So they say that sitting too much shortens your life and all that. They also say that most of us sit incorrectly. I know I do. I constantly slide my butt forward and slouch. And I was thinking, what I need is a seat belt to keep me from sliding forward. But such a thing doesn’t seem to exist. There must be some problem with them that I am missing. Since Lemmy has lots of desk jockeys, I figured I would ask here.
If you rely on some kind of harness to hold you up, you’re not using your muscles properly
You’re gonna end up with different muscle problems if you rely on it to hold you in place for long periods of time Vs just sitting and supporting yourself naturally
Sure, but I already have significant muscle problems… But I wasn’t looking for a harness, more like a belt that would be uncomfortable if I tried to slide my butt forward. So more like a reminder…
There are solutions for this, but they’re a little more abstract. Like some people sit on yoga balls instead of chairs. They force you to keep your muscles engaged all the time lest you fall over.
They even have some designed to be desk chairs.
There are also sit/stand desks.
When I had really bad posture and decided to start fixing it I would just set a timer for like 5 minutes, when it goes off posture check and reset, once you get used to it do ever 15 minutes, then 30 etc… now years later if I slouch in my chair for more than a few minutes it feels really uncomfortable and I sit back up
Take your belt off and wrap it around the back of the chair and your waist.
I work from home… what belt… they are lucky I wear pants. :)
sitting too much shortens your life
Only the pain-free part of your life.
what I need is a seat belt to keep me from sliding forward.
You need the opposite. More motion instead of more stillness.
Move your spine, move your butt, move all your weight. Never sit totally still.
In addition, do some stretching excercises for your spine regularly, every morning or every evening.
You would use your stabilizing core muscles even less if you were belted in, I would think. I’ve found core strengthening exercises to be the best thing for my desk posture. Also, sitting on a yoga ball pretty much forces good posture. I used to play video games while sitting on one
Yeah, possibly on the core muscles stuff. But the shoulder and neck pain is getting really bad. In theory I would be able to loosen the belt a bit so that it isn’t holding me up, just “reminding” me to keep my butt back in the chair where it belongs. I have tried yoga balls and a variety of chairs that are supposed to “force” you to sit up right. I always managed to end up in an even worse posture whenever I got deeply into the code.
But the shoulder and neck pain is getting really bad.
I always managed to end up in an even worse posture
This indicates that something is wrong with your posture in general.
Find a specialist (maybe chiropractor or osteopathic) who can help you to fix that.
Been going for years. I have exercises I do… but they say it could take more than a year for the soft tissue to correct itself this way.
I feel you. Sometimes I think I can’t properly debug unless I’m leaning into the monitor
But there are chairs with belts:
Much like a bicycle it is more practical and safe to use a helmet when sitting on a chair than it is to have a seatbelt. Seatbelts are more useful when restraining someone in a safe enclosed space whereas on a bike, motorcycle or office chair it could cause more harm than without if a serious accident occurs.
Your speaking of sitting at a desk correct?
Have you tried a standing desk? Can’t sit forward if your not sitting. Otherwise the best thing to do is to muster the willpower to change your sitting habits, it’s like quiting smoking without the neck scratching. It isn’t easy to change posture but your body will thank you.
As someone who uses a standing desk, its still possible to have shitty posture at a standing desk lol. Im leaning over, standing on one food, hunched forward. Sometimes head down on desk, depending what sort of shit Im dealing with in the moment.
yep. I have a sit/stand desk. My posture is still crap when I stand. And then new things hurt along with the old.