:3 she/her
reposts are accidental
i wish i could do something like this but it would just be screenshots of one 10+ year old game for 6 month periods lmao
it appears youve spilled your buzzwords
what thehell are you on
sir this is a wendys
the micro transactions are completely optional in the first place really, the currency is super easy to earn by just playing
bloons td6 is a nice cozy game, one of my faves
the child cant talk yet and has no sense of wtf a “gender” is, its fine lol
id wager that gender expression (or lack of) isnt a political issue, our rights being stripped is the political issue. same goes for racial segregation, a person of color isnt a political issue, the wrongs done to that person are
born to dilly dally forced to lock in
dont need to beat you in a footrace when they can just shoot you 37 times in the chest
cant read acab without thinking “assigned cop at birth”
did you just tldr a tweet?
god gave the prettiest girls the biggest dicks
cute girl to hug