Whatever damn fool did this has just made the situation about a million times worse. I don’t give a shit who did this, it was the worst move you could have made at the worst time you could have made it.
And those of you jumping to immediate conspiracy theories need to stop and think about how much we tend to make fun of Republicans for doing literally the exact same thing. Us spending the next 3 days circlejerking each other off our own bullshit conspiracy theories isn’t gonna help the situation, its just gonna make us all look like a bunch of hypocrites. Wait a few days, get whatever info they are willing to give us, and then try to figure out what happened. If it still looks fake or like a false flag or whatever the fuck after that point, whatever. but for gods sake use some critical thinking to get there instead of jumping to conclusions with no info.
For what its worth, I am extremely anti-trump, I am scared shitless of what will happen should he win a second term. But dear god, please think about the way you all are acting, when you act like the same kind of psychopaths you claim to stand against it is not a good look. please consider that before you post.
Yeah the conspiracies in this thread are cringe. Is it really such a stretch to think that a very hated individual was the target of a botched assassination? No, can’t be! Must be a false flag!
Everyone needs to calm the fuck down. This was quite clearly real and not staged.
If insurrections are no big deal I don’t see how assassination attempts are something to get upset about.
Seriously. The last 8 years have shown us that 99% of people are pretty rock solid of who they are voting for. Attempting to overthrow the government moves the needle 0.1%
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I could not agree more. Aren’t we supposed to be the ones who care about democracy, about humanity, and about logic and reason?
Some innocent bystander died, and their family is going to sleep tonight without their loved one alive for the first time. Others are waiting anxiously in hospitals while their innocent loved ones are in critical condition. Fuck Trump, but no one deserves to have been killed or maimed for being at one of his rallies.
Exactly, we all need to be together on this. This is fucking crazy.
I’m no conspiracy guy… But goddam they sure did take their pick of pictures to release showing a bloody trump with fist up in front of a flag that just happened to be waving there. If nothing else, GOP and FOX will say the libs tried to kill Trump, not ’ the assassin’ tried, but the libs tried. And let the fundraising begin for the GOP
It was a political rally. Those are always done with flags. It was a political rally, there were a bunch of cameras running. Many of which were taking dozens if pictures every second; there wasn’t even anything to release there, the media was the ones taking the video. Of course the most striking image would be the one to catch on, and from watching a video of it, that seems like the obvious moment to take.
It was some fast thinking and good political instinct (although bad survival instinct) to make a photo perfect pose while getting escorted out by secret service.
He was at one of his rallies, which are usually thick with flags. The more likely conclusion is likely the correct one.
Time to get out of this shit hole country?
It’s been time. For a long time.
Should we continually be tolerant of the intolerance that wishes to do violence to us and/or destroy our democracy? I’m not advocating for assassination of anyone, but when something like this happens I’m not surprised, nor do I feel much sympathy for a rapist, fraudster, wife beater, advocate of overturning a legitimate election, child beater, person who dog whistles violence against people who don’t support him…etc.
Yeah, the worst thing is that he’s going to capitalize on this. He will make every effort to use it for his personal gain, and being as reactionary as he is I wouldn’t be surprised if he dog whistled his followers into some violence. I bet he’s glad he got shot. He’s going to milk it for everything it’s worth.
But one thing I am in complete agreement with is making everything a conspiracy. Damn it’s getting old. Epstein, Boeing, this… ridiculous.
Logic and reason? In my social media feed?
Thank you for an actually educated take.
It fucking blows my mind people jump straight into, “well what if it’s staged.” What does that fucking solve? Questions about answering questions and those people act like they know something or they are more aware than the rest of the world when the big fucking picture is being missed and it is right in front of their fucking face. This only fuels repubs saying, “it was an assassination attempt by the left wing.”
Trump might be the future dictator of the US but this is just far more ammunition for the very guns that just tried to kill him and this is lighter fluid.
