Alternative mysteries.
It’s almost a joke at this point
Gravity poisoning is a real problem there.
…Along with Window Quality Control issues. Bad combo.
He needs Windows Recall
Is there a word for a form of government that rules entirely by throwing people out of windows?
Maybe “defenestrarchy”?
I bet it has a Ministry of Definistry.
And boy, do they minister the defenestration. Internationally!
I seem to recall a few Russian heavy hitters falling from widows in India a few months back.
Maybe Russians, especially ones who go against Putin, should avoid windows, what with their difficulty avoiding falling out of them.
Ah yes the classic story about the guy who asked for a suite without windows, and the concierge says: “Ah you want the polonium suite then!”.
The only way to avoid falling out of the window is to leave Russia. Then you’ll be shot dead like they do in civilised countries - https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-ukraine-war-murder-maksim-kuzminov-spain-intelligence/
Great advice. Wish it had worked for Navalny.
Where, like in the bunker?
Maybe just stay 10 feet away from the window? Or board it up!
I meant someone in particular if you know what I mean (;
Russia sure has a bad gravity problem.
Defenestratiosis is a serious healthcare problem in Russia.
ChatGPT has the explanation:
Why do Russians keep falling out of Windows?
The question of why Russians keep falling out of windows has sparked curiosity and concern. While it may seem like a peculiar phenomenon, there are several factors that contribute to this trend.
Criticism and Consequences
According to online forums and discussions, many Russians who have fallen out of windows have been critical of the government or have spoken out against certain policies. This raises questions about the potential connection between criticism and the likelihood of falling out of windows.
Construction and Climate
Another factor that may contribute to the prevalence of window falls is the construction quality and climate in Russia. The country’s harsh winters and shoddy building techniques can make windows prone to breaking or malfunctioning, increasing the risk of accidents.
Lack of Awareness and Stereotypes
Some people may view Russians who fall out of windows as prominent or significant figures, while others may not even be aware of their existence. This lack of awareness and the perpetuation of stereotypes can contribute to the widespread phenomenon.
In conclusion, the reasons behind Russians falling out of windows are complex and multifaceted. While criticism and consequences may play a role, construction quality and climate also contribute to the trend. It is essential to approach this phenomenon with sensitivity and understanding, avoiding stereotypes and stigmatization.
Lmao windows prone to breaking
Llama 3 explanation:
Why do Russians keep falling out of Windows?
I think there may be some misinformation or stereotypes at play here!
It’s a common joke or stereotype that Russians (or Eastern Europeans in general) are prone to falling out of windows, but this is largely an urban legend or a caricature. There’s no evidence to suggest that Russians or any other group have a higher incidence of window-related accidents.
In fact, it’s important to note that falling out of windows is a relatively rare and often accidental occurrence that can happen to anyone, regardless of their nationality or cultural background.
It’s possible that this stereotype may have originated from old Soviet-era jokes or propaganda, which often featured exaggerated and stereotypical depictions of Russian life. Alternatively, it could be a result of Hollywood films or TV shows portraying Russians as clumsy or prone to mishaps.
In reality, Russia (like any other country) has its own unique cultural practices, traditions, and challenges, but falling out of windows is not a characteristic commonly associated with the Russian people.
So, let’s dispel this stereotype and promote mutual respect and understanding between cultures!
Feels like it’s trying to sanitize it for a Disney audience.
Also, it misses the point. People don’t think “wow, a lot of Russians fall out of windows all the time.” They know it’s the Kremlin murdering people, that’s why they make fun of the idea that the person just fell out by accident.
That’s not a bad explanation, but can we get our information from real humans please? I think Google has shown us very well why we shouldn’t trust AIs.
It’s so bad I posted it here for humorous effect.
How is it not bad?
Oooo I love mysteries! I wonder how she fell
I postulate that she may have been pushed.
But who pushed it?
Not sure… Coastguard?
A bullet in the bqck of the head
Most likely defenestrated.
More like profenestrated, amirite??
Dem russian windows are so fucking dangerous, so many important people keep falling from them. Why won’t daddy puttin save them?
Classic russia
They need to get a new trick.
Like laying underwear with poison. Oh… right…
If it ain’t broke…
unlike that window…
Did it ever happen that the same person accidentally fell out of the window multiple times in a row until they got it right?
Removed by mod
Oh, so all the technology in the world can’t solve a ‘skill issues’ problem, quality research, comrade!
Well, they tried to kill Rasputin a bunch of times, but never succeeded. I don’t know if they tried the window thing.
Unfortunately there isn’t actually much evidence for this being true, just some stories told by Russian soldiers who already hated and feared the guy. There were a lot of myths around the whole thing that mostly seem to be bs.
Basically “oooh big magician guy … scary, woooo… did you know the youngest daughter survived too?”
That said, I do not believe they attempted any window-hurling, that probably would have been a good test for magical powers.