Why is this little shit head continuing to make headlines? Are we that hard up for news? Jesus.
Nice photo though.
I desperately want this to be the photo most associated with him and his name.
Being a crying little bitch.
partially because he got into legal hassles for using an AR-15 to defend himself against people who wanted to harm him.
My guy, he crossed state lines with a firearm that wasn’t his, to go to a protest where the only people injured and killed were by his trigger finger because he put himself that situation. That’s not defending yourself. He’s functionally a home invader crying over the dead body of the homeowner he killed because the homeowner brandished a skateboard.
No, no, his friend bought him the gun because he couldn’t buy it himself. But somehow that wasn’t a straw purchase.
He’s functionally a home invader crying over the dead body of the homeowner he killed because the homeowner brandished a skateboard.
poor analogy.
Home invaders want to rob and those in the homes are innocent victims, and it was a glock, not a skateboard.
I have little tolerance for looters and vandals, some of whom might be wp:agent provocateurs.
Citation needed ya weirdo
He’s referencing Gaige Grosskreutz who had a Glock. Anthony Huber was the one who attempted to use a skateboard as a bludgeon. Joseph Rosenbaum attempted to take Rittenhouse’s rifle after he had tried to distance himself.
Grosskreutz was hit in the arm and testified to aiming his pistol at Rittenhouse during the televised trial.
I get what you’re TRYING to say, but you’re failing.
He crossed state lines, and attempted to intimidate folks who were protesting while being non-white. How dare they! (/S…)
He was happily intimidating people by larping as an operator, and then he started getting moved on, (by the people who were growing less intimidated by him), tried to remove him, and especially, remove his weapon. He didn’t need to be there.
Because he brought a fucking rifle to a protest where people are GONNA disagree, he turned a conflict into a tragedy. In his mind, he was just having fun intimidating minorities, but then shit got real, and he “had to defend himself”. Instead of leaving, his only option was lethal force right??? Of course he couldn’t have moved back about 100 yards to be surrounded by very sympathetic cops…
Sure, he probably did have a flash of fear when folks tried to take his gun, and decided to defend himself. (In the sense that if you are holding a lethal weapon, you CANNOT allow someone to take it from you. Even though he shouldn’t have had it at all…as his having it predicated the entire engagement) But the whole way he got there, the whole motivation to be there was to intimidate people, hoping that holding a gun would make him untouchable.
He is a murderer, he either premeditated killing, or at least premeditated being OK with killing. At a protest. Where there were already police. At the very minimum he showed up to use his race, his weapon, and his political alignment to intimidate, and that’s fucked up all on its own.
You’re talking about Kyle Rittenhouse, the murderer?
He also refuses to talk to his family anymore now that he’s raking in the speaking fee money.
you know I was just looking for a place to put my downvote
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I hope you make a sincere attempt to understand why your comment is being downvoted so much and I truly hope you use this as an opportunity to grow as a compassionate human being
It is not possible for a conservative to experience compassion. Empathy is simply not a conservative trait.
I’m being downvoted because I’m taking a rightist position in a forum of leftists, some who are quite thoughtful, others aren’t and are reactive.
Rightist vs right.
That’s why.
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Fuck off. He went out of his way to Cross state lines just to shoot someone. Then, he murdered someone in cold blood. Pathetic that people like you are still sucking his Dick…
Hawk tuah!
Jokes on you, he’s a swallower, clearly.
Just another stupid fucking Republican cultist that embraces filth like kyle because DeMuHcRaTs BaD, TrEmP gOoD111!one
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Interesting take
Just go away, white George Zimmerman.
So he pulled a “Vance”?
Over the past 12 hours, I’ve had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump’s team…
…from political commentator Joey Mannarino, who wrote on X: “If not for Maga, you would be rotting in a prison bending over for Bubba … Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!”
Ron Paul must be crushed. How will his campaign recover from this devastating blow?
Pissbaby sheep with the moral backbone of an eclare. But I don’t think anyone expected anything more from that murdering fuckstick.
No even smart enough to hold onto his one and only meal ticket. 🤣🤷♂️
They stand for nothing.
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Oh shit!!! Everything is fucked now!!!
The Guardian - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for The Guardian:
MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United Kingdom
Wikipedia about this sourceSearch topics on Ground.News
The flip-flop by Rittenhouse – who has fashioned himself as a gun rights activist after shooting two people to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during racial justice protests in 2020 – followed an initial pledge to write in former congressman Ron Paul as his choice on November’s presidential election ballot.
wp:Ron Paul will be celebrating his 89th birthday in less than 3 weeks.
Yet, his speech is better than either Trump’s or Biden’s:
https://youtu.be/Dn9cVliIqqg?t=122 (cued a little)