more specifically:
1 lion,
1 polar bear,
1 orca,
1 giant squid,
3 komodo dragons,
1 African bull elephant,
400 feral cats,
10 gorillas with baseball bats,
1 kg of Asian giant hornets,
20 kg of fire ants,
an oak tree with a maximum diameter of 1 to 1.2 meters
Quality shitposting
I think the pay per view and promoter would be the clear winners.
If the 400 cats (assuming domestic cats) can work together as a unit, then I believe they can do anything. Knowing cats, though, I’m going to back the other competitors.
This is a hunger games I can get behind. And my money is on the polar bear or the orca, depending on environment.
Idk man 44 pounds of fire ants is a lot
About 18 million ants, give or take like 8 million depending on size (which varies a lot)
They wouldn’t be able to penetrate the hide of either one. Not even close.
I think the big tree would lose.
I don’t know. I think the tree could win.
It’s just gonna chill there while everything else is trying to kill each other, and I think there’s a good chance that once the last animal is standing, it’ll probably just wander off and lose due to its short lifespan.
But the way the question is worded is “animals VS tree.” Not a free for all.
FWIW, I use neither the word “versus” or “and” in the question. 😁🙂
(but I should touch up the body and add some commas)
I know. That’s the beauty of the English language.
Well, you did use a question mark so technically this is fair play.