That prices for photovoltaic are dropping rapidly:
next, EV please.
In Denver, a person with a house gets subsidized rates for electricity. By parking their EV in their garage and charging overnight, they can pay 4.2¢ per kWh.
Meanwhile, a person like me who lives in an apartment and must charge his car during the day at public chargers like EVGo or Electrify America, pays 59¢ per kWh.
This means that assuming a typical 70 kWh charge (from almost empty to almost full) costs:
- For the house-owner: $2.94
- For the apartment dweller: $41.30
That’s almost a 15x difference! (Yay for EV economics).
We don’t have an economy. We have two economies. We have a severely bimodal economy.
Hawk Tuat post that thang
There we go.
The fact that school kids have gotten so much nicer than when I was in school.
Crime dropping worldwide but particularly in my city.
And honestly? Plunging birth rates, even though I have a lot of kids and stepkids and love it. I do feel like it’s freedom mostly, people are more free to not have kids and it will keep the population from exploding.
My spouse and the many others sticking with their careers after being oncology ICU nurses during the worst of the pandemic. They know it’s a thankless job and they’re treated like shit, the healthcare system is a disaster, families and patients scream at them and attack them, the job certainly isn’t about money, it puts your physical and mental health at risk, but they’ll do it anyway for that one person who gets to ring the bell and say their cancer is no longer detectable.