This shit is fucking nuts and none of it is good for anyone stop fucking trying to pull the video apart and going, “see see, it’s fake.” It doesn’t fucking matter because the damage is done.
I always like to say to conspiracy theorists. If COVID was started by China prove to me it wasn’t started by the U.S.
Also, two people are dead; one of which is the potential shooter. If it were staged, the shooter got a pretty bad deal.
“Hey if you go do this your family will never have to worry about finances again”
Would make anyone think twice
Anyone? I think you might be projecting. Also, the dude was 20. I don’t think he has a family of his own. And it is kind of hard to keep that a secret of his entire family were suddenly insanely rich. Trump could not even keep a $100k payment to a porn star secret.
Most people are treating this like Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King shooting, but it’s not. These people were liked and generally seen as good.
This shooting is more akin to a Hitler shooting, which he had survived many, and was not liked. This is not a martyr situation and most are not going to change their feels for trump.
Trump is definitely liked, there are tons of people who like him. Half the country likes him.
MLK and Lincoln stood against something that was objectively evil. And not half the country likes him, he will still lose the popular vote.
Yup. As much as I hate the GOP and Trump, this is a pretty big Occam’s razor moment.
We’ll only act as psychopaths on day one.
I don’t think this will change a thing. Nobody is changing their vote over this.
It’s just an attempt to incite violence.
That’s just not true. Lots of people on the fence will vote for him now.
Doubtful, these last few political years have been too divisive.
Let’s also take note here that your account reads like a smurf/bot account. I miss RES tagged so I could tag bad faith actors.
What’s a Smurf? And what’s bad faith about what I say?
Look, I don’t mean to be an ass but if you genuinely don’t think this changes a thing you are a part of the problem.
It doesn’t for Democrat voters. They’re only voting against Trump. This doesn’t change who DT is, his viewpoints, or his past actions. This doesn’t change him being a Felon and a suspected pedophile. All this is an attempt to incite more violence.
Let me present an situation to you:
Trump and his party: “a crazy left wing fucker tried to kill me. Let’s take them Dems down vote repub” and lots of other pushing agendas and statements about Dems being killers.
If you don’t feel like this isn’t more fuel for that then again you are missing the point. This will absolutely shift votes.
How is this going to “shift votes”? How exactly? From who? Who’s really on the fence between the “Old man” and the convicted felon suspected to be a pedophile attempting to become king? No sane person is shifting vote over this and the insane are already vehemently R.
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Watch the video. This is a false flag and a lazy one at that. Dude stabbed himself in the ear with a pin, got a group hug on stage and started FIST PUMPING from inside a ring of special service. Head out, fist up, like “HERE I AM. IM NO COWARD”. You know who does that? Actors. Who know the script and have rehearsed the scene.
The amount of folks in here that seem to be okay with someone being assassinated is disgusting. This is not how sane people get things accomplished. Shameful.
I loathe Trump, but man, the hypocrisy in the air is stifling.
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Sanity is a rare resource these days.
Tell it to shinzo Abe.
Why are people screaming and afraid? Guns are a part of society in America. Unless… they’re dangerous…
The secret service didn’t let anyone but the shooter have a gun, so everyone’s feeling awkward
They just witnessed a 2A activist have his rights trampled by the secret service!
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Maybe it was an official act of Biden, then it’s not a crime. Nothing to see here, just as wanted by SCOTUS.
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CBS is suggesting that the shooter is dead
Secret Service doesn’t play. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least.
Clearly they don’t play hard enough considering they missed the guy with a rifle on the roof. That was till he decided to shoot.
There’s no reason to believe he was up there for a long time. He may have fired the minute he got to the roof. Just because you’re good doesn’t mean you win.
I mean yeah, however people pointed at the guy on the roof before it happened, so to me law enforcement should have got wind of what was happening before he fired, not only that but the snipers that were with the USSS clearly didn’t spot the guy moving around on a nearby roof until it was too late
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The supreme Court has found any act Biden does is unofficial
I wish I could upvote this twice lol
Funny and apropos, but too soon
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I mean, it’s legal if it’s an official act.
