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Ask me again November 6th. If the rapist /felon wins, it will not be here. 🇺🇸
Do you have your plans in order to get the fuck out of america if things go badly, this comment is a reminder to make sure you do
Also have alternative means of transport out of the country as well as routes that don’t get much activity just incase orange fucker prevents people from leaving if he gets I’m which I hope he doesn’t
Good luck from Australia
Finland, Iceland, New Zealand
Took a trip through Europe ended up doubling our time in Netherlands because everyone was so nice there. It probably didn’t hurt that we just spent a few nights in France.
Switzerland is beautiful.
I found Germany relatively pleasant.
Norway and Japan for me :)
Kraut’s vid on Estonia’s digital state program looks amazing to me and I wamt it
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Mexico, Italy, Norway, Greece, Australia, and Kenya
The one I live in: Finland
The only thing I don’t like is the short summer and long winter but I try and convince myself that it’s the 4 distinctive seasons and the shitty winter that makes me truly appreciate summer. It’s also good for the human character which probably partly explains why we’ve been voted the happiest country in the world who knows how many years in a row. It may be less true now but it’s still in our genes; in the past you better be nice to your neighbour because once the winter comes and food runs out, your life may depend on them.
My favourite countries are
I like the feel of the country, its culture, the food, enjoy learning Japanese language -
United Kingdom.
I like the feel of the country and architecture / interior design
Countries I find boring
- Australia (I live here)
Countries I hate and would never step foot in because I value my life and freedom
- united states of america
- north korea
- russia
- china
Sorry to hear that you hate America. I get it though as an American.
I visited Australia with my family this summer/your winter and it was fantastic. I loved everything there! We were in Sydney and then Trinity Beach. Even Sydney was so clean compared to our big cities here. I loved the ability to cut power to the sockets and how everything was recyclable. I’d love to live in Australia if I could, but at least I got to experience some of its charm!
What an odd question. I guess I never ranked them before.
- Mexico
- Canada
Idk the country sitch of any carriers islands ice traveled too but I left them out cuz any of then I went to were tourist only local and not any rep of a foreign country to judge.
Not many options for Amercans to experience other countries without skipping across the pond.
I’ve been to 26 countries so far and really can’t say what my favorites were.
My least favorite was the US.
But it has to mentioned, I lived in northern Wisconsin without a car or driver’s license.
The nearest grocery store was a Walmart 25 miles away.
The only people my age within cycling distance were hardcore drug addicts and also gun nuts.
Their idea of a fun prank was shoving an unloaded shotgun into my face and pulling the trigger.
The only place to go out at all was a bar. People drove there with their trucks, got drunk, and drove back home.Why would you respond to this post with a comment of the opposite information than the post topic is about? You are the only person in this thread with experience in numerous other countries and instead to use the comment to shit on the country everyone shits on. Lol if this was the sat essay question you’d fail the fuck out of it.
This isn’t an SAT question, though.
Not that I’m not famous for saying it already (and I should clarify I hold these sentiments for national governments and the cultures, not civilian individuals), but the British ranks on top for their overreach, if not also Japan and Russia for the weight their cultures put on people.
A country is solely a government controlling a territory and a population. It’s a tool and it should be seen as one.
It makes more sense to have a favourite screwdriver than a favourite country. At least it’s a physical tool.
You must be fun at parties
And you must be the laughing stock of those same parties. At least behind your back.