In prison.
Butthole destroyed.
Make check on coin.
Massive loss in value.
Just so you know you don’t need to go to prison in order to get your butthole destroyed. It’s much easier to just go on Grindr, which is only an emotional prison.
Hell I’ve given my butthole quite the thrashing just sitting home by myself.
You’d still owe that debt. Unless you go to prison for live than the debt’s statute length. Generally 7 years.
Also some jurisdictions make you pay for the privilege of going to prison.
Ymmv, choose your state of jurisdiction very carefully.
Also crypto is a bubble IMO.
IMO nothing, it’s pure speculation powered by nothing but blind greed. If it isn’t a bubble, then nothing is.
How many bubbles pop 3 three times and then proceed to blow up bigger than the last time? I know of exactly zero. Looks more like an adoption curve when expressed logarithmically
Wait if you can avoid debt collectors for 7 years they just forget about you?? Like I could fuck off to another country where they can’t garner my wages and come back and they can’t do shit about it?
It’s not that clearcut: they have various tricks to keep it alive, if they know where you are. This is why you never admit to a debt nor pay the token amount they offer; both are tricking you into legally claiming responsibility, so they can keep the debt alive
You already fucked up in step 2
Come to that you fucked up in step 1. Do you really think the credit card companies are gonna let that debt just sit there not accruing interest and not send debt collectors to your house while you’re in jail?
Let’s go one further:
Get turned into a vampire
Buy crypto
Go sleep in your coffin for 100 years
5. Profit-
Realize it’s at 0$
Remember you bought doge because Elon Musk said so
What country does anon live in, where prison food and housing is free?
Someone actually did this, then built a nuclear fallout shelter in their backyard in the middle of some city, but he did it all redneck and it blew up or something while building an underground generator or something and killed a 17 year old kid, he went back to jail, got out after another crypto spike, tried to cash out and immediately got sued by the family of the dead kid for wrongful death and got sued by the IRS for back taxes. It’s a fucking rabbit hole of a story.
I know someone who did this. Now, He is in Loss.
the IRS TAXMAN finds out and resizes anons rectum in search of the missing funds
nah, you just claim to have used it on drugs, fits well with the go to prison for a while bit
Hi yes, Mr drug dealer. Do u take credit?
no, only crypto
Fuck 4chan
so if you go to prison all your debts are forgiven?
After 7 years in the US all debt falls off. So if he’s in prison for 7 years, yeah it’d all go away.
Well, not exactly. The debt is still there, they just can’t force you to pay it. Exceptions apply, like student loans, and they can probably still claim property in the case of bankruptcy or inheritance.
Also your credit score is going to tank hard.
After 7 years it falls off your report, so if he’s in jail for 7 years he’ll have an empty credit score at the end.
So if he goes to jail for only 5 he would still owe the bank? lol
Well it works where if it’s non government debt and you don’t pay for 7 years, it falls off your credit report. Of course if you had a car/home tied to it they would have taken it at that point.
But honestly at 5 years the collector will have mostly given it up and sold it to a debt collector for pennies on the dollar who call from time to time when they have nothing else to do.
Be me
Be me
Be me
your eyes are still too big
“take out credit card debt” sounds so goofy like you’re going to the debt store and getting a receipt
I still don’t get how the punishment for any crime is to not have to work or pay rent… Maybe there’s something to this whole life of crime thing?
I think you’ll find there some other downsides too
Ya know, what’s a stabbing every few months?
In certain U.S. states they send you an itemized bill for your own incarceration.
You have to work and pay rent in prison.