Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
That’s the one I was thinking
Tucker and Dale vs Evil
I haven’t laughed at a movie like that in years. I would like to again
Just ordered the blu ray last night! It’s been on my radar for years, but never watched it.
We’re renting a cabin this Halloween and it’s on our watch list for sure!
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I don’t know of any other movie that is universally as praised, but also that no one has a desire to rewatch. It’s brilliant, I recommend it to many, but there’s no way I’m subjecting myself to that again, I don’t have that kind of strength!
I was in my early 20s and still hopeful about the world and my future and the meaning of life when I first saw it. After nearly 20 years I don’t think my psyche could handle Grave of Fireflies again.
ATLA live action. It’s already almost gone from my memory but not quite all the way gone.
There is no ATLA movie in Ba Sing Se…
Matrix 4
for a long time, I was like if I had a wish, it would be to see the Matrix movies like the very first time.
after seeing the 4th, my wish is to clear Matrix 4 out of my mind.
Matrix 4 felt like a direct-to-video sequel.
The first one that comes time mind is the one I’ve watched the most times and pretty much know by heart: The Princess Bride.
That said, I wonder how much of my love for the movie is nostalgia. Maybe it would ruin it for me. But it would be interesting to find out.
“You got money?”
“Sixty five.”
“Psh… I never work for so little. Except once! And that was a very noble cause.”
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
Came here to say this. Love this movie and it’s unique premise.
Fucking Elf. I hate that fucking movie and yet due to the people I was hanging out with at the time somehow ended up seeing it 5 times. Didn’t like it the first time, spent the whole time annoyed the second, don’t know why or how I tolerated it 3 more times, but I’m never watching that shitty fucking movie ever again and wish I could bleach it the fuck out of my skull.
Interstellar - Movie and Music
That’s my all time favorite.
looks at comments Really? No Requiem for a Dream? Eff that movie.
That movie is a tool, a very useful tool.
My friends kid started smoking weed and getting into trouble at 14 he was bitching about it to me and I said “Make her watch Requiem, I’m a grown ass man who did drugs and that movie makes me scared of drugs”
Few weeks later he had to pick her up from a friends house when the parents caught them smoking a joint after dinner at a sleepover.
She was all surprised he wasnt yelling and screaming and said “So, am I in trouble?” He just said “Nah, lets go home and watch a movie.”
That’ll do it.
Ayyy…that’s the film that came to mind straight away of one I’d love to forget. Such a messed up story.
For those that haven’t seen it, the film is technically excellent. Nothing wrong at all there. The tale it tells is quite unnerving.
The film is a masterpiece. The fact that people would rather have never watched it is due to how well executed it was. Personally, I still enjoy watching it every couple of years.
That movie fucked me up for a long time.
Try watching it for the first time. Alone. At night. While housesitting in an unfamiliar house. 😱
Actually not far off from how I watched it. Lol I had a friend with though.
I’d lobby to show that movie to every middle school to scare the shit out of them, it is so freakin good. It should scare you.
Yup. No waivers!
There are too many to choose!
And the award goes to:
Lord of the Rings. If I can only choose one, then Return of the King.
Honourable mentions:
Avengers Endgame (watched it at a midnight screening at a Infinity-War/Endgame double bill and it was one of the best experiences ever)
Tron legacy: unlike many movies, it completely drew me into its world, with the visuals and music.
Nolan batman films: probably Dark Knight
I never got the hate for Tron: Legacy.
Its still one of my favorite movies to watch on Bluray on the big tv with the volume up too loud when I have the house to myself for a night.
You know what? I think I’ll do exactly that this weekend! In a dark room with the cold and cranked up, it’s an absolute banger
The Irishman. The fact that I lost 3 hours to that pointless slog is so painful I’d rather just forget all about it. I’ll never get those 3 hours back, but at least the regret will be gone.
This movie was so bad and the worst thing about it was how everyone was praising it. Are they all just pretending to like it cuz it’s Scorsese?? It was such a piece of shit movie!
Your Name, a beautiful anime movie. I was legit floored the whole way through. I’d watch that with new eyes in a heartbeat.
In not really into anime at all, but a friend convinced me to watch that and it was just so satisfying. Loved it.
There are a lot of others that live in that same vein. Ones that are closer to slice of life or drama and don’t have the tropes associated with most anime. Anime can be as broad as all of film as far as content and story.
A few you may enjoy if you liked ‘Your Name’
- A Silent Voice - A bully grows up and tries to make amends with the deaf girl he once tormented.
- Your Lie in April - A young pianist loses the ability to perform the piano after his mother’s death, and his experiences after he meets a violinist
- Violet Evergarden - An ex-soldier whose recent employment at a postal company tasks her with writing letters that can connect people
- Garden of Words - A student opting to skip class on a rainy day encounters a woman skipping work. They share a covered bench and a relationship begins to form
- Weathering with You - A runaway befriends an orphaned girl who has the ability to control the weather
- Belle - A very different retelling of Beauty and The Beast
- Bubble - A very different retelling of the Little Mermaid
I’m really picky about shows and movies and I’ve found all of those to be excellent.
Fucking Serbian Film. And eff your post for reminding my stupid brain that that film exists. /s
Fucking trash movie. Not even shocking. Just complete garbage.
So tough. Three choices:
Enter the Void
Not4Sale - TV Sheriff and the Trailbuddies
Freddie Got Fingered
All three are the most incredible masterpieces I’ve watched for the first time while on LSD.
I think I’d go with Enter the Void.
I’d go with Freddie Got Fingered so I could experience it for the first time again
Excellent choice. If you haven’t seen the other two and are okay with doing acid, put them on with no context while tripping. It’s worth it.
Man if I could find acid anymore I’d love to. Magical stuff.
Will still check em out though, thanks for the recommendation.
Wish I could beam ya some. Snagged a vial when one was available, and that’s probably enough for the rest of my life hahaha