New York intends to have electric air taxis by 2025::undefined
Why are tax dollar being spent making it a little faster for rich FiDi people to get to JFK. Take the A train like the rest of us.
There is so much infrastructure NYC could improve:
- Biking Infrastructure
- More subway routes in Brooklyn
- Better ties to PATH and LIRR
- Expanded and more reliable bus infrastructure
And that is just what I can think in the moment.
It’s about doing the most to distance themselves from common people.
I’ll believe it when I see it. (I won’t)
Absolute nonsense, flying taxis don´t even attempt to fix traffic. Instead they are just a workaround to fly over traffic jams, available exclusively for a few very rich people. New York should better build something that improves the overall flow of traffic, so all people benefit from it, like a citywide network of safe bike lanes for example.
The air traffic around the city is already insane, weren’t they already talking about trying to reduce it? I can’t imagine this happens
Cool story bro