Bruh, this should have gone in [email protected]
I wish this was real. Just noticed the AI artifacting extending the grill of the truck on the right through his arm.
It’s real in our dreams at least
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Also, the clearly fake truck in the middle ground.
Certainly gave off weird vibes but I wasn’t 100% sure it wasn’t just the blur.
It’s not illegal to cross post!
It will be when I’m elected.
Good. All these pissposters need to stop complaining
So I remember one time a friend told me a story about how he angered a semi truck by cutting them off, and the driver responded by throwing a bottle of “Mountain Dew” on their car.
He seriously believed that. I had to explain to him that he most likely got hit by a trucker’s piss bottle.
Bless your naive friend
I want to see the job posting for this position…
Be the change you want to see
Ah you think piss is your ally? You merely adopted the piss jug. I was born in it, molded by it.
Pee the change you want to
That mascot suit looks like a heatstroke generator
It’s a piss generator
We are all piss generators
True enough
It’s literally AI art
It’s literally art
it’s literally a image url /s
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👉👈 Uwu pissman
Everybody knows you’re supposed to throw your piss jugs up into the trees.
You’re supposed to empty them out the window as you drive.
Throwing the plastic out is just wasteful.
You’re talking about waste and in the same comment advising throwing out all that liquid gold?
Why not airdry it overnight. Works best with boiling temperatures ;)
I never towed banners myself, I went straight into instruction. But the guys pulling banners always talked about using a gatorade bottle half full of kitty litter.
Ya’ll…don’t use kitty litter?
You know it just occurred to me right this moment, but towing banners is advertising, and fuck advertising. Glad I never got into that racket.
Use wood pellets. Less smelly.
Bruh I giggled like a fucktard when I saw “urine trouble” for some reason I found that hilarious
That’s what I say to my dumb dumb dog when he pisses on something. :p
He looks like he’d piss on something he’s not supposed to. Give him lots of pats for me ok? I’m sure he’s being his best self.
He tries, bless the little fella.
I believe he tries.
Awwwww bless what breed is the little fella. He looks like a wolfhound.
$5 well spent, can’t put a price on piss memories
Where’s Shit Bag Man? 🤔
Shit Bagman is feeling pretty crappy about all these dog poop bags in the park!
He’s out for a dump
It’s the way of the road.
I need this guy on some of my job sites, I swear.
Piss Jug Man is with you, always.
👉👈 Piss jug man is-iss always with me uwu aaa-always
is this real because i love it
No, look at the shadow. It’s AI generated.
No more free apple juice for me I guess.