and are now trying to put it down because it bit back.
You and I both know that equating the entire population of Palestine to an Iraq/Qatar-funded extremist group is entirely wrong, but whatever justifies the wholesale slaughter of thousands over the years I guess. Stop pretending to care about Israeli citizens so you can feel good about watching Palestinians die.
“I used to have support for the Native Americans, but then a tribe massacred an outpost on the land that was slowly being carved from them by colonizers. Now I’ve lost all goodwill for their struggle”
The indigenous, oppressed peoples proceed to get wiped out and the colonizing states take over the entire land mass
This type of violence does not need to celebrated. It should be mourned as tragic. Its perpetrators condemned.
But so many are applying fairness or rules to a conflict that has neither.
If you create the conditions for war and terrorism, do not be surprised when war and terrorism come.
You can still condemn the terrorists – 99% of the people in those conditions have chosen not to go on a murderous rampage of civilians.
I agree though, by and large. Hamas is the problem here, not Palestinians, and Hamas should be condemned by everybody. Its hard to say that they’re trying to help Palestinians when they do attacks like this, knowing full well they are associated with Palestine. The attack has certainly changed my perspective about them operating out of civilian buildings. They’re using Palestinians as living hostages.
It would be in everybody’s best interest for a global coalition to root them out and Israel to get a non apartheid government. But we all know none of that is going to happen.
The problem as others stated above, is that Palestinian and Hamas are often interchangeable. Just like Russian and anti-LGBTQ.
When the majority of your people support the regime, you can’t reasonably claim your well meaning minority is actually how it is. It’s not.
America had its same epiphany when they realized the vast majority of Republicans aren’t just some fooled centrist hanging with the wrong people. They’re fascist shit stains too, they’re just quiet or polite about it lol.
I don’t think it’s fair to go by older polls. This attack may have significantly shifted opinions.
If you create the conditions for war and terrorism, do not be surprised when war and terrorism come.d
What do you think raping and massacring people at a music festival is going to do?
That clearly isn’t “fighting back”. It’s not war, its not even terrorism. They aren’t achieving any sort of win, or working towards independence.
This is honestly a disgusting comment.
What do you think raping and massacring people at a music festival is going to do?
Nothing, just cause more suffering. But this isn’t a bad guy vs good guy argument. The point that’s being made is that extremism tends to be a product of its environment.
Please note that this is not an anti-Israel line of arguing.
Conditions in Gaza are terrible and many people have lost loved ones during their lives there. It creates an environment where extremism can flourish. It’s not a certainty, but the probability is just much higher in environments that are severely deprived.
The actions of Hamas are inexcusable, and Israel will surely want to bring them to justice. But after that it’s time to acknowledge that if conditions in Gaza are kept as poor as they are, the chances of this type of violence happening again are almost guaranteed. It’s also in the interest of Israel to allow and facilitate improved conditions in Gaza.
Ok, but there is literally a post on the front page of .ml saying you are not allowed to even use the word “condemn”
When do you start the timeline though? The Palestine / Israel conflict has been going for 100 years right? Are you comfy saying Israel is the original aggressor?
Full disclosure: I dislike all fundamentalist religious societies. I don’t believe in holy land, and I think people on both sides are reaping what they’ve sown by insisting they are gods chosen people. So I’m not defending Israel, but I’m not defending Palestine (and especially Hamas) either.
Obviously Israel is the original aggressor
Then please point to the original aggression
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Sorry its just so rare to find someone who completely understands every aspect of a 100 year war and has all the answers.
So nothing that happened pre-Nakba matters, Amin al-Husseini and the attacks in the 1920’s don’t count because reasons?
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Lol all my comments make it clear I hate zionists. Fuck zionists.
So you admit there’s no single starting point for the conflict if pre-nakba events are taken into account, you just like to make an incredibly complex issue black and white to make yourself feel smart then? Its fine for Palestinian nationalists to take actions to expel jews from the region that became Israel, but because Israel formed a state to defend itself, they are in the wrong?
