The Cybertruck Is a Disappointment Even to Cybertruck Superfans / Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money::Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money.
Because everything musk does is basically bullshit.
- $30k Tesla
- Tesla semi
- Cybertuck 4 years late
- Full autonomous driving
- Hyperloop
Even SpaceX is missing targets in a big way.
Spacex is a massive success, with little thanks to Musk. Those engineers are fucking rock stars.
If you mean “some” technical success…I would agree.
What is a lot in your mind? Going from nothing to biggest rocket in human history and fully reusable in 20 years.
I just found a new favorite website.
Great website. Dude is a total fraud.
Who would have thought making a chassis out of a material that is denser than mild steel would result in a vehicle that is heavier? It’s a truck, horrible aero drag and rolling resistance from the get go. Difficult to imagine a worse target for an EV project.
The fact that he has all of his engineers afraid to tell him his ideas are terrible speaks volumes about his narcissism.
The ones who spoke up were fired. The ones remaining dont care as long as they get their paycheck.
Good. At least someone is benefitting
Part of the reason why I don’t leave where I work now. I speak my mind.
A description of every Elon business
It has a conventional chassis. Only the panels are SS.
The extra weight is entirely due to the weight of the batteries.
Good to know.
Every day with the Elon spam. It’s infected Lemmy.
I’d agree that I see way too much Elon stuff on my lemmy feed. This one I’m more interested in than 99% of the others. Maybe it’s just cause I’m a gear head, but I’ll sure as heck take it over the 10 X (formerly known as Twitter) “news” articles that I scrolled past to get here. News in quotes because it is no longer news that X (more commonly known as Twitter) and its owner are dumb.
I find that a don’t sprain my thumb scrolling over something that I don’t want to read
The oldest and lamest justification for having shitty and repetitive content.
Choose a different platform them. Or use a filter. Or I dunno fucking whine about other people discussing what interests them.
Use a filter. Other people want to talk
no get out
Well, that’s me told =)
It resists antibiotics, there’s nothing we can do.
It’s his broke mind virus. It’s sometimes fascinating but I’m mostly over his antics.
For some reason, all Lemmings seem to have a constant hate boner for him. I don’t like him, but this is just taking it to a whole new level…
There’s plenty of people I don’t like and I spend basically no time thinking about them. Why these people let Elon live rent free in their minds is beyond me. Not a day goes by without a thread about him on the front page along with the most predictable comment section imaginable. Apparently the glue holding Lemmy together is the mutual hatred of certain things and people. That’s just sad. We’re giving them what every asshole in the world desires the most; attention.
And every day someone posts about how everyone else posts about something that they, personally are not interested in. I guess everyone else is wrong
Ok, but not every random asshole is the richest guy in the world…
And what does that have to do with anything?
You don’t understand why people might more frequently discuss the actions of someone with enormous power and influence, than they would those of Darryl from high school?
This is recreational outrage. There are plenty of actually bad people out there that cause tons of suffering and are aspiring to make the world a worse place but instead people are complaining about some tech bro that’s hardly any more influencial than the Kardashians.
The only thing more insufferable than celebrity worship is celebrity hate.
When he agrees with someone who says that people like me are trying to destroy white people (insinuating Jews aren’t even white), I think “a constant hate boner” is appropriate.
some customers have expressed their disappointment in online forums.
Wow. That’s brave of them. Throwaways, I assume.
you can tell they arent truck people
Normal truck people Love paying more for Less
I see you’ve noticed the parking lot princesses that truck guys seen to modify now.
All these problems, and it’s ugly as hell to boot.
The PT Cruiser has been dethroned.
HEY! You’re the guy who I’m supposed to fuck
God bless they are trying. I;m fro mthe south us do god bless is basic calling someone really dumb.
Modern day DMC DeLorean. All the disappointment and the crazy CEO to go along with it. Maybe when Tesla folds up they can get a movie made about the truck like Back to the Future. Wonder what the movie will be called?
Back to the Emerald Mine
Call the movie “Back to the Stoneage”. Then send a tech billionaire to the past where nobody gives a fuck about them and they have to work to survive for the first time in their pathetic lives.
Can we make it a documentary about sending Elon and a bunch of other tech billionaires to Mars? That way we can enjoy it when their ship breaks up and they all die in space.
I like this. If they make it to Mars they get a survival habitat where we can vote them off, one by one
I’d say the Discovery Channel could show it, but I definitely want David Zaslav on that ship, so who would put it on there?
Maybe we can catch him in a cocaine deal too.
You know this headline is fake because Cybertruck fan boys would never ever act like it’s anything but a 100% perfect personal space shuttle + superiority license
Checkmate, hater
/s if it’s not completely fucking obvious
Seems like at best its almost on par with the F-150 Lightning for the fanboys…it’s just $30k more.
Seriously if you’re a fan boy just buy the F-150Lightning and a Model 3 and you’ll save money.
But the lightning has some space to haul things.
Was elongated muskrat trying to make the ugliest thing on the road? It makes the Pontiac Aztec look pretty.
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The world just wasn’t ready for it yet.
I agree it was an amazing vehicle. Why else would they have reused the rear differential for the solstice/sky, but it is still butt ugly.
Well that’s your opinion, I still think the Aztec looks ugly. Great camping vehicle though.
Every Tesla model has been uglier than the last. (Especially thanks to Elon, but really ever since it was Lotus based.)
It’s all I’ve been thinking of since I first saw this monstrosity. And the sticker price ain’t too far off eighty two thousand dollars!
I watched the mkbhd video on it.
It was like he was trying to make everything sound cool, even though he knows it’s a disappointment.
