“Yeah but women and girls will give birth to terrorists, and boys will become terrorists. These are just preemptive-preemptive strikes… Historians may call this genocide but we disagree semantically”. - Israeli government probably
Mossad would be proud of this statement.
Not probably. “Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children.” says the head of their air force.
Actually responsibility of civilian deaths are on those who use civilians as human shields
I don’t get that mindset. Why is it ok to shoot through people to get to the bad guys?
If the police did that when criminals took hostages it wouldn’t be acceptable so why is it acceptable for Israel?
But they are taking precautions, you guys act like they are doing it deliberately without precautions
Yeah right “precautions”
“In war, we don’t have time to incriminate every target. So we’re prepared to take the margin of error of using AI, risking collateral damage and civilian deaths (…) and live with it,”
The army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians; in the past, the military did not authorize any “collateral damage” during assassinations of low-ranking militants.
When it came to targeting alleged junior militants marked by Lavender, the army preferred to only use unguided missiles, commonly known as “dumb” bombs (in contrast to “smart” precision bombs), which can destroy entire buildings on top of their occupants and cause significant casualties. “You don’t want to waste expensive bombs on unimportant people — it’s very expensive for the country and there’s a shortage [of those bombs],”
So if a terrorist broke in to your home, locked you, your wife, and your kids in the basement, then launched a rocket from your bedroom window, you’d be 100% OK with the IDF turning your house in to rubble and your family in to compost? Really? Get a fucking grip, buddy.
The Hutu’s used the term “cockroaches” to dehumanize. The Nazi’s used “rats”. But at least those are living creatures. But “a shield”, calling a human being a shield, as if they’re an inanimate object meant to be struck, as if they’re a nuisance that you’re meant to get through to hit your target? Calling these civilians “human shields” is a new low for dehumanizing language, and Israel defenders don’t realize what kind of monster everyone else sees them as. So wild that it’s considered acceptable language by mainstream culture, fucking terrifying.
It’s considered acceptable language by mainstream culture because it’s a legitimate interpretation of reality.
It’s not reasonable to say Jews are literally rats. It is a reasonable to say civilian Gazans are used as a shield by Hamas. What is dehumanizing, sometime literally, is using people as shields.
I think it’s more dehumanizing to be the one who kills those people. What the hell is wrong with people? Is murder suddenly okay then?
My gut reaction is to say - I don’t know, if murder isn’t okay, how come I only see people here criticizing Israel and not Hamas or Hezbollah?
When people assign blame only on one side, they’re encouraging the other side to do more bad things. This applies to both the “Free Palestine!!!” and “Antisemitism!!!” camps.
Anyway, I just wanted to point out that the reason people are saying that Hamas are using Palestinians as human shields isn’t a Hasbarah plot to dehumanize Palestinians, but because Hamas are using Palestinians as human shields. Could you explain why this seems to be controversial? Do people not agree that Hamas are using human shields, or do they think that pointing any criticism at anyone Palestinian is “pro-Israeli”?
The reason why people are focusing on one side is because one side killed ~1200 while the other has killed ~44,000. It’s like being a victim of a driveby shooting on 9/11 and complaining “Why is everyone only focusing on the Twin Towers?” The problem with pro-Israel supporters is that they somehow can’t seeem to tell the difference between 1200 and 44,000, it’s almost as if the 44,000 doesn’t matter because they’re Palestinian, and the 1200 matters more because they’re Israeli. If Israel killed 1200 and then Hamas returned by killing 44,000, we’d be focusing on Hamas, but that isn’t the case is it?
But wait for it, I can see the Hasbara talking point incoming - “Those are Hamas numbers.” Well the 1200 is Israeli numbers, and everyone now realizes their numbers are lest trustful, because they’re not the ones lying to the world and blocking independent investigative journalism. If you believe Israel is telling the truth, why not let in independent investigation?
Actually, 44,000 is about right for the IDF estimations.
Anyway, you’re saying it’s a numbers game? Let’s say Israel were to round up 1,199 random Gazans and shoot them in the street, people would be saying “Well, Israel killed less people, so Hamas should stop their aggression”?
If Israel killed 1200 and then Hamas returned by killing 44,000, we’d be focusing on Hamas
Sorry, but I doubt that. Right now there are at least two other major conflicts, each with more casualties (the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Sudanese civil war), yet the interest in Lemmy and like minded places is like that meme with the drowning kid and the skeleton (inb4 someone accuses me of “antisemitism” - I’m pointing out that Israel is singled out, not accusing anyone of anything).
So the responsibility is on the IDF, then.
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As the IDF has done. So you’re saying that the IDF is a terrorist org, right? Right??
I say it. Yes it is! If it commits terrorism to attack his enemies then yes it’s a terrorist org.
All religious ethnic based terrorist orgs have their reason, they all believe they are doing the right thing. In the case of religious based they all believe to be the children’s of god and His favourite people.
