By his own decree his 2020 administration should be facing capitol punishment for acts of federal agents in Portland and other cities during peaceful protests over unrest at the time.
By his own decree his 2020 administration should be facing capitol punishment for acts of federal agents in Portland and other cities during peaceful protests over unrest at the time.
Enough people voted for him or didn’t bother to show up and vote at all for him to get there, I don’t know where these enlightened generations you speak of are.
He came here illegally under false pretenses meaning his citizenship can legally be nullified and expunged. To say nothing of the administration he supports trying to find ways to nullify citizenship of immigrants and natural born citizens who are and always have been here legally.
Commander Keen 3, this was one of the areas you had to go through to get the secret level with schoolhouse and galactic basic to English translations.
One god, multiple personalities. They didn’t have schizophrenia medication back then.
Fragile masculinity combined with wanting to appear sufficiently tech savvy to tech bro investors. Tech bros want nerds because pretty much every dollar they’ve ever made was off the back of some innovation of someone they consider a nerd, so Elon wants to be the biggest nerd to tech bros so they will throw even more money at his dumb projects.
Both of these people could fall off a cliff in a burning Tesla and nothing of value would be lost.
Put your money where your mouth is an deport the most well known illegal immigrant for all his sexual abuse and harassment: Elon.
Nobody chooses New Jersey. Even New Jersey doesn’t want to be New Jersey.
No it’s Maple Pancakes
As a Minnesotan I’m okay with this.
Terminator Genesys. It’s loathed by terminator fans for a variety of reasons and I won’t defend any of the writing or casting decisions, but I do give it credit for trying to do something new with the story and time aspect. I think it could have been a lot better if they took a bit more time with it and recast a few characters, but overall it’s a popcorn flik to me, turn your brain off and enjoy.
That’s called dysentery.
Fascist supporters when other fascists they don’t agree with do what fascists do and marginalize them to minimize their influence:
Having lived with two orange cats before, can confirm that look almost always precedes a cunning plan. And often a loud bang or crash, and then a sudden mess.
What overwhelming evidence in this case? The evidence made public definitely seems to imply he’s not the one who shot the CEO.
Why would a person take such a carefully planned route through the city to Central Park, change clothes and dump their bag, only to keep their gun, fake IDs and hand written manifesto/confession on their person three days later while eating lunch at a restaurant? If Luigi was the shooter and looking to take credit as what has been released of the manifesto implies, why hide out for three days instead of publicly turning themselves in after informing the press so it’s recorded and likely televised?
They caught a guy, 3 days after after the killing in the surveillance state of a city that is NYC. And some compelling evidence they didn’t catch the killer but just some guy that might have been in a watch list.
Probably the only good thing he’d ever do, look forward to seeing how they fuck it up.
Odds are if a church was involved, one or both are gaslighted into believing they are meant to be married that other person for better or worse, and regressive enough subculture/community that finds divorce abhorrent for any reason (other than the man could have a younger bride)