That is exactly what stranger #1 said lol
That is exactly what stranger #1 said lol
Well, it seems to be a technology fail week.
I emailed a software developer to tell them about a pretty significant bug. After some back and forth they decided it is my computer (it isn’t) and told me to “go to Geek Squad.” Does Geek Squad even exist anymore?
And now, I just called “tech support” because I couldn’t get a (different and unrelated) video conferencing software to work. They had never heard of Linux, didn’t know what a log is, didn’t know what the cloud is, didn’t know what a URL is…🤨
I’m not sure if I am on candid camera or in a parllel universe but it’s quite frustrating and I still can’t use either one.
I assumed this was someone being funny at first but since I have learned they are serious…well it’s still funny
(edit to select the language)
Thanks! Count on me to complete my projects in quadruple the time!
Yes. You see, he’s going to have them stop testing for it. Everyone knows if you stop testing for it then it no longer exists.
My condolences
(Get it? I’m teas-ing you 😂😂)
You are amazing and I love you forever
Hell yeah. What did you play?
Sadly it was at home so I am paying for it myself :(
Not a POS technically but a previous vet had a jar on the front desk to tip the receptionist. They even stuck a QR code on it in case you don’t have cash.
I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to not only be subjected to Fox Entertainment News by my family, but to be subjected to their social media segments every 5 minutes (not exaggerating).
It feels like when I find those ancient newspaper articles about how so-and-so moved in with her boyfriend before their wedding night or whatever.
Some things never change I guess.
Thank you, best wishes ❤️
Good to know. Thanks i appreciate your help
We have made so much soup lol. Hoping to make gumbo soon just don’t have enough ingredients. Might make jambalaya instead since we have most of those those ingredients.
Does jambalaya usually take thyme? I don’t remember adding it before but it’s been in a number of recipes
I can taste this comment and it’s delicious
Brilliant! Subscribed.
Tonight we are going Mexican (probably more Tex Mex) with some soup!
This is true. And there are so many choices too… definitely going to look for some new things I haven’t had before!
That looks tasty! I don’t think I’ve had chickpeas 🤔
Side note, the first recipe that came up when I searched for it said it reminded the author of…Texas?? Fascinating lol
Lmao!!! Brilliant. Thank you haha