It’s not an American war, they have literally attacked a European country.
It’s not an American war, they have literally attacked a European country.
Being subscribed to a service that brought about a dozen magazines every week that we would rent including Donald duck, gossip magazines, etc. Sometimes getting to sneak the ‘adult’ one to the bathroom and spend some quality time there.
Not really, it just proves the shapes we chose were effective.
Sure, but the image says 10 mil.
Depending on how old you are there are so many investments that get you far over that 10 mil, but yes healthcare is a really valid point for taking the blue pill
You would not need the blue pill at that point. Just invest in Google and Microsoft and get some early bitcoin
You could also die tomorrow and the red pill could save you.
We’re all still animals following basic instinct. When we feel that our “herd” is threatened, we get ugly fast.
It’s really easy to play on those feelings.
Yeah I feel the glasses are OP compared to the rest. The coin is a great second place though
Selfishness is part of the human condition. Tribes needed to fight over resources and mark their territory in order to keep the tribe alive. It’s in your instinct.
There have always been borders and territories, and there have always been fights and wars over it.
I don’t really see how your “if you don’t use it” policy applies here, and I also think the problem of this topic is easier than that.
Would you rather everyone can just walk into your house and take whatever they want? I for one am quite happy with the rules and morals we keep.
Those flags put up are often there to keep different cultures with different rules apart. It’s not as easy as erasing borders to have a free world. People are too selfish for that.
Sure, governments still steal all the time. Things are definitely not perfect, but that’s not related to someone stealing your lighter.
It’s just done when it’s done, or when mom calls for you to go home.
Why? Who made the rules about exchanging data? And it is an exchange of data for a service, it’s just not as obvious as you might want it to be. But nothing comes for free.
Hey I’m not saying I like the big company ethic scathing that’s been going on around the world, but it is how our society currently works.
They are. They provide you with a service for your data. It’s called YouTube. And if they don’t have a place to show you ads, the data is useless because no one will use it. It’s a closed loop.
And even if you don’t agree with it, it’s still a company selling a service and it can do whatever it wants to earn money from it. There’s nothing unethical about that.
How is it immoral? Is Google morally obligated to provide you with a way to use their service for free? Google wants YouTube to start making money, and I’d guess the alternative is no more YouTube.
Why is everyone so worked up about a huge company wanting to earn even more money, we know this is how it works, and we always knew this was coming. You tried to cheat the system and they’ve had enough.
Maybe you should start. They highly likely do more for climate change than you do.
I’d lobby to show that movie to every middle school to scare the shit out of them, it is so freakin good. It should scare you.
Well people turning out to be mostly idiots didn’t help
We’re talking about ghosts here, we don’t know what laws they follow. That said, either you are right or they would be miles far from earth before being able to finish that first sentence.