It eas a fast food worker. And he was still eating. So not long enough to fly in stooges from out of state.
It eas a fast food worker. And he was still eating. So not long enough to fly in stooges from out of state.
Bernie is too old. His time has passed. Some point to AOC. But I’m not feeling it really. Who knows though. Trump sort of came out of nowhere and took over the republican party.
It’s the conflict of interest in the “decision maker”
Yeah, but the professional board is kinda like an HOA board. Should be more like a jury of all regular doctors or something.
What if we just nationalized the claims process. Imagine that. A single guideline for what was necessary or not. And decided by people who don’t profit by denying reasonable claims.
Really what it should be is that if a doctor prescribes unnecessary care, they should go after the doctor, not the patient. Doctors have malpractice insurance. If the health insurance can’t win a case of malpractice, then they should pay the bill. Why are patients in the midfle here at all.
As much as I want to believe all the conspiracies… the arrest happened in Pennsylvania… and since it was at a food place after a tip, there was no time to bring in pre-screened cops. And the odds that the local law enforcement would not leak that they planted evidence and such in this high profile case are about nil. Those local cops don’t like the snutty feds anyway, so they have plenty of motivation to leak any shenanigans.
I thought it was more about the insurance than the company. :( it should be.
Universal healthcare won’t help if it isn’t decently funded. That is the complexity. Some existing Universal healthcare places are struggling because the gov wants to negotiate lower prices. So the kids that potentially would be in healthcare go elsewhere. That leads to long wait times and such. So we need both, Universal healthcare, and a way to be sure to fund it such that we attract good professionals
Aside from agreeing with you. Question. Why didn’t cobra apply? I would have thought it could. And did you have an option to pay the full cost of coverage out of pocket for any length of time? Not that any of this should matter, just curious in case I, or anyone I know, ends up in the same situation.
I think it is more general. Like all minorities and the poor. Sucsessful people feel like those below them just didn’t try hard enough. They can’t understand that often lack of motivation is a medical issue more than a choice. Same with skinny people and fat people. It’s an “I can do it, why can’t they” situation for most people who would say no.
I think there are a lot of us there. More than lemmy would make it appear.
I don’t think the people who crossed over or stayed home expect trump to fix anything. That just wanted to send a message that they were not okay with what the dems were doing. And they didn’t have many options.
I am sure there were plenty of those, but they always do that. So nothing new there. And I don’t blame them honestly. When both choices suck, why invest a ton of time and energy into researching. The way businesses pass work onto us these days means everyone is short of time and energy.
It does rhyme well.
Yeah, I know all about it. I live near portland, we are generally very inclusive. My kid was explaining just some of the many categories to me the other day. It’s a lot for an old brain to adjust to. And I am terrible at remembering peoples names. I may never be able to keep the categories connected to the people. Lol.
I’m surprised he isn’t just cancelling the usps. Not sure I would miss the junk mail. And maybe it would force the garbage company to start sending bills and things over email. You know, like the notice that our pick up was moving. That would have been nice. Or actually… anthems reason for denial of a perscription that they rufused to give me electronically or tell me. Just have to wait for the mail.
Referring to someone as queer. When I grew up that was a major insult. You just didn’t use that word, like the n word. You used others like homosexual and such. But now it is mainstream and ok to use in the right way. But it still feels offensive in my head.
Lol. Fiber. Probiotics… modern medicine really is still in the dark ages.
Have you seen the incompetence of our government? Not buying that they could pull that off.