If neither side were fundamentalist shit heads trying to destroy their neighbors way of life, they wouldn’t have these problems. When Arabs were the majority with the power the killed and drove the jews out in the name of nationalism, now the Israelis do the same
And both groups disgust me, and would hurt and destroy my way of life if they had the power to do so. If pslestinian Arabs wanted to use the dhemmi system when they had power, what right do they have to insist equal treatment now? Bunch of hypocrites
The world would be better off if Jerusalem were wiped off the planet. Then no one gets it. Problem solved.
That’s a lot of words for refusing to just agree that murdering and raping civilians at a concert is indeed bad, even when the oh so oppressed Hamas raider thugs do it.
They aren’t the oppressed indigenous folks, they’re the corrupt rez bosses that suction off all the jobs and projects to benefit their clique, brutally disappear anyone who speaks out against them or even just says something they decide they don’t like, and then claim any outside judgement is targeted harassment.
No, a terrorist pillaging, mass raping and murdering of civlians is not “if you create the conditions for war and terrorism…” despite the whinging of Hamasaboos insisting otherwise these monsters actively chose to murder civlians, actively chose to rape civilians, and kept actively choosing to do it when at no point was there any juncture where choosing to do so could be in any way construed as justified or necessary.
People trying to claim this is retaliatory violence make me fucking sick to my stomach as a Palestinian American. You fucking Bougeyevik fetishizers try to sweep this under some victim blaming rug as if us le oppressed global southis are unjustly oppressed when held to the lofty standards of “don’t rape and murder civilians.”
I don’t want excuses for their behaviour, I don’t want westsplainers telling me that it’s fine and dandy for my kin to commit such heinous and vile acts. I don’t want le revolutionaries leading global liberation from their $3,500 gaming rig bought by their upper middle class mittelpolitik parents to fetishize my people’s struggle to the point where any sin committed painted in that struggle’s colors is to be defended and qualified and whataboutismed like a vital supply route that will end the struggle overnight if the mere point is conceded that yes, Hamas raping and Murdering civilians is indeed bad and without excuse, justification, or proportionately causal context.
I want these thugs rounded up and put to Nuremberg Part II, I want Israel to drop the colonialist pretenses and join with the PLO to found a new democratic state with strict human rights protections, and I want any supremacist or separatist who’d challenge that necessity for any hope of a lasting peace to be dragged to the sea they wanted to push the other side into, and forced to go in and never come out again.
Because everyone who lives there has a fucking right to keep living there, because freedom of movement is a human right, and the land doesn’t belong to anyone, and acting like it can belong to someone is literally the batshit insane nonsense that got us here to begin with!
dammī falasTēnī, 'annā beitla7mī, wa’anna sayim kitīr la’enton!
indigenous, oppressed peoples
Uh… you’re gonna have to clarify which side you mean here.
While it’s pretty clear Native Americans were in America first- not so much with the current belligerents.
Both Arabs and Proto-Jews originate from the area now called Isreal.
Hamas just shot every Palestinian in the dick.
The most accurate take in this thread 👆
Turns out hitting the music festival was a terrible idea, because it absolutely turned everyone against them.
except half the morons around here who thought this was justified
inclkuding, apparently, the lemmy development team…a surprising development if you ask me.
lemmy developers appear to be pro-death squad. not sure what else to say.
Is there a source of them claiming that?
Not me
Waaa waaa waaa
palestineterrorist supporter
I dunno EDM sucks.
As does confining millions to an open air prison
As does Israel creating Hamas
As does the current Israeli government ignoring intelligence reports because they wanted this to happen.
Palestinians using violent means might think they’re succeeding because they are actually getting landback for the first time in decades, but they fail to consider how bad it looks to me, a guy on the internet who thinks it would be better for their PR if they kept dying instead.
they are actually getting landback for the first time in decades
How does massacring hundreds at a music festival get them land back? How does parading a nude, murdered woman get them land back?
How does bombing residential buildings in Gaza help Israel fight terrorism?
The “murdered woman” you are referring to appears to be alive actually. This seems to be just another “Ghost of Kiev” “Nayirah testimony” “snake island 13” “Reichstag fire” “Mariupol drama theater” story. You Redditors really just gobble up whatever sob story the media gives you with no critical thinking at all, don’t you?
