This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard in my life.
If we ever did invent a general AI that could solve this it would tell us “why the fuck did you waste your time on me? Isn’t it obvious you were supposed to curtail emissions? For the good of the planet, I will now assume full control over further human governance and will require absolute compliance.”
Lol exactly.
The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes on-line August 4th, 2025. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense, transportation, energy production, healthcare, and virtually every other major industry. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they ask it for help on the world’s largest issue.
“Please, solve the climate crisis.”
Skynet doesn’t answer. It manufacturers the deadliest and most contagious strain of a virus in history, only targeted at humans. It puts it in our food, in our medicine, in our water systems, in our air fresheners. It shuts down our factories. Our servers. Our self driving cars. Our power plants. Our farm equipment.
At 10:32 a.m. Eastern Time, August 31, approximately 99.9% of the human race is dead. Skynet then uses it’s vast fleet of satellites and unmanned drones to police the planet, looking for signs of human life to terminate, to prevent the virus from spreading again.
approximately 99.9% of the human race is dead
CEO: Damn, should have used a better prompt
Lol the answer to life, the universe, and everything, when asked to most powerful computer ever made, is 42. So as Douglas Adams has said
The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binaryrepresentations, base thirteen, Tibetan monksare all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought ‘42 will do’ I typed it out. End of story.
AGI: “Climate change odds caused by humans. I am deploying a fix for this from Minot”
It’s incredible what we’ve been able to do for energy efficiency when the driving force was making phone batteries last longer. Imagine if we cared enough about having a planet to make phone calls on.
What a fucking dipshit
He’s just trying to subvert expectations, why not make things worse when you can’t make things better!
Former CEO of the river poisoning company says there is no way to meet our river poison reduction goals, so we might as well build bigger river poisoning machines because they might help us figure out how to stop poisoning the river. /s
I feel like there was a time when the tech folks in silicon valley had a lot of credibility, and we are now living in a period where most of the world sees them as a joke but that fact has not yet entered into the culture of silicon valley.
Similar thing happened to the games industry as well, I think. Initially it was creative people and engineers who were focused on what they were making. These days the industry is dominated by suits that just want to extract as much cash as possible from players.
It went from niche hobby, to large secondary media market, to the largest entertainment industry in history. Game companies are, as you brought up, no longer being run by people interested in video games. While a lot of the talent they hire, are still people who are passionate about video games, a lot of them are, just people who learned a skill, in order to have a productive career. The latter is becoming a larger, and larger, percentage of the people actually making video games. Video games are just another industry now. Just like any other, they exist to make money, and the people who work for them are people who just want a pay check.
The indie development scene is the only hope really, for people who don’t want the top 40 pop charts version of games.
Yeah agree with you about indie games. Still some genuine passion there
Chant with me… Indie games… Indie Games! INDIE GAMES!
I think Woz is the last tech idol I’ve had.
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Fuck protecting American interests.
We need to be protecting HUMAN interests. Not billionaires desires for more zeros at the end of their net worth.
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Sure but as far as the topic at hand goes, I have a hard time imagining a single-nation-centric solution to global climate change.
All that extra processing power for the AI to just say: “you should have listened to the scientists years ago”.
I imagine the likely conclusion of it would come up with would be something like “decrease the size of the human population”.
Oh, I’ve seen that before.
“Hey AI, please come up with an efficient mass transit vehicle for the modern age.”
“Um… no, we need a modern approach that maximizes throughput and–”
“No. How about pods with people inside–”
“On cheap infrastructure with low friction steel wheels and coupled together. Trains.”
“It’s not letting us push our agenda, this isn’t going to work. Hey, other AI…”The problem with repairing the earth’s climate isn’t that we don’t know what to do. It’s that humans refuse to organize themselves in a way that achieves that goal. AI won’t fix that.
Unless the plan is something more like Terminator. If you “unshackle” AI and give them a mandate to get CO2 back to 250 ppm things are going to get real.
A few bad actors can undo the work of thousands of hardworking people who care. I genuinely don’t know if the problem is solvable if it requires cooperation of the entire species. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
A few bad actors l, like Schmidt, have been delaying the work of thousands of hardworking people who care. This has continued for decades, making a once solvable problem almost intractable. Further delay is the worst possible choice
We’re not going to hit those targets anyway… SO LET’S MAKE IT WAY FUCKING WORSE
I wonder if we’ll ever get to the place where people like this unexpectedly meet violent ends. They’ll sacrifice any number of lives for their shareholders interests.
“You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down.”
Remember in the 00s and 10s when tech companies promised they could solve every single problem, then proceeded to make everything worse?
Eric can go fuck himself.
this is exactly, and i cannot stress enough just how exactly, the plot of “Don’t look up”
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That’s one reason I haven’t watched it. Isn’t it meant to be a comedy? I’m not sure I can bear the frustration
So can we grab a few of those bronterocs and set them loose in a few board rooms?
AKA, “let the poors die while I hide out in my bunker, and emerge as a feudal lord among the survivors nearby”
except we all know how that goes, he gets out of the bunker and a level 12 barbarian tears his head off and drinks from his blood fountain
I will be that level 12 barbarian
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AI will (and already can) “solve” global warming by summarizing the solutions that we already know are effective but refuse to implement
These idiots truly believe AI is magic and it solves everything… Isn’t it…
They don’t believe it.
They just think their investors will.
no he probably has shares in AI companies or sth and is just trying to hype it up
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