We can’t even figure out how to not have half our society be rasict, how the hell are we gonna save a whole planet from our fuckery?
We cant even figure out how to make recycling work.
Recycling was never supposed to work alone. It was literally the last ditch effort after Reduce and Reuse.
Also, we already figured out how to make it work, but it isn’t profitable when it works, so obviously we have to use the less effective methods so that a small handful of big wigs can milk the process for personal gain.
We could but it’s not profitable enough for corporations.
We don’t and we won’t.
We do what the British did with Australia, but with mars.
Send Elon and all the maga weirdos to the red place and we can begin following the plot of the expanse.
Like it should be.
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Humanity is fucked. My sympathy lies with the animals.
I sympathize with the children that had nothing to do with it.
It’s why I’m not having kids.
That’s all of us unless you’re an executive in a multinational corp, or work for the oil and gas industry.
We’ve all been ramrodded into this reality by a handful of giant Corporations, over the last 100 years.
Yeah I agree. But I could have chosen more fuel efficient cars when I was younger. Bought less shit I didn’t need. I could’ve done more. Yeah it’s not entirely my fault, we’ve been thrown into the gauntlet, what can you do if you wanna live? But the children born now, or God forbid even later are going to find themselves in a hellscape of an economy and ecosystem. And my heart goes out to them because they’ll get less than I had, less freedom, less upward mobility, less drinkable water, less food, less breathable air, and be more fucked by everything. The longer we push it, the worse it gets for the people who had less to do with it.
If it helps to assuage your guilt at all, we have been living, inundated with corporate propaganda, for all our lives.
“Carbon footprint” is a great example; it’s a Corporate guilt trip.
Oh absolutely. The carbon footprint was bullshit from the oil companies to put the onus on individuals to fix it while not giving people any options. It was all bullshit. That being said, I do have some guilt. Or at least feel it. Less because I was making bad decisions and more of a “survivors guilt” kind of thing. That’s not the right term, cause I’m going to die before the younger generations. But I feel guilt just because my child and millions of others will get a worse and worse end of the stick than I got just because of when they were born. This is why I argue with boomers about the difference between generations.
Like, you had the American dream fucking handed to you. Do you not feel some kind of guilt for getting a degree for $8k, a house for $35k, and a top of the line vette costing $4.5k? Even at the lower rates of pay, that’s a fraction of the budget compared to today. If I had it that easy, I would absolutely feel bad for people coming up behind me. And yet, VERY few boomers acknowledge this, and that is why I’m so hostile to them.
“Generation Me” will never cop to their culpability. They’re narcissists, ie to admit being wrong now would absolutely crumple their sense of identity. And we all know Boomers #1 rule is looking out for numero uno.
I’m not saying all Boomers are Captain Planet villains…but all Captain Planet villains were definitely Boomers.
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Respectfully, carbon footprint as a measure is just a measurement and is really useful in the right context. It’s important to remember that it’s the misapplication to individuals that is a con game.
When Rees and Wackernagel came up with ecological footprint as a measure, it introduced a systems analysis to human activity that we really needed. Carbon footprint is just a subset of that and ignoring it is futile. Just apply the analysis where it matters: militaries, mining, transport, energy, civil engineering, etc etc.
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They’ll be fine 100 years after we’re extinct.
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Because most of us are relatively comfy and we’re so focused on surviving the day, week, or month (if you’re really lucky), that we don’t have time to even consider the effort needed to organize and focus on overthrowing those in power. The system working as designed.
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Or instead of saving the world you and your group fail, your group is now considered terrorists, and the knee jerk reaction of those in power removes more of the people’s freedoms and oppresses them more, all in an effort to ensure that little uprising doesn’t happen again.
I agree something needs to be done, but it’ll have to be done with elections and legislation that protects that progress from being dismantled by the next party that might not agree with that change.
Sustainable change is a slow process. Sometimes that process is so slow you might not see the results in your lifetime.
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Let me introduce you the crown of creation: the cockroach.
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Interesting, I just meant that cockroaches are nearly indestructible and will survive humanity. But I do agree with your first sentence.
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societal collapse
Ah yes, that thing that has us laboring to chase meaningless plastic crap we’re brainwashed into needing instead of growing our own food and maintaining our own shelters as small, purposeful communities, all so the owners of this society can siphon our energy while poisoning the earth, all to live like wannabe gods above us.
