I want to get bitten by a capybara and get the superpower of being chill 100% of the time.
Have you considered switching to indicas?
A housefly so my lifespan is 2 days
Bitten by a radioactive housecat, I gain the ability to sleep deeply and comfortably in a position that by all rights looks like it should be destroying my spine
Like I’ll take whatever else you wanna throw on top, night vision or claws or something, but I only really need that first thing
A kitten, and my superpowers are gonna be huge dick and $10k/day.
Next question.
How isn’t there one post mentioning Mantis shrimp for the vision and punching power. Or any gorilla for being vegan and jacked. What about a giraffe? You could taste a women’s urine to know if she’s ovulating. Are these not no the default answers?
a cat. I would like my superpower to be that everybody treats me like a cat
Please get off the couch and stop licking yourself.
Nonchalantly pushed you off a cliff
Pss pss pss psss
Ok, I’m giving up on the cuttlefish powers for this. Also I’m be soft and flexy and faster than I already am! Also secret claws!
Most importantly, I can figure out how to be comfortable practically anywhere!
An axolotl. I love swimming, less so the idea of SCUBA diving. I’d spend so many hours just chilling in the coral reefs on a sunny day. They’re amphibious too so it means I could breathe just fine on land and in the water!
Human, so that I can be even humaner. If I can get humaner enough I might bypass superhuman and become hyperhuman. I didn’t know if that will give me 5th-dimensional awareness or make me explode, but if superpowers are involved, there’s only one way to find out.
Alternatively a mountain goat so I can wall-run through downtown like it’s fucking Skyrim.
“Man-Man! He’s bestowed with all the powers of a man… but he’s a man.”
“Oh, I bet Man-Man gets his powers from Robert Bly!”
An Asian palm civet, giving me the power to crap out exclusive high-priced coffee beans.
Dog, so that I could lick my own… belly…
Wombat. The power to take square shits.
Big tits
Udder madness.
Tardigrade, I’d have extreme resistance to basically all climates and can be dried up and rehydrated back to life effectively allowing me to “travel” through time by waiting in death…so my shows are all finished lol.
I’d also make a great astronaut
Edit: words
There is a pickle rick joke to be made in there somewhere…
Or Discovery joke…
I would get bit by a cat because i know that’s going to happen anyway. I would choose the power to import thoughts into other people.
Dog… I just want to be happy.