When you use the internet without an adblocker
You’re just
Someone once described LimeWire to me as, “having unprotected sex with the internet,” and they were completely right.
Its not as fun with a firewall.
Back in my day we were told that was how you got a virus.
I mean, she’s still using it correctly in that context. 👀
If I say something “tastes like ass” and I’m eating, like, a bagel, I’m probably saying it tastes bad and not like ass cheeks.
Yeah, I think how she is using it is completely acceptable. We all understand what she is saying and what she means… that’s a win in my book.
Although it’s not really possible to eat pizza without rawdoggin it.
Unless you use a fork and knife like a heathen
Maybe she’s a ranch user?
… Then you just ruin the pizza!
ok but you people need to start dropping ideas on how to rehydrate and cover some of the stale taste from days old pizza without ranch. I’ll sometimes do a couple of dabs of hot sauce but it makes the crust weird when you’re reheating it for some reason.
Air fryer usually get the cheese a bit more melty and pulls out moisture in the crust that causes staleness. Nothing is better than an air fryer reheat in my experience
I put my leftover pizza in a Ziploc bag, it doesn’t dry out even after a week (and probably longer, but at that point something else is eating it…)
Have you tried an oven?
Microwaves just suck for heating up leftover pizza.
yeah oven is my go-to, need to try the air fryer suggestion from @[email protected] though. But I mean I’m not expecting miracles, anything that’s been reheated after days isn’t gonna be like when it’s fresh.
I tend to grill mine in a foil pouch which isn’t so bad either. I think you could probably grill it directly on the grate too, but there’s more risk of it burning.
I have a panini press that can be propped open, and it’s the best thing for reheating a slice of pizza. I usually microwave it a bit first just to heat it thru, but sticking on the panini press makes the crust, ah, crusty again.
May I interest you in some…garlic ranch?
Michael Jordan Stop Get Help.Jpg
You gotta go to Edgar’s Bagels on 65th if you want ass check flavored bagels. They don’t skimp on the cream cheese either.
Gotta get that schmear on the rear
Terrible. Take your upvote and get the hell out of here.
I’d get down on some of Edgar’s Fromunda cheese.
Edgar’s Bagels: Another way to fill a hole.
I’d rather eat ass than this.
You’re supposed to eat AROUND the hole
That’s… A valid way to use that phrase now
Someone is going to feel so edgy when they use it as originally conceived unwittingly.
I had a friend who thought “Netflix & chill” just meant watch movies and relax, so she had it on her dating app profile and couldn’t understand why she only got hookups.
So ugh where’d she post it again?
The internet is so tame now. Are there any websites left or is it largely just professional stuff left?
I thought that’s what it meant, too.
I’m old.
It’s a double entendre. It means both, but much more the “hook up” subtext.
From what I can find online, it originally meant what I thought it did, but quickly morphed into mainly being a hookup afterward.
It’s like the older “come inside for coffee” thing. It could be just that but much more common to use it as pretense for initiating some coitus.
I thought that’s what it meant, too.
I’m young.
What’s with modern webcomics only posting to social media and nowhere else unless someone reposts it? I want an easy to browse gallery. If your comic is only available via instagram/twitter then I won’t read your comic
Im OK with social media as long as it has RSS. But that also means no insta and no twitter.
It costs money to host things
Hosting is cheap and there is free hosting available if you don’t care about having a custom domain and have a limited audience. If your audience is big enough to go past that bandwidth you can probably monetize somehow and cover server costs easily, even if it’s just selling a few pieces of merch. My website is $80 a year with a custom domain and I get unlimited transfer/bandwidth. It’s shared hosting so over about 1k visitors per day means it’ll get slow but if you’re getting that kind of traffic you can probably sell more merch and get a vps
Use twitter/pixiv/ig for promotion but if you don’t do the above your locking out anyone who refuses to make account. All of them won’t let you look at more than 1-5 images before locking you out entirely with account nag screens that can’t be bypassed. Or just stay on those platforms, I don’t care, I’ll just never read your comic
And it gives you some degree of control over reposts and people stealing content. If your not on the platform you cant really contest claims against a video or post.
Plenty of ways to host for free, even with a custom domain. (Though the domain is $15 per year) Like GitHub. Or you can even just use Tumblr with a custom domain.
No, it really, seriously, doesn’t. People that rely on social media are just lazy and ignorant.
