Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?
Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?
looks at comments Really? No Requiem for a Dream? Eff that movie.
That movie is a tool, a very useful tool.
My friends kid started smoking weed and getting into trouble at 14 he was bitching about it to me and I said “Make her watch Requiem, I’m a grown ass man who did drugs and that movie makes me scared of drugs”
Few weeks later he had to pick her up from a friends house when the parents caught them smoking a joint after dinner at a sleepover.
She was all surprised he wasnt yelling and screaming and said “So, am I in trouble?” He just said “Nah, lets go home and watch a movie.”
That’ll do it.
Ayyy…that’s the film that came to mind straight away of one I’d love to forget. Such a messed up story.
For those that haven’t seen it, the film is technically excellent. Nothing wrong at all there. The tale it tells is quite unnerving.
The film is a masterpiece. The fact that people would rather have never watched it is due to how well executed it was. Personally, I still enjoy watching it every couple of years.
I’d lobby to show that movie to every middle school to scare the shit out of them, it is so freakin good. It should scare you.
Yup. No waivers!
That movie fucked me up for a long time.
Try watching it for the first time. Alone. At night. While housesitting in an unfamiliar house. 😱
Actually not far off from how I watched it. Lol I had a friend with though.