Chronic cluster headache sufferer here. To sum up, I’ve been: Shot, stabbed, shot a second time, broke 7 bones in various appendages, hit with a baseball bat, hit by a car, multiple teeth issues, and migraine headaches, sprinkled for fun.
Basically, I took steve-o’s motto and ran with it (your body is a ride, ride it until the wheels fall off).
None of this comes close to the lightest cluster headache I’ve had. The sheer panic, the knowledge of what’s about to happen, the inescapable amount of pain I know is coming… Fuck CH.
Is there a connection between your lifestyle and the CH? Did one of these cause the other, in whichever sequence?
As far as lifestyle, no, there’s no connection. There are several common triggers of headaches, and trust me, I avoid any and all of them.
What do you do to get put through all that?
I just played a lot of sports, some of them extreme (downhill biking). Also, I was born and raised in a truly poor region. And I was just very dumb and tough. And tremendously irresponsible
Made light of someone else’s cluster headaches in a past life
I have, and I tried one time, about 8 years ago. Efficacy wasn’t what I expected, it took me out of my cycle for about a week. But then I was back on the pain train. Not sure how well it would work for me to be in jail (if I get caught with shrooms) + trying to find a way to pace around in a holding cell. Being such a niche disease I kinda have to hope for pharmaceutical companies to develop proper legal treatment “some day”
It’s the best remedy I’ve tried insofar as it’s the only thing that has worked as any type of preventative, and the only thing that has disrupted a cycle for me. It doesn’t work as an abortive, in my experience, but it beats every pharmaceutical I’ve tried in every other way.
Sourcing it has been an issue, and it sucks to open yourself up to criminal offense for not wanting to live in pain, but we do what we have to do.
Top 3:
- Shingles in my eye / face / scalp.
- Appendix ruptured while I was on the toilet.
- Kidney stones (multiple times)
I am picturing this all happening simultaneously
The circumcision I had in my mid teens. Well, not the circumcision itself, but the erections I would get in the morning which would rip the stitches out of my cock, bleeding until I masturbated with anesthetic gel to orgasm just to stop the pain.
Jesus a chastity cage would’ve actually probably helped you
In which context does someone get a circumcision mid teens?
I have a family member who got one in his 30s.
Erections began to hurt so much due to phimosis, he and his wife weren’t having sex.
Circumcision is not exclusively for the religious, there are medical reasons it may be chosen.
Was bending a piece of sheet metal on a 10 ft. bending brake. Stupidly had both my hands in the jaws trying to adjust the workpiece when the jaws partially closed on my hands. Imagine having all your fingers sandwiched between two thick steel plates because that’s basically what happened. It wasn’t really pushing down but just the weight of the jaws alone was enough that I was stuck and couldn’t get my hands out.
It didn’t hurt initially. Just felt like very intense pressure. I started hollering for help. Eventually another guy in the shop saw me and came running over to open the jaws. As soon as he did, I got this sharp, shooting pain in all my fingers. I think I hopped all over the shop, screaming obscenities. Had to just hold ice packs all day to keep the swelling down.
Didn’t lose any of my fingers. Didn’t even break any bones, somehow. Just bruised them really severely. It hurt like a son of a bitch but I was incredibly lucky.
Losing people I loved.
The most intense physical pain I ever felt was waking up after impacted wisdom tooth removal. One side of my face was appr. 3x the size of the other.
The second worse was last week; waking up from anaesthesia after having all 22 remaining teeth removed. It’s slightly better now and I’d put it at 8,5/10.
The worst pain I’ve ever felt was mental though. It started almost three decades ago when my father killed himself when I was a teen. To be honest, I never recovered. I’m a shell of a human being begging for release (death) daily while being too much of a coward to actually do it.
Oh, and after returning to work with 0 teeth, my coworkers now amuse themselves by making me say tongue breakers. I already knew they didn’t like or respect me before all this, but this really drove a dagger into my heart because it was someone I never would have expected it from. I’ve been at this company for 10 years and in this team for 5 and I’m fighting a daily urge to follow in my father’s footsteps.
He really had the right idea. I was pissed at him back then but I have more understanding and respect for his decision every single day.