Maybe they don’t want their comics browsed.
Used to be, you got one comic with the sunday paper. There was no bingeing your favorite comics you just waited until they came out.
My guess is they don’t have enough material for a whole collection yet, and they’re using social media as feedback mechanism
If they don’t want their comics browsed that’s their choice of course but it seems pretty silly. What if instagram deleted/bans their account for nonsense? Goodbye audience and archive of everything you’ve ever done
Used to be you got a free webhosting account and posted comics to a gallery on a shitty handmade webpage until you built up an audience or gave up. If you got bigger you’d move to a better site with a custom domain and new readers could catch up if they were interested. Achewood, gunshow, dinosaur comics, questionable content, xkcd, penny arcade, nedroid, etc all started about this way and many of them continue to this day. Use social media for promotion, not for archival
My guess is they don’t want to bother with people who aren’t willing to fuck with facebook, twitter, pixiv, etc. or they don’t know how to make a free website. Whatever, just means they lose the audience of people who refuse to use facebooks bullshit
Oh no, they’re missing out on those three people. lol
A lot more than that ignore the meta ecosystem.
The same reason we’re here instead of on Reddit.
Lemmy is a rounding error with regards to the size of large social media.
Also, most of us are here not because we’re small-social media enthusiasts but because of Reddit’s business decisions.
Used to be, you got one comic with the sunday paper. There was no bingeing your favorite comics you just waited until they came out.
I mean, this is true if “used to be” means “prior to WWII” (or maybe even earlier). Publishers have been putting out collections of comic strips in book form for a very long time - I grew up in the '70s reading Pogo compendiums published in the 1960s.
There are a billion more people on Instagram that will see a comic there than actually go to websites to read comics.
that’s why the internet fucking sucks now. Everyone’s too afraid to make their own site and lazily relies on the conglomerates of social media, which has reduced the internet into like 5 websites that repost each others content
Also seeing isn’t converted to income, especially on instagram. The more hardcore comic fans may want to see your work in full, may want to follow the story if there’s a narrative to your comic, see your arts evolution, etc. and they’re probably the ones that are far more likely to drop cash on merch for a series they enjoy. That’s why you combine the approaches, post comics on instagram or whatever to get the word out, and have a site so your hardcore fans can easily browse your work (with the added bonus of letting people who don’t fuck with social media also see it)
Again, or don’t, I don’t care. Post everything to facebook and twitter, make the internet just 2 websites instead of 5, refuse to have control of the primary platform your work is shared on, whatever
Yeah I was a bit surprised that Sarah Anderson doesn’t have her own site
Is it not this?
It looks like it, though I can’t see her most recent comics.
I found her stuff mostly here: https://www.gocomics.com/sarahs-scribbles/2024/09/25
Yeah that’s actually why i had to ask because i didn’t recognize the works. Odd.
Says the person posting a comment on social media instead of bitching about this on their personal blog that nobody would read. lol
Not that you’re wrong, of course, but you can’t blame people for wanting to be where the other people are.
As a fanart hoarder, the number of great artists I know of who seem to exclusively post their work on Twitter, a completely unsearchable platform that lossy compresses anything you upload to it and makes it a pain in the dick to get highest quality downloads, as opposed to a browsable upload platform like deviantArt, Pixiv, or Tumblr, infuriates me.
I think I know why a lot of them do it, too. To them, their work is intentionally ephemeral. They want to draw a thing, release it to the world, be admired for a day, and let it fade away into the aether. They don’t want a browseable archive of their past work. Art they draw is disposable. Twitter is the best platform for this, as everything on Twitter is naturally consumed this way. That, and its audience is way larger than any of the other platforms I mentioned, so they get more eyes on their work.
Yeah, an archive exists on Twitter, but unless you want to scroll scroll scroll through every single tweet they’ve ever made in reverse chronological order, you’re never going to find what you’re looking for without some kind of external indexing tool. All of this before Elon bought it and further enshittified it within an inch of its life. You can’t even browse posts without being logged in anymore.
Off my antidepressants and just rawdogging reality.
I just rawdogged this comic
I just rawdogged this comment
I just rawdogged myself?
She should have barebacked it instead.
Prescriptivists hate this one trick.
Ok, but like the use of the word is correct as it evolved from the original meaning.
That dude is just explaining (albeit recent) word etymology to her.