What makes it a terrorist org isn’t reason or right or wrong sides, what makes it terrorist is the way it attacks it’s enemies to achieve their goals.
So hell yes they are terrorists because of they have done.
If a group of militants decided to have a meeting in the basement of a fully occupied apartment building in NYC, you believe it would be ethical for the US military to destroy the building and kill hundreds of people in their homes?
In case anyone forgot from autumn 2023:
On Saturday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israelis were united in their fight against Hamas, whom he described as an enemy of incomparable cruelty. “They are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,” Netanyahu said in Hebrew. He then added: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.”
As others quickly pointed out, God commands King Saul in the first Book of Samuel to kill every person in Amalek, a rival nation to ancient Israel. “This is what the Lord Almighty says,” the prophet Samuel tells Saul. “‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
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The math leans towards the former, but when the two hypotheses suggested by the data are “we are actively and selectively targeting noncombatants” and “we just don’t give half a shit who we’re killing,” in a sane world you’d be universally branded as “the baddies” in the conflict.
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I wish there was a way to convince them that murdering your neighbors then stealing their land is fucking evil.
Sorry. Not casting aspersions on you, just despairing at the situation.
44% children, 26% women, 30% men. Gaza is about half under 18, so that’s nearly randomly killing people. That said, these are only confirmed fatalities, so presumably susceptible to bias.
The report is here
No bias, they are just killing everyone on sight.
70% of people are women and children.
I guess the point you’re making is that this essentially shows that Israel is targeting any palestinian, not just hamas. That’s genocide.
Sounds so much nicer to say “killing everyone” instead of “genocide” right?
70% of Hamas aren’t.
What does this tell us about Israel’s goals?
Why are so many women and children joining Hamas?
Why is Hamas using their own people as shields? Why did the people let Hamas rule?
Why did the people let Hamas rule?
I know you really think this is a defense of Israel, but I encourage you to actually find the answer.
Do I have to ask the Illuminati? Or aljazeera?
How about Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s.
Oh look - a New York Times reporter saved us the trouble. Turns out that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who also corroborated this statement).
…there’s that, and the whole military occupation to maintain an apartheid state in an open air concentration camp, the decades-long annexation campaign. You’ll be surprised to learn that people find that kind of thing upsetting.
Thank you for providing the first real information here. But the last paragraph doesn’t sit right with me, the things hamas did is not resistance. And also you make it sound like the Palestinians didn’t chose “Hamas” but in the end you try to relativize what happened on 7th of Oct as a result of “military occupation” etc.
So what now? Also I think its pointless to bring this up here, but seeing how people react across the world in terms of the terror atrocities, its quite clear on what side the palestianias stand on…on the wrong one. I am really sorry for people who ACTUALLY want to have a peaceful live, no matter what religion or origin.
The PLO were in power, Israel knew who Hamas were, and funded their rise to power (for what reason other than to manufacture the pretext for this genocide?), they also created and maintained the conditions that would motivate and justify violent resistance, so yes - Israel are responsible for Hamas.
In maintaining the horrible conditions I pointed to, Israel further motivated people to push back by any means necessary while giving them as little as possible to live for.
You don’t get to tell us you want peace as you defend a genocide. You don’t get to tell us about atrocities as the IDF gleefully document dozens per day, and you don’t get to tell the people you’re genociding that they’re wrong.
With that all clarified, what would justifiable Palestinian self-defence look like, and do those principles apply equally to Israel?
So basically Hamas is an inside job in order for Israel to exterminate innocent people? And the reasoning for that is…? I guess 7th October was also a self made incident?
Why? Because it’s so plain in sight that everybody knows about it? I doubt it.
Tell me why the people of Palestine voted for hamas (almost 20 years ago by the way).
If you don’t know, look it up. If you don’t care, that’ll explain all I need to know.
Well, nice. Rape is no resistance.
I’d say any claims about rape being a justification for genocide have lost their weight after Israelis protested punishment of IDF soldiers for rape of prisoners on the basis of “Palestinians deserving it”. There are no moral arguments supporting begining, maintaining or continuing the genocide in Gaza.
Yeah, no shit
In the US those who abstained from voting or voted third party have sealed Gaza’s fate.
Who the hell do you think has been president for the entirety of this slaughter?
Neither of the candidates for election.
Right, that includes Trump. Its been a democrat funding and supporting this genocide the entire time. You hypocrites cant use these deaths to fuckin support democrats.
because Donald “I will let Netyanahu finish the job” Trump is somehow better for this. Get your head out of your ass lol
Take a minute to read that headline again. You got Trump for this now, because you insisted to everyone to accept that headline, those deaths, that ‘better than this’ just isnt an option. You wouldnt permit people that care about life, that oppose genocide somewhere else to go. So they went nowhere, because genocide is not an option.
