42857 for those who wonder
And for ops title: 23076923
42857 for those who wonder
And for ops title: 23076923
How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
Can someone please eli5 me why this legal? This is truly above my pay grade apparently
You know what, I’ll give it a go again… Who knows maybe I get the hooked feeling. It took me a couple of years to get into rdr1 so maybe I am a bit late to the party
Op! Damn this looks nice. On which system did you play this? I tried to play it when it first came out on PS4 but my time is so limited in playing games and the story is so elaborate that I don’t dare to properly restart it…
What a rollercoaster thuis story! I am slightly confused…
Ow wow, good for you for getting into this game! I really tried to like the game back then but I could get the lore
Man i played this game a lot! Sadly I missed a couple of your posts because i think it’s cool way to reminisce
Some scientists and theorists believe that the reactor is extremely advanced, suggesting that highly intelligent beings existed 2 billion years ago. While another hypothesis is that it was constructed by prehistoric human civilization (like described in the Silurian Hypothesis by NASA scientists) using techniques that were lost to subsequent humans.
However, most of the mainstream researchers believe that Oklo is the world’s only identified naturally occurring reactor which was created by accident. As scientists Norman Schwers and John A. Miller from Sandia National Laboratories explain in a 2017 paper, the concept of a naturally occurring reactor was originally documented in 1956 using reactor theory or the infinite multiplication constants.
Ok so i am new to this https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/really-build-immunity-iocane-powder-162927341.html?guccounter=1
DOES SOMETHING LIKE IOCANE EXIST? As previously noted, iocane is a made-up poison, invented for the story.
Like iocane, arsenic doesn’t have a taste or an odor, and it can be dissolved in liquid.
The major difference between arsenic and iocane powder — and it is admittedly a big difference — is that arsenic doesn’t kill immediately.
When it comes to arsenic, our real-world allegory of iocane powder, it doesn’t appear as though you can build up a tolerance through increasing low-level exposure.
A community located in a village in the Andes appears to have adapted a genetic tolerance to arsenic over the course of thousands of years
Friendly reminder not to pre-order!
Wait you asked for booty
Ok so i think it is cool everybody answers the question…
But why PenisWenisGenius? Why do you need this information?
Yes, but also the star wars and sims franchise