Redacted has a pretty good amount of DVD rips, DSD etc. not all encompassing but definitely not rare there.
Don’t you threaten me with a good time!
I’m interested, primarily in the idea that some parts could be useful longer term… I’m an old school Internet janitor, and appreciate the idea that enshittification is a moving target.
I’d ask up front though if you’ve seen or considered Veilid? It might be wise to evaluate working with that as a baseline so a stronger fight against the shit can be had.
Let’s fuck up some fascists.
Are there specific issues noted, or just asking based on the time last updated?
I’ve thought about looking over to see what might need cleaned up, but many of my personal use cases or methods might not fully align with the general consensus.
Along the same lines, is there anything you’d like to see added?
I fear we are well on the path as was described by Robert Heinlein a while back:"If_This_Goes_On—"
Unfortunately I don’t expect things to go well I’m the states. I really hope I’m wrong in that…
… In centigrade.
Any camel can fit through the eye of a pin… With a Blendtek ©️ blender!
“However, this may prove challenging” … That sentence doing a lot of lifting, lol
It’s gonna get messy! Girls told me my mind will be blown!
Ding ding ding!
I’m in similar -ish…
Wife who is immature mentally and cheated for 25 years got called out. Now stays simply because she isn’t financially responsible and wouldn’t survive on her own. My extended family is now blocked from contact after my mother croaked, so they no longer influence her. Quote my mother “I wanted a daughter instead of you”… Her second husband literally was one of the guys, set up by my mother.
Wife lives in separate bedroom. Not a romantic partner.
Girlfriends (2) live in other part of house with me. They are platonically connected to each other, and the 3 of us fully integrated.
While there’s tension with the wife still occasionally, the original arrangement was due to being stuck where not only would she have likely wound up homeless, it would have also made me and our kid homeless too. Now kid is adult, and things are mostly stable so no major changes unless the wife can become financially stable. If to when that’s not an issue, we will separate amicably.
Preconceived notions of “that will harm the kid!” Etc have all been amazingly strong baselines for identifying and stopping contact with toxic people who use labels instead of just asking the kid how they feel about it.
We have never tried to have the kid call anyone else “Mom”. Weird how far that one goes.
As today is my 45th birthday, I look forward to my mistress showing up as described. My girlfriends will probably have a problem.
My wife likely, also, but she has no part in this adventure.
Gonna be a fun day I hope!
Second the suggestion for *Arr here! It’s clever enough to rename to exactly what jellyfin wants as well as in place hardlinks if you are Linux, so that the original names persist in qbit while jellyfin sees the good stuff.
There’s other benefits like tracking quality you have on disk for if you are wanting something better down the line, but allowing it to handle naming and sorting is a huge life saver.
Drive failures have almost nothing to do with access if they are mechanical. Most failures are from bearing or solder interconnect failures over time.
Also, most seeding is in smaller chunks that are read and cached if popular… Meaning less drive hits than 1-1 read vs upload.
You will almost always have drives fail from other aspects like heat or power or old age before wear from seeding would ever be enough to matter.
I have drives in the excess of 10+ years, with several seeds that have been active for many years of those, that are still running just fine.
Actually there’s a better reason for the encryption! You are correct that they use torrent clients to connect and record swarm nodes.
It prevents an ISP from traffic shaping against known torrent traffic!
Many ISP will watch for certain unencrypted headers and if it sees torrent will throttle it to nearly nothing. With the encryption, it all just looks like SSL.
Oof, was not aware. Appreciate the heads up.
It was one of a few stupid things and I wound up just telling him to leave.
Kinda wish it was more dramatic and/or gory, but I usually am just too tired to turn to violence.
Besides, I’d never admit to owning that chipper shredder anyway.
I haven’t had one since an idiot roommate decided they wanted to fuck around. I fixed the problem (no more roommate).
Been 20 years now.
VPN seems a way to screw up decent performance when all you need is to stay away from public trackers.
Yeah, my personal experience was similar but it’s all volunteers in the community doing the interviews.
I kept my queue window open and just chilled nearby and it came sooner than they estimated by a bit. Been worth it for me though.
I am not in it, but there’s a similar site called Orpheus that might be easier time wise to interview for, but I don’t have much experience with them.