Currently reading Hyperion… Got it, the electron is the Shrike!
Currently reading Hyperion… Got it, the electron is the Shrike!
Group A starts indexing at 1. Group B at 0.
To me, the second layer of the joke is that the choice of starting number is significant enough that the author considers it to be two distinct personalities!
Just finished watching Tolkien stuff, so i got this:
Bees are kelvar: beings that are “capable of moving and escaping”! Except maybe for the queen bee, which may be an olvar.
Kelvar was a name used by the Valie Yavanna to refer to that part of her natural realm capable of moving or escaping, as opposed to the olvar which were rooted in place.
I want this shirt with the Spaaace logo
How can they rif off MIB when we are not allowed to remember it?
Yeah, otherwise they think themselves human and want a seat at the table.
Countries are defined by land-hoarding class, because the nomadic people define themselves by their group instead of the land on which they live.
Without hoarders (landlords), we wouldn’t need to put as much effort towards regulating land use, instead we could focus on regulating behaviours. Ex: “this land is a national park, you are not allowed to trash it. Go next door, there you are allowed to pour the trash from your industrial process into the ground, because it’s your private land”
This one said to me “You can’t get away while I’m under the gas pedal.” It was a (confirmed) stray barn cat. The most lovely and patient cat i ever knew.
Although I never took the time to check myself, I heard multiple reports about how streaming music has crappy dynamic range, and that the same song on CD or ripped vinyl always has much better range.
It would be my main reason to use the scenes…
They started with musical instruments. First one should have been " i guess we’re doing engines now"
Hehe, I’ll have a read on that thread.
Yeah, that makes sense. It’s not so much that they are labeled weird, but that they are shocked thinking they were not…
Yup. A lot of feelings are unnecessary yet are there anyway for us to deal with them.
Nice, that makes sense. I’ll keep using weird.
Plot twist: Bones’ official full name is actually “James Bones”, but he doesn’t know.
They also rent board games. It great for mystery games like Unlock that you can only play once or twice.
He loved baked beans, maybe?
The birb accepted their wedding proposal 💍