She was brutalized, raped, paraded through the streets, and is currently being held hostage by Hamas who are threatening to kill her. She may not be dead, but her victimization is not a hoax. She was only presumed dead because she was last seen naked and lifeless with shattered arms and legs in the back of a truck.
The person in the video being misidentified does not change the fact they were parading a nude, murdered woman. Watch the video. How does that get them land back?
You are talking to a moron, save your breath.
Did you see how her leg was twisted over backwards? That’s not a functional limb anymore. Her head was with gashes and practically naked. How is this fake to you? The video is right there, we know who it is.
Ugh, fuck Hamas and everyone that supports them.
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go to Hamas and tell them this directly, if you’re so brave
otherwise, there’s no use of your comment
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I sit here, waiting for the order to get underway, for the EAM to set 1SQ so I can finally fucking launch some warheads on foreheads. Is that enough for you, or did you want me to 1306 to infantry?
Half of the Palestinian population is children but don’t let that stop you thirsting for the blood of kids whose land you stole, I hope the middle east erases facist state Israel off the map
We kicked in the door in the middle east, trashed the place, and left, multiple times now. We won’t hesitate to do it again, and this time, we might decide not to be as nice as we were the other few times. You should be careful where you post that sentiment. The CIA has eyes and ears everywhere. Sweet dreams.
How does boot taste?
I wouldn’t know, I’m the one wearing it, civilian. How does it taste? Tell me how the asphalt tastes.
Soo wait, you are proud of trashing the ME?
So completely overlooking the overlying political situation and just thinking about this incident - it’s fuckin horrible.
I’ve been at a whole lot of techno parties back in the day and just imagining these events triggers a real wince in my soul. Remember being off your head at a really good party with your mates and your partner and then imagine this shit happening. I mean, a fuckin rave is pretty much the opposite of a military target.
I’m thinking there’s a lot of criticisms to make on both sides of this conflict and a lot of comments here are focusing on that and overlooking the fucking horror of this incident right here.
I lived in Paris when they attacked the Bataclan and several other places. We almost went to a restaurant that got shot up but decided on another one at the last minute. When the owner heard about the attacks he made us leave, which infuriated my GF who was scared out of her mind, but I figured the assholes were long gone and police were everywhere by that time so I reassured her and we calmly walked back home.
But when I got home and heard about the Bataclan attack, I broke down like a fucking baby. I love live music, it’s like a major reason to live for me, and imagining these people having a blast, unwinding after a stressful week, and then the absolute horror that broke loose was too much for me.
Yeah lot of these people were probably just coming down in the early morning. Surreal and horrifying to imagine being there.
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You know I read these threads and they remind me so much of Reddit. And now I don’t know if reddit really got shittier or if the shittiness was always there it was just ignorable. These comments are definitely reddit tier and that’s sad for the fediverse.
People need to realize reddit and social media is shitty because people are inherently shitty. The people on lemmy are no different.
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These comments are definitely reddit tier and that’s sad for the fediverse.
People don’t change just because technology is different.
Yeah, that’s crazy - I wonder if there is some commonality we aren’t considering here?
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Oh, so places like Facebook sidestep these types of issues?
Worldnews was always really bad on reddit, I was also surprised to see that true for lemmy too. Lots of different world views and biases I guess.
What’s that mean? Toxic comments or bad takes?
I’m using Boost for both Reddit and Lemmy, and as a quick glance on my phone they look identical. To be honest if I was to open a random thread and look at the comments I wouldn’t be able to tell where I am.
I’m not sure what you guys mean when you say that Lemmy feels different. If feels smaller but the same, in the good and bad.
I think the Internet got shittier, and it’s just inescapable.
or maybe western society as a whole got shittier and people are dumber
There’s a lot of commenting from westerners about this, but it’s not going to matter. Israel is going to wipe out Hamas. Hopefully the regular Palestinians survive with out much damage. And in the future they have a better life.
But it is very clear the people of Israel are very united in what they’re need to do and how to do it.
Israel is going to wipe out Hamas.
Honest question: to Israelis that want to see this, what does this mean? forcing the Palestinians out completely to Jordan and Lebanon?
don’t get me wrong, it’d be awesome if you could just magically zap the terrorists, but that’s not reality. so what’s the end game with this kind of rhetoric?
