What if those 90% split into 45% and 45%? Then you need those 10% crazies to govern.
What if those 90% split into 45% and 45%? Then you need those 10% crazies to govern.
In case anyone here needs this
I don’t post almost anything online. I mostly just comment. But even the comments I make I sometimes consume as content - I really like comming back and rereading them to enjoy how good and smart I’ve been.
Defenestratiosis is a serious healthcare problem in Russia.
I got many apps installed. I don’t keep in my memory what I have. How do I check that I don’t have any from those compromised?
Here’s the video:
Also fun fact - you can make a gun ineffective and safe just by welding shut its barel.
I actually see that becoming the new cookies and milk in 100 years.
Wasn’t there a Warhammer lore Attenborough channel already?
Anon actually so racist can’t tell Indians apart from Pakistanis
Who knew R&D is expensive?
3 and 7
I assume you can chain teleport and thus move pretty fast. Seeing that a container is empty can be useful I imagine.
Is it not customary to turn off the robot before inspecting it?
To that they will immediately answer - but do you want all your youtube habits to be in the hands of the government?
Bush may have started devastating wars that lasted for decades, but I blame Trump for the war in Ukraine. There have been no worse war since WWII. And it may have been prevented if Ukraine would’ve received the military assistance during his Presidency they were asking for before Russia invaded.
It might be quicker to make a backup of your config and restore to defaults instead.
Well, maybe tell me how to do it?
Why do you want them to see your posts and comments so much? The rest of the federation should be plenty of audience, right?
Belief doesn’t need confirmation, but knowledge assumes some confirmation.