Are the better mods in the room with us now?
Are the better mods in the room with us now?
Down here it’s a pretty common hobby. I just got a new .308 last year for this explicit purpose.
“On the right side of the dirt.”
Too rational for Lemmy.
“this is why we must choose which is more important: the lives and safety of these trans people, or the comfort and “freedom” of people who want to see them eradicated”
This is a strawman and a false dichotomy. Legislation restricting speech is overreaching and dangerous to a free society. I, and many others, do not trust the government with that kind of power. Today, it’s trans people, tomorrow it’s soldiers and police and politicians suddenly beyond critique, on pain of government punishment. Anyone can become a “protected class” when it’s convenient to the ones writing the rules.
Yes, it should be social only. If that society sees the speech as unacceptable, they’ll react accordingly. If not, they won’t. Society is capable of handling itself, even if it sometimes makes choices we don’t personally agree with.
There is no scenario where giving the government further power into the lives of citizens a good idea. Every time we’ve tried that, things have only gotten worse. The PATRIOT ACT all but demolished the 4th amendment. Something like this would be similar for the 1st.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
I don’t wish anyone harm, but I will always choose the right to speak freely over what a governing body considers “safe”.
We have far too much to lose by allowing the government to dictate what people can and can not say.
“we have to decide whether their right to spout hatred is more important than trans people’s right to safety, comfort, and wellbeing.”
In no uncertain terms, it is imperative that we do not allow any governing body to decide what we can and can not say. What is and isn’t dangerous, what is and isn’t hate, can not and should not be legislated, or we will be robbed of our voices lest dissent be considered dangerous, or hatred. It won’t be long until calling the police “pig” is a hate crime and criticizing your leaders sedition.
Shun them, malign them, discredit, and mock them publicly, but I can never see the good in giving the government the ability to punish someone for their speech, no matter how vehemently it goes against modern paradigm.
“I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
This whole law is absurd and draconian.
“Oh no, that’s so sad.” - Biden
"Finish the job. " - Trump
Pretty sure Palestine is cooked.
One is an ally, and the other isn’t. It should be clear how to resolve it.
It’s not for no reason. It’s because they have stuff we want. Whether that’s resources, land, strategic locations, etc., that’s the reason. Furthermore, we have the means to acquire those things we want. On the great stage, that’s often justification enough.
It sucks that micro transactions exist at all, but I’ve been playing the game and haven’t even opened the store at all, and the game seems pretty good. Is there any actual negativity on the actual game play, or is all the negativity sorry about the micro transactions? Because if that’s the only drawback, then that’s not really that bad.
Are we supposed to pretend that ugly kids don’t exist or something?
Compelling, except there’s no implicit control over what the “luck” brings. I assume it’s always positive, but from who’s/ what’s perspective? Winning the lotto might be lucky, but it could be some other “positive” thing that you don’t really care for. Maybe that’s a little too “monkey’s paw”? I dunno. Just to many variables.
As long as they continue to reap their cut, they’ll gladly devolve into purple Chaturbate. Their only guiding principal is revenue.
23 hours a day instead of 16 to 19 seems real good. That’s like living considerably longer.
Ridiculous and wholly unnecessary government overreach. Every official that touched this should be fired and publicly dragged through the mud.