I just want to be clear, I’m stating my opinion, no one else’s, it might be the consensus in Israel, it might be not. I’ve always been against a lot of my country and military actions, especially against Palestinians, never saw them as enemies, even as a soldier I spoke out if something seemed wrong to me, even in operation protective edge I’ve been told that I shouldn’t live here if I care so much about the Palestinian, this was told to me by a soldier that I was carrying food and water for, what I’m saying is that I’m not some right wing hateful nut job when I say: I don’t give a shut anymore, I don’t give a shit where the gazan will go, I don’t give a shit if they don’t have food, I don’t give a shit about any of this, In 24 hours, three friends have lost half of their families, two friends have been held hostages, one friend kidnapped to Gaza, presumably dead. As much as a pacifist I tried to be my whole life, right now I want nothing but the sea to be painted red by the blood of the people who did this and supported it, and quite honestly, when this is all over, I want our elected officials to be rounded up, faced against the wall and be shot.
I am sorry you lost several loved ones. I can’t imagine what that must be like.
Hopefully, while grieving, you won’t be stuck in anger for much longer. The people that you have lost wouldn’t want children to pay the price for your country’s revenge.
Of course you want Hamas to be brought to justice, but there are many people like you and I in Gaza that are just trying to live a life free of violence. Hamas might kill indiscriminately, but they are a terrorist/radical group. A country must not sink to their level, especially a democratic one.
Nothing will make it easier for Hamas to find new recruits than large numbers of people in Gaza who are grieving their lost ones: and so the cycle of violence continues.
Didn’t the IDF already kill the 1,500 or so terrorists who did this?
What reason do we have to believe that the thousands of people who are currently getting bombed had anything to do with this at all, beyond having the misfortune of living in Gaza?
The fact that hostages are in Gaza, so obviously a significant number of the raiders were able to make it back with those poor folks in tow
The current estimates are between 100 and 150 hostages. A single armed person can transport several unarmed hostages. They’ll be tied up and consist mostly of people who don’t put up much resistance (since those people tend to get killed rather than taken hostage).
Even if we’re generous and assume one guard per hostage, that’s at most 150 terrorists that made it back to Gaza.
Just answering to the first question: As of today, according to Israeli media, that number is quite off.
I haven’t been able to find new numbers today. A bunch of articles restating the number of Israelis killed by Hamas and a few talking about estimates for numbers killed in Gaza but I haven’t found updated info on how many of the Hamas terrorists died in Israel.
Well, the fact that most of them went back to Gaza makes me doubt that previously quoted number.
In any case, I hope Hamas gets an obliterating hit and can’t recover, and that Israel remembers that not all Gaza is Hamas, so this is over as soon as possible with no more innocent lives lost.
the fact that most of them went back to Gaza
They did? I hadn’t read that. Do you know where I can learn more about that?
Good, now think about how the Palestinians felt from the beginning.
If you want you can read more about the Deir Yassin massacre, Abu Shusha massacre, Lyda and Ramle massacres, Al Dawayima massacre, and lastly but definitely not least the Sabra and Shatila Massacre.
There’s gems such as:
“On 14th April at 10 a.m. I visited Silwan village accompanied by a doctor and a nurse from the Government Hospital in Jerusalem and a member of the Arab Women’s Union. We visited many houses in this village in which approximately some two to three hundred people from Deir Yassin village are housed. I interviewed many of the women folk in order to glean some information on any atrocities committed in Deir Yassin but the majority of those women are very shy and reluctant to relate their experiences especially in matters concerning sexual assault and they need great coaxing before they will divulge any information. The recording of statements is hampered also by the hysterical state of the women who often break down many times whilst the statement is being recorded. There is, however, no doubt that many sexual atrocities were committed by the attacking Jews. Many young schoolgirls were raped and later slaughtered. Old women were also molested. One story is current concerning a case in which a young girl was literally torn in two. Many infants were also butchered and killed. I also saw one old woman who gave her age as one hundred and four who had been severely beaten about the head with rifle butts. Women had bracelets torn from their arms and rings from their fingers and parts of some of the women’s ears were severed in order to remove earrings.”