And yet accelerated genocide is the option that was chosen.
Look, I get the argument you’re making. The problem is that it hinges entirely on accepting a premise that isn’t based in reality. Progress, specifically as it relates to harm reduction, doesn’t happen instantaneously. It never has. You take the wins you can get and then push for the next step. You can be mad about that, and I would argue that we all should be, but it’s not going to change the way things work. In this case you’ve let idealism get in the way of actual tangible improvement. Even if you disagree with that characterization you can’t dispute the fact that you’ve at least helped shut the door on the potential for improvement. If you can find a way to rationalize that in your head to make you feel like the good guy then I understand why you would want to take that path, but do you honestly believe the people of Gaza take solace in the fact that you had good intentions? I’d wager they don’t give a shit how you frame this in your mind. They’re just thinking about what a Trump presidency means for the future of this conflict and that isn’t good by any stretch of the imagination.
This is deranged. Progress? Improvement? What did Kamala say she would do differently? Did she say she’d stop sending weapons and financial assistance?
What are the numbers today if Hamas killed?
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That’s because Mama’s surrounds military targets with civilians.
Look at what atrocities hamas has forced the idf to do for over a year now!!! Seriously, I can’t believe you’re trying to make this argument at this point.
This Mama’s a real jerk then
My autocorrect apparently doesn’t know the word Hamas.
And right now liberals are cheering on more of them.
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You must not be on twitter or tiktok. I can’t count the number of tweets Ive seen from LIBERALS that say they hope trump turns Gaza into glass.
They told you they were liberals and you believed them huh
Their post history tells me they’re liberals. They don’t have to say it out loud
If they hope Gaza turns to glass, they must be right of center, by definition.
Which includes liberals
B-b-b-but what about Trump?!
Kamala said she was going to look for a ceasefire. Trump told Netanyahu to hurry up and finish the job. Get off your high horse.
EDIT: wow the tankies are out in full force tonight
Oh wow she said. Too bad she wasn’t in some position of power to do something immediately… hey wait a minute.
wow did you know that ~50% of people are female and ~50% of people in Gaza are children? what a shocking statistic that ~70% of people killed are women or children!
That just reinforces the fact that it’s an actual genocide. If the general population wasn’t just being murdered en masse, the statistics would skew towards military targets.
I’m sure Trump will improve the situation. Good job getting rid of Genocide Joe and Hatchet girl Kamala!
This atrocity happened under biden, is continuing under biden and was supported by Harris. Enough of this moral relativism. If the democrats wanted to end this they would have already.
Right! Is asking for a none genicidal party too much to ask for? Democrats leadership would say yes.
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loosing the election is on them and blue maga who support them blindly on everything, as a lifelong democrat i want them arrested and executed for warcrimes & murder along with entire aipac.
I hope your moral superiority brings comfort to those dead women and children, and the dead still to follow.
At least they died for your principles.
It’s very telling about your character when you compare an adjudicated rapist, facial and insurrections with a former prosecutor and vice president that you choose to attack the prosecutor / VP over the criminal facist.
I appreciate the clarity of seeing what is in your soul.
she is pos who has always sucked up to the highest bider. she was anti-poor and pro-prison labor as a prosecutor. she got chosen as vp over warren because of superpacs where she was one of the most unpopular candidates while warren was 3rd in primary despite running beside sanders. she supported mass murdering of woman & kid, who are already living in hell with barely any food or medicine for over a year. she also basically said she cares more about grocery prices as there are more votes in it. she had taken largest donations from aipac ever in our election history while banning muslim democrats from speaking at her rallies. trump killed many during covid out of stupidity while she and biden burned poor kids alive for campaign donations.
and i don’t need a character endorsement from a bigot mocking genocide, you are no less rotten than maga racists. probably more as they haven’t supported killing helpless children for money.
Cool story bro. Let me know how the Trump Presidency works out for Palestinians in 4 years.
That’s 70% of confirmed deaths. So essentially this number is meaningless, as we don’t know the whole picture.
Fuck man, they went a little overboard with the propaganda at your school and left out all the maths?
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“This number is meaningless”
That’s what you said.
Even if it’s just of verified deaths, then you can still double the victim number, and still have 35% of the victims be women and children.
So is the number truly meaningless, or are you saying “it’s meaningless” just as an attempt to downplay the genocide Israel is committing?
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If it were the same ratio it would be 70%. 35% is if the death count doubled with zero additional women or children killed.
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published the report on Friday, having verified 8,119 of the more than 34,500 people reportedly killed during the first six months of Israel’s war in Gaza…
That’s less than 25% of all reported deaths. The numbers can fluctuate dramatically, depending on if they didn’t verify dead terrorists for one reason or another.
Yes so there’s probably thousands more buried under robble or incinerated because of 2000 lb bottle was dropped on their house.