A lot of the things we do on a daily or weekly basis have ways of doing them that can either be private or communal, some of these which we do not think to consider as having that characteristic.

For example, bathing in the Roman Empire used to be communal, but then Rome fell and citizens in the splinter countries began taking baths privately.

Receiving mail is another example. There are countries which don’t have mailboxes and everyone gets their mail at the post office in the PO boxes. It was the United States which pioneered the idea of the modern mail system, which is why we associate it as a private act.

There are activities as well which don’t have any history as jumping between one or the other that might benefit from it, for example I think towns might benefit if internet was free and freely accessible but only at the local library.

What’s a non-communal aspect of life you think should be communal?

  • @[email protected]
    266 hours ago

    Cooking. 5 people working together can cook for 100 people easier, cheaper, and less wastefully than 100 people can cook for themselves/their families.

    Unfortunately the current restaurant system in the US is incredibly wasteful, expensive, and pays fuckall.

    • Brewchin
      126 hours ago

      This makes me think of the Sikh community’s charity/giving (can’t remember the term) food giving that happens in most towns globally where there a Gurdwara.

      There has to be a better way than waves hands everything, really.

    • Bobby Turkalino
      226 hours ago

      Google your city name and “maker space” to see if there’s any near you. Not only does my local library district have them, there’s another local option with a monthly membership fee. They have large equipment like laser engravers, CNCs, drill presses, etc. They usually also have small stuff like drills that you can check out and bring home. Also a great way to meet other makers in your community

      • @[email protected]
        55 hours ago

        I tried looking for something like this in the UK and it turns out the nearest one for me got shut down during COVID, the rest are all an hour or two away at least. It’s a great idea but I guess it’s unsustainable without some sort of external funding cause the local one was already running at a loss before 2020 according to their website.

    • @[email protected]
      227 hours ago

      I’ve seen those public bike repair racks with attached tools. I feel like that’s the closest thing to that we have

      • Ech
        75 hours ago

        I always see those with the tools cut off. Feels bad :\

  • @[email protected]
    277 hours ago

    Re: internet only available at the public library.

    Hell no. That would really fuck over disabled people.

    • @[email protected]
      34 hours ago

      That would mainly be because they can’t easily get to the library, probably because your city is too low-density and car-dependant.

      Once again, all problems are zoning problems in disguise.

  • @[email protected]
    167 hours ago

    I think towns might benefit if internet was free and freely accessible but only at the local library.

    Are you saying that private access to internet should be illegal?

    Or that your libraries don’t offer internet access to its patrons?

    • @[email protected]
      7 hours ago

      If it’s only available at one place, it’s not freely accessible.

      Logistically, how would that work? Libraries would have to be everywhere and they’d have to be massive. The IT infrastructure to support that would be immense. How would privacy work? Where could I go to have a private telehealth appointment, for example?

      • @[email protected]
        16 hours ago

        Freely accessible just means anyone can get to a library, no? I’m not saying that internet should ONLY be at the library. That’s OP, lol

        Libraries where I live offer internet access to any patron (who must be a resident of the city). I can comfortably walk to 3 libraries, but only 1 is within a 15-minute walk. Not everyone in my city is so fortunate, but someone with limited internet needs has many options for free here.

        • @[email protected]
          34 hours ago

          Oh I understood. I agree with you.

          I would argue that something that was once available at home that is then restricted to a single place that must be shared with lots of people isn’t freely accessible.

          My local library is within walking distance, but it’s pretty small. The Internet is free but not awesome in terms of speed.

      • @[email protected]
        85 hours ago

        You do realize a significant portion of the internet is porn, right? There is no world in which everyone has to go to a communal public building for their pornography consumption that I’d be happy with.

      • TurboWafflz
        66 hours ago

        Gonna be honest there are few things I would like less than the criminalizing of my main way of keeping in contact with people. I genuinely think doing that would cause a spike in suicide rates because there are so many people who would just suddenly be completely isolated from having any community

      • @[email protected]
        46 hours ago

        I’m also curious as to why! (And I didn’t downvote you)

        Please let me know if you share in another comment!

  • @[email protected]
    -16 hours ago

    Generally think private homes are a giant waste, both in terms of wasted physical space and energy lost due to poor insulation.

    Living should be communal. No residential construction should hold less than eight housing units.

    After you do this, you can consolidate a bunch of an amenities - washing machines, parking, central heating/AC, pools, gardens, outdoor grills, wet and dry bars, basements, rumpace rooms, home theaters.

    It all gets so much nicer when it’s a communal living space.

    • @[email protected]
      122 minutes ago

      This is a wild take. There is value in privacy. There is value in quiet! There is value in space. Electricity efficiency isn’t the only important thing!

    • @[email protected]
      54 hours ago

      washing machines, parking, central heating/AC, pools, gardens, outdoor grills, wet and dry bars, basements, rumpace rooms, home theaters.

      Aw hell naw. Tell me you’ve never been poor enough to have to use a shared washing machine or even a laundromat without telling me you never had to. Those things are absolutely disgusting.

      I used to believe in dense housing in cities until I had two sets of psycho upstairs neighbours and no thanks, I want to be as far away from another human being as reasonably feasible at all times, nevermind not share a fucking pool with one.

    • @[email protected]
      44 hours ago

      Some people like living in communal spaces and some, like me, loathe it. Seriously, fuck that. Maybe more and affordable complexes do need to be built, but it should never be the only option.

    • funkajunk
      45 hours ago

      That’s a nice idea, but how do we decide on who gets to live in the communal space?