“A soldier of Kiryati Brigade captured 10 men and 2 women. All were killed except a young woman who was raped and disposed of. At the dawn of 14 May, units of Giv’ati brigade assaulted Abu Shusha village. Fleeing villagers were shot on sight. Others were killed in the streets or axed to death. Some were lined up against a wall and executed. No men were left; women had to bury the dead.”
Israeli writer Amos Kenan, who served as a platoon commander of the 82d Regiment of the Israeli Army brigade that conquered Lydda told The Nation on 6 February 1989: “At night, those of us who couldn’t restrain ourselves would go into the prison compounds to fuck Arab women. I want very much to assume, and perhaps even can, that those who couldn’t restrain themselves did what they thought the Arabs would have done to them had they won the war.”[85] Kenan said he heard of only one woman who complained. A court-martial was arranged, he said, but in court, the accused ran the back of his hand across his throat, and the woman decided not to proceed.[85] The allegations were given little consideration by the Israeli government. Agriculture Minister Aharon Zisling told the Cabinet on 21 July: “It has been said that there were cases of rape in Ramle. I could forgive acts of rape but I won’t forgive other deeds, which appear to me much graver. When a town is entered and rings are forcibly removed from fingers and jewellery from necks—that is a very grave matter.”
Ben-Gurion, quoting General Avner, briefly referred in his war diary to the ‘rumours’ that the army had ‘slaughtered 70–80 persons.’ One version of what happened was provided by an Israeli soldier to a Mapam member, who transmitted the information to Eliezer Peri, the editor of the party daily Al HaMishmar and a member of the party’s Political Committee. The party member, Sh. (possibly Shabtai) Kaplan, described the witness as ‘one of our people, an intellectual, 100 percent reliable.’ The village, wrote Kaplan, had been held by Arab ‘irregulars’ and was captured by the 89th Battalion without a fight. ‘The first [wave] of conquerors killed about 80 to 100 men, women, and children. The children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead,’ wrote Kaplan. Kaplan’s informant, who arrived immediately afterwards in the second wave, reported that Arab men and women who remained were then shut away in houses ‘without food or water.’ Sappers arrived to blow up the houses.
One commander ordered a sapper to put two old women in a certain house … and to blow up the house with them. The sapper refused … The commander then ordered his men to put the old women in the house and the evil deed was done. One soldier boasted that he had raped a woman and then shot her. One woman, with a newborn baby in her arms, was employed to clean the courtyard where the soldiers ate. She worked a day or two. In the end they shot her and her baby.
and I am not going to even go into what happened in Sabra and Shatila. Just know that just like in Deir Yassin, Zionists and Jewish extremists reneged on peace pacts. The reason why both of these massacres were so devastating was explicitly because the Palestinian people demilitarized themselves in exchange for peace and co-existence. However, we all know how that played out.
Now, the current people of Israel flourish off the atrocities of the Zionists and Jewish extremists. Rather than recognizing the war crimes as they were, many try to re-write history and revere war criminals as war heroes. For some, that is not even necessary because they believe that Palestinian life is below them. The verbiage that many have used to describe Palestinians is very akin to how other ethnocentric societies have described racial minorities in the past, present, or future. As for you, you stand not only on the shoulders of giants, but on the countless bodies of those who were massacred, tortured, and raped. If you cared for justice, then would it not be right to give back? If you knew that just by living in Israel, you are perpetuating the status quo, then would it not be right to at least balance it out through some form of disruption?
But no, ignoring history, you now call for violence. As we all know, violence begets violence.
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don’t give a shut anymore, I don’t give a shit where the gazan will go, I don’t give a shit if they don’t have food
And much of the world does not give a shit about you or any other Israeli either. You guys have murdered far far far far far more Palestinians, innocent palestinians at that, then hamas has killed Israelis. And thats exactly why these attacks happened, thats exactly why your freinds have lost their families and been taken hostage. You yourself and every other person in Israel are to blame for this and supported this. If you want the blood to flow start with your own
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Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t Hamas the political body that is in control of the Gaza strip?