That’s fucking awful. I genuinely hope you find yourself surrounded with people who love and respect you. I know life can be utter shit, but I’m glad you’re still here.
Perhaps you can get a gofundme for dentures or implants in the future? It’d improve your quality of life and is worth pursuing if you feel like it’s something you have energy for.
Spinal Stenosis. Woke up one day feeling like my back was not only broken, but that I could feel the broken ends grinding against each other.
Childbirth, my hand was killing me.
Toe-to-heel second-degree burns on both feet.
I was 10, and stood up in sand that had been heated by a portable barbecue. The irony is, one of the adults had moved the grill so nobody would step in the coals. It had sunk its little wire legs and had been sitting directly on the sand for a couple of hours.
I stood up, screamed and ran for the ocean. About halfway there, the blisters puffed up and I had to crawl until someone figured out what was happening and hauled me into the water.
Physical pain? Migraine.
I have had kidney stone, childbirth, and broken bones, also once a torn Achilles tendon, all hurt bad, none were as bad as a bad migraine. That is the worst pain I’ve survived. So bad I got hallucinations, crying and puking up anything even a bare sip of water, nothing but pain exists. Migraine is by far the worst physical pain I have felt.
I’ve tried to explain the pain to my partner. She doesn’t understand that pain that intense makes you nausea. I also can’t remember simple things like what month it is, my dogs name, her name, like it’s crazy because your in so much pain. Luckily that have been significantly less frequent since I’ve moved to a different area of the country and I’ve gotten better at preventing them by catching them early.
A pain so great that your fingers stop working and your limbs go numb and everything in your body triggers a throb but you can’t stop crying because it hurts too bad.
Uuuuuuugggggghhhhhh. I’m really happy that you’re able to have them significantly less frequently. That’s a huge boon. Hopefully you can be migraine free moving forward!
Mine got less intense after menopause and the worst ones were when I was on birth control pills, though I didn’t know that until I stopped taking them. I thought menopause might end them (as mine were primarily hormonal), it didn’t but menopause plus continuous daily low dose MHT has come close, but less intense has been interesting - before I didn’t understand when the doctor would ask how bad is the pain, I would say Migraine, like what is the question? There is no scale, it is a migraine. But post menopause they do vary.
I learned that one of the things a migraine does is fuck with serotonin receptors so you experience the pain without any accompanying euphoria, that is part of why it hits different from other pain but the way I’ve described it to people is imagine the worst hangover you’ve had then multiply the headache part of it by about 10x.
- Full bowel blockage
- Ruptured appendix
With number 1, by the time I got to the hospital my shirt was wringing wet with sweat, vomit, tears, and blood. I took it off and told the ambulance driver to just chuck it in the bin lol
- I walked around with a ruptured appendix for weeks without knowing it. In my case, the pain was very minimal (not normal)
- there was so much raw sewage in my abdomen, they decided to gut me from my pelvis to my sternum, take everything out, and powerwash me
- there was a problem with the hospital pharmacy. I woke up in the ICU with zero pain meds and my nurse screaming murder at the pharmacy tech over the phone. “For the love of god he’s up, I need that morphine RIGHT FUCKING NOW”
- don’t know how long it took, but that was pure hell.
- then I got full bowel blockage, multiple times, throwing up and all, with my stomach cut in two trying to heal. Surprisingly the blockage was almost as painful as the unmedicated seppoku I experienced.
Take my upvote for bowel pain being horrific.
Another data point. I also literally broke my back from a fall on the ice. If bowel pain was a 10, I’d put breaking my back at about a 6.
I’m sorry for what you went through, but the mental image of being emptied and power washed is so goddamn funny.
It’s that type of thing that reminds me, oh yeah, we’re basically just machines made of cells
Omg. Bowel pain is the most excruciating type of pain I’ve felt, it’s about as strong as breaking a bone. I’m sorry you been through that!
I’ve never had that, but I have IBS-C and can see exactly how the pain could get that bad. Please tell me they corrected whatever caused it.
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Getting hit by a truck while walking down the road, after the initial ragdoll physics were over. EVERYTHING hurt, from my hair follicles to my toes. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Getting my nail pulled off.
Also, not exactly painful, but tonic clonic seizure.