You know what I mean, the FLAC and MP3 releases that are the majority of the releases on any site that allows them. Does anyone use these? Instead of soulseek and premium app downloaders?
edit: How are you guys in piracy lemmy and don’t know what “the scene” is? FFS. It is NOT the demo scene. It means FLAC bundles and MP3 bundles with names like Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV
You know what I mean,
I don’t actually
Have you been on any torrent tracker that allows scene release uploads?
Music pirated by “the scene”. You know because the file names are similar to other scene torrents, without spaces, like “Zatox-Overdrive_(Original_Mix)-(ITAL044D)-SINGLE-WEB-2024-AOV”
I’m aware of scene releases in general but not* really specifically to music, and I’m really into music.
I only listen to FLAC. Anything else is a loss.
If used them a few times before tools to rip from streaming services became as common as they are now and thkse releases are fine. Dont really see a reason to use them nowadays tho besdies the scenes seal of approval.
Also I get your frustration with people not understanding what you mean with “scene” here, but tbf you could have specified which scene, in this case it would be the warezscene that you are talking about.
For those unaware about the warezscene, they are the groups that make releases for every type of media and are bound by rules (you can look them up if you wanna know specifics about those), the names the op mentioned are a result of those rules.
Although I never took the time to check myself, I heard multiple reports about how streaming music has crappy dynamic range, and that the same song on CD or ripped vinyl always has much better range.
It would be my main reason to use the scenes…
Dont think that true anymore, im no expert but rips from tidal or quboz sound way better to me then cd rips did
Scene music? Like The Blood Brothers? (RIP)
Fuck yeah I do
Lidarr + Prowlarr + Plex
Entire album and artist collections introduces me to music I otherwise would miss. I could just mirror my Spotify Playlist, but those already exist and are influenced by the man
What sources are you using for lidarr? Are they private trackers?
Just the public ones available through prowlarr. I’m not familiar with what private trackers are or how they work haha (yet)
I use SoulSeek and have for decades. I have no clue what scene you’re talking about.
ITT: a collective beating up of the OP.
btw, OP, I pirated like half a terabyte of FLACs (and when not available mp3s) back in my days. And also never heard of this term. Sounds like you’re just a bad pirate.
You’re just referring to scene releases for music right? It’s a bit confusing since you’re referring to bundles, scene releases can be on their own or in a bundle depending where you get them. Private torrent trackers with scene releases for music have that type of thing e.g. some scene trackers do a 0day bundle of music every 1-2 weeks, some scene trackers do individual torrents of those releases.
I don’t download much music so it’s not something I’m well versed in but know it exists. Seems sort of annoying downloading a whole bundle of random music releases when you only care about 1-2 of the releases in the bundle. Then again having individual torrents for each and every music release does tend to lead to lots of dead unseeded torrents later on.
Interestingly public torrent indexers tend to have other non-scene groups doing music releases. On the FLAC side of things I’ve seen EICHBAUM and PMEDIA show up a lot and I’m pretty sure those have nothing to do with scene.
I don’t listen anything popular enough to be on this SCENE your talking about so no .I do prefer flac if I can find but my pc ears and speakers aren’t good enough to perceive any difference
I only download flac. But still haven’t found a source I really like since the deezer api was patched.
Deemix still works for me.
It still works if you have a paid account. It use to work with free accounts.
Also I mean the FLAC. I think you might can still DL non flac with a free account.
Ahhhh I get ya now, sorry.
Yeah with a free account I think you can still get low quality MP3s, not worth it.