I’m glad I’m not the only person who felt that vibe from it. I could feel the new tech being reviewed hype, but he wasn’t totally into it. When he stood on the trunk I could totally see he was giving his all.
I don’t see how anyone could take it seriously when the introduction was to show how unbreakable the windows were.
The ball they used to demo it again this time probably wouldn’t have broken a pair of reading glasses
Not when you throw it that way… :)
It also look like a… Trash can lol.
I got a 2023 Hyundai Elantra Limited earlier this year and I actually love what they’ve done with it. It looks so sleek to me, especially in black.
I didn’t care for previous iterations of the Elantra. Dont get me wrong - they weren’t ugly. They just looked like standard car. Not bad just kinda bland. The newer style has personality, stands out much more and in a good way in my opinion.
It’s a big, stupid truck but so is every other truck it’s competing against. It’s got poor visibility but so does every other truck/suv being sold in America. The cheapest option doesn’t have the longest range but it’s still longer than the average person would realistically drive in a day. It can’t haul much but the overwhelming majority of people driving trucks in America aren’t towing or hauling things on a day to day basis… The people doing real work buy vans or have special purpose trucks.
The steering geometry seems nice and the rear wheel steering is interesting. Those seem like the only major positives though.
It’s not as bad as everyone seems to be making it out to be but it’s obviously still a dumb car that shouldn’t exist. That’s all cars though really.
EDIT: Since the front windshield is flat, I assume its cheaper to replace than typical curved windshields? No idea though… Might be talking out of my ass.
It’s got poor visibility but so does every other truck/suv being sold in America.
Maybe, but the cyber truck has especially bad rear visibility. Worse.than any of its competitors
but it’s still longer than the average person would realistically drive in a day.
I must be a special, fantasy person that does road trips with 700mi or longer drives
Not to mention it’s 3000 kilos. They really need to start adding vehicle weight limits to licenses. The US license test is a joke in most states, and then people are allowed to drive 3 metric ton vehicles from a 10 minute drive.
3 megagrams is crazy for a vehicle like this. With the high torque electric wheels, they will be very hard on asphalt.
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Knee slapper
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I must be a special, fantasy person that does road trips with 700mi or longer drives
Assuming you have the ability to drive at a perfect, ideal, consistent 80mph 700miles is 8h45m of driving. You aren’t going to stop for a bathroom break in 8 hours?
200 miles will likely give you 3.5 or so behind the wheel. Take a break and stretch your legs… It’s better for your health anyway than sitting for so long.
Not to mention it’s 3000 kilos. They really need to start adding vehicle weight limits to licenses. The US license test is a joke in most states, and then people are allowed to drive 3 metric ton vehicles from a 10 minute drive.
Yeah agreed but that’s a different conversation unrelated to this thing.
How is it unrelated? Are we not all discussing the specs of the vehicle? If weight is not a spec worth of discussion then I surely do not know what is.
Yeah, long haul tractor/trailer drivers don’t do 700mi a day. Possible for someone driving non-commercially, absolutely, but at the very least unwise, an outlier use case, and a poor argument here.
Maybe, but the cyber truck has especially bad rear visibility. Worse.than any of its competitors
Worse than a van ? No.
Not to mention it’s 3000 kilos.
A model X weighs 2.3 t. Because of the batteries.
An F150 Lightning weighs 3 tonnes and its bed is made from aluminium.
The US license test is a joke in most states, and then people are allowed to drive 3 metric ton vehicles from a 10 minute drive.
In the US you can drive a rigid truck of almost any size on a bog standard car licence. A 6 t truck with a capacity of 40 t if you want. GM sells an Isuzu cab forward truck (normally with a mildly tuned diesel four) with a frigging massive petrol V8.
This doesn’t look like a car nor a truck it’s a combat vehicle. Seriously, who’s impressed by Elon’s shooting and steel ball demonstrations? In what kind of failed state do these Tesla customers live? With a tank hull for a frame and sharp edges all around this looks like a serious safety hazard for passengers and especially pedestrians outside the car.
Don’t forget in this apocalypse you have reliable charging infrastructure
dont tell dale that gasoline goes bad in 3-6 months, ethanol blends in 4-6.
unless someone fires up an oil refinery no one’s driving shit.
Wood gasification, people will be driving it’ll just look like the Beverly hillbillies come to town rather than madmax.
And yes you can run a car on poop.
We’ve been watching the Last Man On Earth and my family is getting sick of me pointing that out.
That show went downhill for me really fast.
Ya. Watching last night I was thinking about how funny the first season was.
That’s not entirely true. I’ve fired up my bike with two year old gasoline in the tank, and larger quantities will last longer than the 3l that was left in my tank.
yes, there are some variables, and if you had old gasoline, adding fresh on top is 100% the right hing to do. It dilutes it into the new, more combustable fuel
You’re right about diluting it, but I didn’t. I just fired it up with old gas.
well then…
Ive got a 5L gerry can in the shed from a year ago, I’m thinking I’ll just fuck it into my gas tank now nect time before I top up
After a year or two, it would be easier to get an off grid system going than finding or making fuel a modern vehicle would run on.
Hummers were a thing. I can easily see those same people buying this.
In what kind of failed state do these Tesla customers live?
South Africa.
Are you not aware of people in general? MANY think it’s “cool as fuck” and those demonstrations bought them more than any sales tactic other car makers use. Imagine the stereotype of cavemen going “strong thing good, make woman want me, me want strong thing,” and you got a good idea of a disturbing large part of humanity. That shit works extremely well for a lot of people.