Thoughts and prayers for the one patient for whom it actually was a freak accident
Probably the priest who fell on a potato while cooking naked
How’d you know he was a priest if he was naked?
He was praying when it happened. “Oh my god”
Fun fact: If you actually fell and landed on something with enough force to make it’s way inside of you the object would quite literally rip your asshole. When it’s a true accident, it’s very clear due to the blood loss and whatnot
Reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld when Frank gets a pasta statue stuck up his ass
Million-to-one shot, doc!
If i ever get something stuck up my ass while trying to pleasure myself and need medical help to remove it, I will absolutely try to come up with the most convoluted and ridiculous story for how it got there. Not out of embarrasment, but just to give the ER nurses a good laugh.
This sign was made by someone who’s never wiped with single-ply before.
…and I got news for you, if someone is trying to get you to pull marbles out their ass, then that’s their fetish… Because no one is worried that small marble sized balls won’t eventually come out naturally… They’re looking to bring attention that they’re up there (and possibly to get someone to try to get them out). People are weird.
Speaking from experience? 🤔
Dude, if I have anything up my ass, I’m going to the hospital asap.
“it’s going to come out anyway” sounds like Darwin-award last words
I mean, if you cannot pass marbles naturally, you might have other issues a doc should take a look at.
… that sign … they just kept it because it seemed funny after they retrieved it from a pacient.
Egg? What if it cracks?!
Fastest salmonella in the west.
My MMA trainer said it was actually more effective to boof raw eggs than drinking them.
Missed the opportunity to put a golden watch on that picture.
I know a medical coder that works exclusively with an ER. Oh the stories I’ve heard…