So only I above every other answer need to have had in depth association with him? Get outta here…
Digg * Reddit + Lemmy / 4chan = X
So only I above every other answer need to have had in depth association with him? Get outta here…
Typically arrogant american with a god complex. He was soo in the drugs that he lost his way like most.
I was thinking there needs to be a -scoreboard somewhere.
Ahh you are talking about Mary Mallon aka Typhoid Mary
Obviously I doubt this but it’s a final phase of ebola.
Digg on the other hand did not see it coming.
Wow lie more to yourself. Your accusations and denials mean nothing to me.
One day you’ll realise how shitty a human you are, choosing to eat our only companions in this universe.
Genuinely amazing how commited you are as to lying to yourself. Pretend that I’m the problem. Wow. I don’t care if I change your mind, I have very little doubt about that. I’ve tried, but I’m still allowed my platform the same way you are, or don’t you believe in free speech?
This is the time, any later and it’s too late.
Stop pretending you are the voice of reason when really you’re just selfish and lazy.
Either they run to smooth out the curve OR they run 24/7. Not both.
Money. If ever you have to ask why someone would do something against their own interests… the answer is money.
You’re right, if they’d have admitted it was because she was li/fo then she could have claimed employment benefits which they have to pay towards I believe. They were criticising her performance to avoid that.
I’ve heard it irl. Next to a large water pumping station. It is the occasional grind of a stone against the propeller I think.
Have a quick think, what’s bigger than a finger…?
I can hear the creak of the metal on the boat.
Cow tipping isn’t real. No way anyone can push over half a ton of moo. It’s a wierd urban myth. (From the guy who ruins jokes)
Imagine coming into a thread about a comic and being this far off topic. Big L dude.
Printed? Your printer leaves a unique pattern on all its documents. Oooh
Dropped in a mailbox, oooh the neighbour across the road has a ring doorbell
Didn’t turn off your phone? Ooooh