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I don’t think some people know how much damage a pack of wild hogs can cause to crops and farmland in short order. If it wasn’t going to be an AR-15 keeping them off the farm it would be another intermediate or higher caliber semi-automatic rifle that accepts standard magazines. Everyone want’s to laugh at that excuse until the farmer has a bad season and has to sell his land to Bill Gates or Chinese investors, they don’t exactly make large margins.
We cleaned about 250 boar out of our farm over a four year period with the same 3-5 shot rifles we hunt deer and moose with. They mill around long enough you can reload. I have an SKS but I don’t bother, I’d rather sneak over a hill and pop half a dozen slowly and cleanly with my .338. And I can do it from far enough away that they don’t really get upset until 3 of them are lying on the ground, kicking.
There’s nothing like some good tyrant jerky
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5.56 is a ridiculous waste of money for rabbits and totally excessive. 22 or even a pellet gun would be perfectly adequate and waaaaaay cheaper.
i was under the assumption an ar15 would explode something like a rabbit without useable trace?
Its a good thing the second amendment doesn’t just include a clause for hunting! People often forget it says
“A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”
Indeed it doesn’t protect hunting or self defence at all. Only the collective defense.
For the record I would rather 45 lose and continue to drag the GOP down than have a quick death.
I’d rather he rots in a state jail for the rest of his life, and give him the same standard of care as every other inmate. No special treatment. If he needs to be put in solitary “for his own protection” then so be it. It’s the system people like him loves to protect.
To be clear, I think the US treatment of prisoners is inhumane and bordering on criminal (and all too often crossing said border) and the whole penal system needs drastic change and made entirely nonprofit, and the constitution needs another Ammendment because the 13th was a mistake.
But that’s not the world we live in, and the people who crafted this world should be forced to live in it.
That would be so nice. Wish we focused on rehabilitation instead of retaliation in our criminal justice system. Its such an ass backwards system.
I love seeing prison photos from other countries that show how well prisoners can be treated while still being in prison. Countries with extremely low recidivism.
And there are plenty of people I know who would see that and balk, because “that’s being too soft”
I’ve had people insist that stronger punishment over rehabilitation is what you need, and ignore my bringing up that there’s decades and decades of data that shows otherwise.
At best, the harsh punishments serve as a deterrent to other people doing similar things that might result in similar punishment, but that just creates new and sneaker crimes and criminals. It’s better to rehabilitate, help people turn their poor choices around, and eliminate the cause of the problems that led to the crime in the first place.
But that’s “too much work” so might as well not even try, right? As we all know, the light bulb famously was invented on the first couple tries.
I would prefer Trump to have a long and miserable life in prison. Preferably in an underground cell in SuperMax somewhere. For his own protection of course.
hunting human rifles.
let’s be honest, it was designed as a lightweight emergency carbine made of space aged materials. 60 years later we’re arguing if the founding fathers meant bump stocks and cmags when they said well regulated militia.
lightweight emergency carbine
Huh, was it? So the platform wasn’t designed as a main infantry weapon?
Not initially. went through tons of growth after the AR-10 was designed.
Y’know, this is in this weird spot where it’s right between canon and as seen (which, by the way, can be explained even with canonical things). If it was truly as seen, the shots would have gone way wide. If it was truly canon, the Reps would be scrambling for a new candidate now.
The explanation for Stormtroopers’ shoddy marksmanship on screen in A New Hope is because Vader wanted Leia & company to escape, but by the skin of their teeth, so that they would basically drop their guard the instant The Falcon took off from the Death Star and not realise there was a tracker bug installed. If Vader just let them fly off unopposed, that would probably be hella sus, and they’d probably pull over at the first asteroid to find and chuck said tracker bug. So the Stormtroopers were specifically instructed to shoot to thrill, not to kill.
When faced with opposition without plot armour and reasons to keep them alive, Stormtroopers are fucking brutal, as seen in The Empire Strikes Back - Hoth was somewhere between a decisive Imperial victory and an Imperial Curb Stomp
They literally are. Their most common chambering is an ideal white tail cartridge.
The sketch! He indeed was stormtrooper.