It’s shaped like the 1980s Dust Buster.
It’s shaped like the 1980s Dust Buster.
In China they’re more like $1000
Watch what happens when people eventually discover what completely flat panels of sheet metal do in heavy wind.
There is literally a reason why no other auto manufacturer uses flat body panels on cars.
I’ll believe it when I see it. (I won’t)
Everybody knows you’re supposed to throw your piss jugs up into the trees.
Yeah I knew from the moment it happened that Putin was behind it. It’s a distraction from a much more important war.
Scrolling marquees, blinking text, background midi music, hit counters, guest books, and web rings?
I wonder how many carbon credits you get for executing a human.
You remember when people told you that getting a degree in basket weaving was a bad idea because it’ll never get you a decent job? This is what they were referring to.
I bet LA Beast could eat 3 of them.
The guy who got pissed at his wife for getting pizza for dinner. Any normal person would be like “hell yeah, pizza!”
I’m surprised they haven’t replaced Netanyahoo with Netangoogle yet.
“There is no reason to hit a woman.” - Bill Burr
And we thought the “dinner is pizza” ad was stupid.
The first amendment disagrees.
Cheaper too
Republicans who control the chamber
That’s a generous statement
You’ll continue to enjoy 12 months for the price of 20.
You have to work and pay rent in prison.