• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • The actual hot take is that most of these movies are actually pretty good in the context of their correlation to source materials. As critically acclaimed movies: debatable; but as an adaptation? Unbelievably they tie a really neat rope around a hodge podge of different ideas and oddly make it work.

    The truly hot take is that these movies serve there purpose well and do a great job being a vehicle for the story in the comics (sometimes)

  • It absolutely does not work for everyone and every situation. However, I now see the value and merit of you just turn it on and it does the thing. In a lot of cases, there’s minimal resistance because its designed to give minimal resistance. It seems a bit limiting, but some of that design is to minimize user confusion and error, especially for lay people.

    When I started to lose the things that made android great I switched to iphone. Now that Windows is really starting to turn to a shit sandwhich, I’ll probably switch to Mac fully.

    They may have (slightly) walled gardens, but they are very seamlessly integrated with each other.

  • Logic. Final cut. Those are the two best reasons for MacOS. Everything else is FINE and I’ll generally agree, but windows is dogshit when it comes to editing media especially when there’s any kind of I/O device attached.

    I have steam on my Mac mini and its generally fine. Sure it doesn’t play everything, but it can run plenty of games just fine. But I also own a steam deck and windows 10 PC so I’m a bad example.

    I have a 16 GB Mac mini and logic is perfect. Pro tools was garbage on my windows PC.

    Final cut is infinitely better than any windows video editing software.

  • I’ve been laid off 3 times since 2018. The first time was from my job of 6 years that I was pretty set in making my career. I was making money, I was getting promotions, it was looking like I’d have a nice long tenure there. Then came the corporate restructuring.

    I got into a really weak job after a few months of unemployment cause the job market was rough. It gave me flexibility but the job itself was low pay and low responsibility.

    Then Covid came and I got laid off again. Company stopped doing business in that field.

    Found ANOTHER company that was similar but paid better and kept my flexibility. Was good for about 4 years then came corporate restructuring.

    Now I’m back at the business from 2018 but under a new product lineup.

    Point of all this is: I learned a valuable lesson in having less “successful” work. I learned how to actually value my time and the people who I provide for. At my career gig, I put in so many hours and really pushed myself, in the jobs after, I’ve been able to put my mental health first and take care of my family better. Sure it’s less money, but it’s more attention.

    Money isn’t what kids need, they need you to be there for them first and foremost. Money just makes it easier to do things.

    Good luck, and I hope your situation gets better.