Today’s Game is Assassins Creed Black Flag. Honestly I’m kind of impressed I made it too 10 days. I totally expected myself to miss a day on my streak. Also. A few people in the past have asked about posting screenshots in the comments or stealing the idea for their own posts. Assuming the mods are chill with it I have no issues with people doing either of those things. I just want people to have fun
“Captain, we now have the materials necessary to upgrade the ship!” -Adéwalé after every naval battle even when it’s not true
Please keep going!
Black Flag is one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences. Crazy how long ago it was, covering my feet with a blanket during winter, humming pirate songs while sailing in the open sea.
I get that. I played it originally on PS3 when I was younger. To this day the PS3 controller is just the most comfortable way for me to play it just because of the nostalgia I have for sitting in bed playing it buried under a fuckton of blankets with my head poking out
I really want to play some AC games. But I cannot stand the modern day bits. To me the parts when you wake up from the animus are just bad and unrespectful to my time.
There are some games where I can tolerate it because it gave me a nice break from the action but most other games it’s just insufferable. I love the Unity and Syndicate but theirs are just straight up cutscenes and I didn’t enjoy that
I felt like II had very few modern segments and was worth it
I knew this would take off. It’s very refreshing. 🤗
i wish i could do something like this but it would just be screenshots of one 10+ year old game for 6 month periods lmao
lmao. I get that. I’ve been trying to avoid repeating games, so I try to mix things up. Honestly the most of what I’ve been playing lately is Skyrim and Fallout NV
This game changed gaming. It took so much of what it was going for and left nothing to be desired. Good story. Good quests. Good graphics and gameplay. It delivered from start to end.
AC: Black Flag is such a gem after the hot mess that is Assassin’s Creed 3.
One of the AC I’ve yet to try. I liked the ship play in Odyssey so it’s definitely up on my list.
It’s my favourite AC game when it comes to story and atmosphere. Don’t procrastinate it any longer, I say.
I’ve been meaning to play it. Is it good compared to the newer ones?
Man i played this game a lot! Sadly I missed a couple of your posts because i think it’s cool way to reminisce
I want a game like Sid Meiers Pirates: Live the life, but in the style of Black Flag.
I basically don’t have friends anymore, so no sea of thieves, and it frustrated me when we did try playing a few years back.
I still fire the Xbox up occasionally so I can roam around plundering shi(t/p)
How come that you kept all these screenshots?
Some of them I take Day of the post (Like the Fallout one yesterday). Others I keep just because I think they look pretty. Steam Cloud storage holds onto them for me so I don’t have much of a reason to get rid of them. I also just really like taking very Landscape-esque shots which i feel leads me to be less likely to delete them
Do you not have a whole archive of screenshot because it looked cool at the time and then it didn’t really hit the same later when you no longer had the context of the action? Just me?
No. The only screenshots in my steam library are of some glitches I took screenshots of because it looked funny. And at some point I had a script running in Counterstrike that took screenshots of the game results.
That’s why I take videos. I have hard drives of my very average gameplay but I still feel the satisfaction I got when I was actually playing when watching them.