That wikipedia page is actually pretty interesting! Very interesting that it also exists in Irish-English
That wikipedia page is actually pretty interesting! Very interesting that it also exists in Irish-English
Yep, becomes a lot less important to save towards something when you have less than before. Those small luxuries are a mental health savior. That plus all the feel-good chemistry that happens with things like chocolate.
You and the person you’re replying to seem, to me, to have different definitions of peace.
Would stability be a better word? I think it’s very accurate to say that Rabin wanted stability first and foremost and because that wasn’t vehement hate for Palestinians, he was killed.
Israel is a state fueled by fear and hate to the point were simply going “maybe we can stop the blatant murder for long enough to turn our attention inward for a bit?” was radical to the point of asaasination
The fact that “luigi’d” as a verb has become pretty common slang very quickly, it’s not crazy to associate it with violence.
Now we get to the actual matter. Several years ago saying “Someone should shoot that CEO” (which would be the same statement as something like “Hoping that CEO gets luigi’d”) would not have gotten you banned. Wishing death upon someone is not the same as actual threats of violence.
Unironically is your vote in a representative democracy
Okay, I won’t say touch grass anymore. I’ll just say what I think instead: GO OUTSIDE YOU TERMINALLY ONLINE FREAK.
Do you think that’ll be better?
Bruh… Can I get whatever you’re on?
For me, I don’t see my birth as good. If I think about my parents lives, any happy moment with me can just as easy have been a happy moment for them for a different reason. Then from there I’ve just been a hefty financial and emotional burden. Same goes for other family members. I don’t really have any close friends so I don’t think I’m having much impact there. My job isn’t some massive boon to society. My partner is the only person I think might be worse off, but even then I still think she could be doing better.
I know dying now would definitely hurt everyone, so I’m not suicidal. But when I’m getting hit hard with those negative thoughts, they’re almost always wishing I just hadn’t been born.
People generally think a pregnancy is normal before they find out it’s a non-viable pregnancy. He probably was pushing for abortion before it was apparent something was wrong. Sounds like then when they did find out something was wrong, he abandoned her.
He’s also friends with Kyle Rittenhouse. Fuck Toby Turner with a rake.
But then the alligator will be lonely :(
That’s what I’m saying tho, it’s bs that Belatro would get hit simply for the imagery they’re using, while other games get a lesser penalty when ACTUAL (both real money and in game currencies) gambling is happening.
Yep, one of the big differences coming from it being THE Cloak of Invisibility and not just and enchanted cloak.
I feel like this is explained by the really unclear ideas of the “power level” of wizards. What makes Dumbledore “the most powerful wizard” isn’t ever actually given context.
Awesome to see them win this. If other games can have poker or other cards games where the characters are gambling and not have that influence their shit, the roguelike that uses playing cards in the same way Go-Fish does definitely shouldn’t be smacked over this.
Fuck EA and all the loot box game makers that don’t get hit with this crap
It’s would seem that would be their parents lol.
I would love for California to invade Arizona while they’re at it.
Cmon Cali! You need the water and I don’t want uranium mining in my state, especially the Grand Canyon
Disagree, I don’t think having a favorite is dish dependent. You probably have a favorite pasta dish and your preferred noodle for it. Probably your favorite shape.
It’s not about what dish you’re making. It’s what’s your favorite. What’s the dish you prefer to make with it? Pick a favorite, it’s not a crime.
Probably ranting about how the shadow government is out to get Trump and Elon after they started saving America