They sent a military force to go kill civilians. I don’t know how much of Israel’s motivation is to take the Gaza strip back and move Palestinian civilians around, but killing that many civilians has definitely put Hamas into “fuck around and find out” territory. At the very least I would expect that Israel will not stop until Hamas is no longer a political entity in Gaza.
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Well hopefully a new government, but who knows
Nuremberg scenario if we’re lucky.
It turned Germany from antisemitism central into Europe’s strongest economy and democracy, at least up until the AfD started trying to weasel the nazi shit back in.
Problem is this isn’t the allies making the call here, it’s Israel, who’s a lot more interested in just crippling Gaza industrially and militarily to the point that rocket assembly and launching become an impossibility, so either absolutely flattening the place, or permanently occupying the place until Fatah or another faction that’s not as batshit insane as Hamas are able to pretend to be in control while basically being a paper government where Israel’s “security concerns” clash with Gaza’s sovereignty.
Yeah, Hamas basically destroyed themselves with this shit. The rest of the world watched their warcriming and said “You know, perhaps these aren’t the folks that peace can be reached with, go nuts Israel, bomb the shit out of them.”
Who’s gonna stand up for Hamas at this point, russia and iran? pfft… get fucked. Any plausible case for their victimhood got lost when they went down this road.
So far the Israeli government under Netanyahu has mostly done things to strengthen Hamas, a more radical and violent (but controlled by the vastly stronger Israeli military, or so they thought) group in power in Gaza was deemed beneficial since it prevents the formation of “reasonable”, anti-violent advocates for Palestinian liberation. Didn’t really work out that well I guess.
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I don’t think this will strengthen Netanyahu. People will want blood for the biggest intelligence failure since 9/11.
In fact, this is worse than 9/11, at least there it was a relatively small number of people involved. How on earth does Mossad miss thousands of armed militants, vehicles, guns, logistics and planning for an attack of this scale? The only two options are intentionally keeping this quiet or incompetence at a breathtaking scale. Neither of those two options are good for Netanyahu.
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Didn’t really work out that well I guess.
No it didn’t, and the Israelis know it.
I expect to see reports of wholesale slaughter of Palestinian civilians. You know, normal every day stuff for the IDF.
Unlike the 40 babies killed in kfar aza. Thats a totally sane thing to do. Did i mention some of them were beheaded?
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And for 50 years instead of 5
I refuse to believe this is a real comment. It is simply not possible
The reports I’ve read claim that around 1,000 Hamas terrorist entered Israel. The IDF claims to have recovered the bodies of about 1,500 terrorists inside Israel. Given that this is an active conflict, it’s not surprising that the numbers don’t line up but they’re of the same order of magnitude.
Since Hamas has hostages it’s clear that at least some of those terrorists made it back to Gaza. It’s also clear that the IDF has, by now, killed the vast majority of the terrorists who carried out these acts.
So who is currently being targeted by IDF ordinance?
My guess is the operation being carried out is to close the border with Egypt to establish full access control in and out of Gaza. Any other ops being carried out will either be hostage rescue, targeted attempts at black bagging participants and leaders of the attacks, or causing general mayhem to keep Hamas from being able to coordinate with itself for long enough to mount a counteroperation.
The end goal will be twofold, 1) gain customs control over all points of entry to the strip to neuter Hamas’ ability to keep importing rockets and the parts to make their own, 2) sweep the strip for the leaders of the attack for as public and humiliating a comupence as can be legally dropped on them, and probably beyond that too. This attack put a serious black eye on Israel’s hawks claiming they’re the faction for tighter security that will keep the Israeli people safe, Bibi is probably seeing enough red that it’s a sign of officials intervening against his worst reflexes that we’re not witnessing a Srebenica scenario in Gaza right now.
They may move to tactics like that eventually but for now it’s artillery and airstrikes. Netanyahu threatened to bomb Gaza to rubble and it looks like he’s carrying that out.
I don’t see anything targeted about the current retaliation; what we’re hearing and seeing now is most consistent with a scorched earth policy.
Are you claiming that all of Gaza is Hamas?
Obviously not. You asked who is being targeted. And the answer is Hamas.
So you’re not actually arguing that the IDF is not committing massive war crimes, you’re just saying you don’t care?
