No worries! The climate catastrophies will get most of us well before cancer does.
No worries! The climate catastrophies will get most of us well before cancer does.
Hi. No. I didn’t. If you import like- minded people, you have a stronger opposition.
I wish Canada would start an immigration program for Americans who don’t want to be a part of this shit.
I voted, I’m politically active, and I don’t want to be on this ride. While I don’t have a sought-after degree, I want to work for and contribute to my community. I have skills that I would be glad to contribute. I would pounce on the chance to get out of this shit hole.
As a Wisconsinite, I will cheerfully defend Canadian sovereignty. Come for us, you fascist fucks.
Hard disagree. The people can do a lot.
Why have to bother yourself with harm reduction when you can choose to do nothing and passively allow things to get worse? That would be asking too much.
I’m having similar feelings. ICE is building an “office building” near me that conveniently has underground tunnels to transport office workers and high fences to keep these workers from leaving. I can’t tolerate this.
The protesters in Hong Kong years ago inspired me to look into supportive tactics. Putting yourself in a position to help others helped me, and it may help you. Learning resistive tactics like combatting crowd suppression tactics was especially inspiring. We have to be ready to resist however we can.
I am a big fan of sparkling wine, and one of my favorite mid-range bottles (of legit champagne) is Veuve. A cheaper option I enjoy is Friexent’s Blac de Blancs.
At least in my area, the prices have stayed pretty static. Whiskies that I enjoy have gone up, some more than others. The drop in alcohol sales definitely makes sense when it comes to this change, but I don’t necessarily believe that rising prices of champagne and sparkling wine is entirely at fault here.
Added to cart. Thank you!
Oh lord, we’re all suffering in some way. You don’t get to have a pity party and get manipulative when someone says something that challenges your self destructive and toxic beliefs. If you’re so fragile in the face of having your viewpoints challenged, then you certainly came to an interesting space.
Why do you expect things around you to change if you’re not willing to make changes yourself?
It is, but you’re being obtuse. You don’t want to make the effort for whatever reason. Maybe it’s fear. Regardless, when it comes to struggles, choosing to do nothing and suffer is an active choice. You’re not a passenger in your own life, and not waiting for someone else to come along and provide direction is the only way you’re going to get anywhere new.
It’s okay to feel the feelings, but ruminating isn’t going to solve this problem.
Exactly. I believe Halloween decor spending has been catching up to Christmas decor spending, but some people get particularly touchy about Christmas. People just want some joy. No, it shouldn’t have to be associated with purchasing, but many people have more money than time to invest in creating the ambience they want. There are so many more important things to get worked up about than people spending money on things that make them happy.
American IV was a powerful album of covers. We’ll Meet Again makes me cry every time. He’s talking directly to his wife, and you can feel the fear and despair behind his words as he’s comforting and reassuring her as she’s dying. Ugh, feels for Christmas this year it is.
Honestly? I’ll take the coverage however we can get it. I am a frequent NPR listener, and some of their more niche programs are covering this with sincerity. Let’s keep the conversation going.
I work in an office providing customer support for a small pet food manufacturer. I assist customers over the phone, email, and a live chat function on our website. So many people assume I’m AI in chat, which makes sense. A surprising number think I’m a bot when they call in, because I guess my voice sounds like a recording.
Most of the time it’s just a funny moment at the start of our interaction, but especially in chat, people can be downright nasty. I can’t believe the abuse people hurl out when they assume it’s not an actual human on the other end. When I reply in a way that is polite, but makes it clear a person is interacting with them, I have never gotten a response back.
It’s not a huge deal, but it still sucks to read the nasty shit people say. I can also understand people’s exhaustion with being forced to deal with robots from my own experiences when I’ve needed support as a customer. I also get feedback every day from people thankful to be able to call or write in and get an actual person listening to and helping them. If we want to continue having services like this, we need to make sure we’re treating the people offering them decently so they want to continue offering that to us.
The entire joke is about people repeatedly being targeted and killed by Russia. It’s generally a dark joke.
Agreed! I had a get together with a friend on Friday, and among our many wonderful snacks was a loaf of picante cheese bread from the bougie bakery owned by our employer. That shit slaps, and people deserve to experience the carb-rich glory.
Oh my gosh, she looks so nice! I think it’s about time for those of us they’d never expect to stand up and start burning it all down.