No more penis Space tourist rockets? What a loss…
I dont think you would like what comes after societal collapse. It’s easy to pin society as just capitalism, but collapse will mean more than just the economic system. Democracies will collapse and entire regions will cease to exist. Food scarcity and mass migration will result in extreme regimes that will defend their territory, and a bunch of nomads who have to live with the constant worry of where the next food and freshwater source is. Not to mention the constant fighting over geopolitical issues (imagine current day scaled up exponentially)
Yes, we should fix our economic system, but societal collapse is not an end result we ever want.
Suffering I fear, death I welcome.
We’re moving back to office until we can’t move at all.
That’s unfortunate because I have been trying really hard to participate in society.
That’s old news, no? I recall reading that basically from 2°C there is no more economic growth, what means a lot of people are thrown under the bus. From 3°C there is no more economy, meaning no food, heating, fighting everywhere. From 4°C there is basically no more humanity.
a bit late for that when society is turning to fascism all over the world.
Good ol’ fascism! You can always count on fascism to to help people. Well, the right people. I mean, some of the right people, maybe a small subset of the right people.
An ever increasingly small subset of the right people because Fascism requires there to ALWAYS be an other to blame it on.
Fascism saved my buddy’s life in 'Nam, maaaaan.
Societal collapse, eh? Sounds like a great opportunity for profit!!!
Imagine how much ACs we could sell! And how expensive we could make food!
I really have to slow down on Armored Core, I thought you were talking about selling everyone mechs for a minute
I like that idea for our timeline better.
I’d say the ones who have been saying it’s not real should be the first to become soylent green
People think it’s gonna be fun, like Zombieland. Instead, it’s going to be fun, like The Road.
gestures broadly
Good, I’d rather it all burn than to be looked down upon by the Trumpler in the Ivory Tower
Wow, yeah if only we had some alternative to Trump.
We do, but for some fucking reason a ton of people think not voting for her will magically save Palestine from Nethanyu. I voted for Harris, everyone else needs to do the same fucking thing.
If only she could do something to change the mind of those “tons of people”.
Trump ALSO wants to destroy Palestine, you must understand that there is no option here that helps Palestine, there is merely one option that can help America. I’d like a perfect solution but there isn’t one
Oh there is one, Kamala could just not continue on the same path re: Israel as previous people in power. It’s a simple change that gets her a lot of votes. But oh no, Trump bad, vote Harris, that’s the only compromise people like you seem to offer.
I’m not offering a compromise, I can’t make Harris do anything. If you think I’m some kind of wizard who can wave her hand and suddenly make Harris put Nethanyu on blast as she sends in the calvary to start rebuilding Palestine, then I got a bridge to sell ya.
I’m merely point out that we have two options.
We let Trump get elected, he deploys nuclear weapons in Palestine because he’s an idiot who keeps demanding to know why we aren’t doing that already ( https://patch.com/us/across-america/donald-trump-reportedly-asked-adviser-nuclear-weapons-if-we-have-them-why-we-can-t ) and starts rounding up vulnerable Americans in camps because he likes Hitler. We try to protest both, he deploys the national guard.
We get Harris elected, the threat of Trump is gone forever because he’s not going to even live long enough to try this shit again in 2028, we still have the freedom to protest, she doesn’t make things any worse for Palestine than they already are under the Biden administration, and we can still focus on trying to push the country leftward with the whole “Not having to fight for our lives” conditions a Harris presidency brings that the alternative does not.
Under the former, we can’t do shit to help Palestine because we’ll have our own problems, under the latter there’s still a fight.
I’m not meekly saying “But Trump…”, I’m merely being realistic in what the landscape looks like under each presidency.
Palestine isn’t gonna have a good time under either President this is true, but one of those is clearly worse than the other for not only that region, but our region. You must understand that.
If you really want to stand there and pitch a fit because you can’t have your cake and eat it too, congratulations, you’re going to get us all killed.
PS: “We could all vote Third Party.” - ELECTORAL COLLEGES DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!
“Electoral Colleges are inhumane, undemocratic, and we need ranked choice voting.” - True, but it doesn’t change the fact that our current system is an Electoral College and Republicans are the reason that’s not going to change anytime soon.
Buddy, buddy. The entire thing is really simple. Trump doesn’t need the votes from pro Palestinian people. He probably wouldn’t get them anyways. Harris needs those votes. So either she changes course, or she loses an election. People who see Palestine as an important issue aren’t going to vote for someone because they are “better” but still supporting genocide. They’ll vote based on other issues, or won’t vote at all. It’s not the job of the voters to get a specific party votes - it’s the exact opposite. They are getting elected for the people - not for themselves. So do what people want or lose.
We didn’t start the fire…
Scientists. Experts. Covid. Elon.