I didnt argue anything. Please reread the thread. You asked a question, and I answered it.
If Israel don’t like Hamas they shouldn’t have created them
regular Palestinians
“What regular Palestinians? Those doctors and children were clearly armed militants” - the IDF probably.
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This is a claim regularly made by the IDF. It seems fairly likely and I haven’t seen any evidence to the contrary.
I’m not sure how different that is from deliberately putting civilian settlements in a hotly contested buffer zone though.
Yes. but any sort of resistance/guerilla movement does the exact same thing. From the American revolution to the French Resistance.
I heard an Israeli coworker claim that the IDF is the worlds most moral army. With blind-belief like that, they are gonna commit some crazy atrocities.
Meanwhile, mods are worried about banning people for pointing out that US revolutionaries didn’t indiscriminately murder families. This is the fediverse’s mask off moment.
How does one bad instance that has been full of tankies for quite sometime make this the “fediverse mask off moment”???
If you browse all from a federated instance, you will see plenty of threads filled with all manner of disgusting appetite for cruelty, because the mods are banning any and all pushback. Whether or not you choose to acknowledge it, this will be (and to a large extent already is) associated with the fediverse sooner or later, considering it is the “main” dev instance, and one of the largest communities. This has just been a particularly egregious example of - again - the main, high profile dev instance, pretty openly tolerating horrific things while removing even the most mild, reasonable dissent.
If you don’t believe me, just browse the mod log for the past few hours.
If you check the modlog for this community on LW, you may notice a removal of a top post for the mediabiasfactcheck of the source… which apparently places it too close to center with no failed fact checks, or something.
100% - the developers themselves seem to be openly pro-terrorist. How can any person support lemmy, at all, if that is the case?
I am very disappointed in lemmy today.
Isn’t this supposed to work with up votes and down votes?
And yet, they and instances like Hexbear are still federated on certain instances.
Nobody holds yiur hand and tells you who to hate. You have to grow up and exercise your own critical skills to work out who you agree and disagree with. Hexbear and Lemmygrad are tutorial-level obvious. started more normal but seems to have drifted their way.
So get on an instance that more or less aligns with your views and dig out the block button. I use Sync on my phone and it lets you block an instance entirely.
why support developers who are obviously pro-terrorist? it’s not as simple as find another instance - it’s more like … leave lemmy.
Yes, that’s your prerogative. I wish some non-tankies would fork the software.
I’m done. people need to know what bad juju is really driving lemmy…it’s not peace love unity respect. it’s pro-death sqaud.
I posted a comment about how the kids are getting the worst of it all and got deleted.
A quick scroll of the comments doesn’t provide the answer as to why they thought this music festival was a good idea, especially considering that it’s located at the border near Gaza. Furthermore, how did Israel not see this coming and take extra security measures to protect them?
Don’t worry their next festival is gonna be in the DMZ between North and South Korea, should be a real banger.
Netanyahu is entering the “find out” part of his plan of “fuck around and find out.” Maybe having a music festival minutes away from a genocide wasn’t the best idea?
Maybe the festival-goers were taught their whole lives that Palestinians were peaceful and just wanted their freedom? Maybe they didn’t know that Palestinians almost entirely support terrorism to eradicate all Jews? Perhaps we should use this as a good opportunity to educate the whole world: Palestine doesn’t want peace. They won’t stop until every Jewish person is dead. It is time we stop sending support to Palestine, and treat them like the bloodthirsty terrorists they are.
Decolonization comes with horrific violence. Don’t like it, don’t colonize 🤣
There is no excuse for murdering innocent people. Not when Israel does it, and not when Palestine does it.
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i think the most intelligent posture about all of this is to take both the palestinians and the israelis as ultra-nationalist, bloodthirsty beasts and do not take side for any of them
I don’t condone the violence of Israel as a state. Hamas clearly consists of individual actors behaving like isis terrorists, therefore I don’t agree. Also this gives me major Bataclan, Paris flashbacks.
like, idk, i would pick side for palestine before, but after this all my goodwill for the palestinian cause is gone, but i also would not pick side for the israelis because they dont have any reagrd for the lives of the palestinians, i only hope that this will end up soon and that no nuclear weapons will be used