It’s like porn - “art porn” is not the same as “porn art” (eg food-/history-/Earth-/map-/artefact-/engineering-/city-/justice-/penmanship-/sky-/human-porn etc).
Did you enjoy the joke?
Your mom enjoyed my jokes
Bit of a weird name for your testicles, but you do you
Never neglect the jokes!
Yes, that dude is gonna get raw hotdogs now.
I’m too lazy to get my glasses, I guess I’ll just RAWDOG this post.
Some context, this girl’s character is one of those people strongly against using swear words with bad meanings, so to her it’s quite a bit worse.
What a bore of a character premise.
Only if it’s a lecture in disguise or a “role model”.
As an actual character? Totally fine.
How can it not be a lecture in disguise?
Do you know any well adjusted adults that don’t swear?
verbally? I don’t. Last time I swore verbally at someone (ie not text) was like 2 years ago under my breath that they didn’t even hear.
On the Internet though I curse all the time, though I don’t often curse at someone specifically (excluding CEOS), more at a general company/group of people. Though more commonly I use it as a filler word like “so fucking funny”
Plenty, and I respect them more for it
I had to explain to my friend that “struggle snuggle” is not when your cat is trying to get away from you while you hug it.
I mean… from the cat’s point of view that’s EXACTLY what it is emotionally.
So also not a struggle session that ends with snuggles?
That’s called aftercare.
Please explain like I’m 5, and a non-native speaker, what “rawdog” means 🧐
Fuck without condom.
You are not five.
Thanks pal. You’re right about me not being 5 of course. No idea how one would ELI5 that anyway.
Trying to make a baby instead of just a mommy and daddy special hug?
Thank you, I’m going to go repeat this in front of my teacher and tell them I heard it from my parents.
Literal Eli5: “it’s a slang term that some people use, but it isn’t something you should worry about right now. It’s meant for adults”
Since I’m becoming a father soon, I started learning responses like this
This is how you end up with a generation of kids who grow up using “rawdog” to mean something other than “unprotected sex”. Just talk to your kids about sex.
Not at 5 years old! Absolutely not.
deleted by creator
Omg the downvotes, people are not ready to have open educational conversations with their kids or am I missing something?
Just in case you really needed an answer.
In a sexual context, having sex without protection. In conversational context, it pretty much means with no support or accessories. So her “raw dogging” a bus ride means no music/entertainment, she’s just going to have to look out the window or something.
Not just without protection, also without lube or foreplay of any kind. That’s an important distinction.
Specifically, “raw” is rather obvious - meaning unprepared, as in to not use a condom
But the dog part comes from a more sinister usage where to “dog someone out” was to “pimp someone out” - ie coerce someone into sex work. Source1: https://books.google.com/books?id=1yCc23OdyGkC&pg=PA75&dq=“dogged+out”&hl=en#v=onepage&q=“dogged out”&f=false - Source2: https://books.google.com/books?id=M_FGDWGG8C4C&pg=PA219&dq=“dogged+her”+in+the+ass&hl=en#v=onepage&q="dogged her&f=false both circa early 2000s when the slang took off.
Pretty sure I was hearing rawdog in the late 80’s or early 90’s.
Reminds me of the time I had to explain to a friend that twat was not a synonym for twit.
I once used the word twat around my then-girlfriend and she “corrected” me, insisting it was pronounced “twah”. Turns out she thought people saying it were trying to use the French word toit and mispronouncing it. No idea why she thought anybody would want to call somebody else a French roof.
Lookit’ this French Roof, over here, c’rectin’ people’s grammer…
You’re friend wasn’t the first to make such a mistake. There’s a poem from 1841 by Robert Browning, called Pippa Passes, in which he misunderstands the meaning of the word “twat.” Apparently he thought it was the name for part of a nun’s outfit.
But at night, brother howlet, over the woods,
Toll the world to thy chantry;
Sing to the bats’ sleek sisterhoods
Full complines with gallantry:
Then, owls and bats,
Cowls and twats,
Monks and nuns, in a cloister’s moods,
Adjourn to the oak-stump pantry!eh, depends on context. Twat is pretty versatile
I’ve seen so many Gen-Zers on TikTok saying how to raw dog a flight. ummmmmm please don’t
Literally today heard a preteen at my daughter’s dance class say she was “rawdogging” the parking lot because she was walking around without shoes. No, child. Just… no.