Except he can’t be part of a crime family. If the president does it, it’s not illegal.
You can’t be a crime family if all of your actions are automatically legal
Antifa shooting a fascist is very on brand.
hey it’s not our guys that declared that anything a president does is automatically legal, even something like this. you folks fought for and pushed that ruling through. you’d have to be a special kind of dumb to get upset that you’re getting shot at when you’ve expressly legalized the act of shooting at people. great “law and order” move guys, you legalized all the so-called “biden crime family” actions to make sure your guy can do whatever he wants when he becomes king. i guess they’re just the normal biden family now thanks to y’all.
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Could history please have the decency not to re-enact how Hitler survived dozens of assassination attempts?
This is exactly what I’m afraid of.
Haha that was my second thought (my first one was shock that something like that can happen - it means dangerous times are coming for democracy)
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I don’t think vote to obscurity can apply here. Trump will always have a platform because he is a living engagement machine and that drives the Internet mad. He wins he’s the top story, he loses he’s the top story, he gets convicted he’s the top story. The man is immortal in the worst way possible and the world is basically f*cked.
I miss the short years where we heard nothing from the piece of shit right after the 2020 election.
Trump will always have a platform because…
Yeah, but for how many more years? There’s absolutely no way he’d run again if he loses, so it’s really just a short ticking clock.
Nah, this is just want Trumpers want you to believe. He gets attention because he’s genuinely trying to foment a fascist overthrow of the government, not because he’s some media mastermind.
Damn. I wish you weren’t exactly right, but you are.
This is the one possible scenario that could make things even worse. They can’t replace the head of the snake, but they can sure as fuck pump that the head was shot and injured. They did the same with Hitler.
History is repeating itself far to close for this to be comfortable.
He is a martyr now. And alive. That assassin just killed the country
In the short term, I am expecting right-wing nutjobs to do their own sort of retaliatory shootings, targeting whomever their personal info bubble blames as a group.
I hate to say it but that might be the best case scenario. At least in that case biden is in office when the violence starts
Further violence and a mild Civil War are not best case scenario. Queer people dying for your cause is not best case scenario.
Best case scenario (and what seems to be the alt theory on literally every social I have, and on some I don’t have), is that everyone believes this was a false flag (and/or there’s evidence it was a false flag). That fact that so many people IMMEDIATELY questioned the shooting is a really good sign. People just don’t trust him at all. Boy Who Cried Wolf etc
Best case scenario in terms of shit that might actually happen I should say
Yeah, gotta be ready for that.
My thoughts exactly, the right will eat this up and use this the rest of the race. Anyone who was on the edge for voting for him probably just made up their minds. They’ll blame the left for this.
Update: annnd it begins…
Right-Wing Accounts Launch Mark Violets Antifa Conspiracy in Light of Trump “Assassination Attempt”
This is my thought exactly. I have never felt such a somber feeling.
He’s god now. It’s over.
Nobody is changing their vote over this shit. Democrats are pretty entrenched in not Trump. They knew what was at stake this election as soon as Trump stepped back up.
Its more than just the election. Trump is not going to go away if he loses in November.
That was my first thought too, but then it looks pretty realistic, and he’s a terrible actor…
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Can’t say that’s necessarily true (that last bit). They are sworn in to duty to protect current or past president’s with their life, regardless of personal belief.
My perspective is that the secret service guys are bound to life.
I recalled hearing a couple things over the course of the Jan 6th impeachment hearings, which is the President has some say in who his personal detail is, and that there was some info pertaining to them being supportive of him personally. I’d have to review to be certain though.
I know a couple current and former USSS agents, they’re hardcore trump supporters. That’s not to say they all are as I don’t know them all, but they are law enforcement after all.
This was the worst possible outcome. Unless someone intends on finishing the job it may as well be his election now.
He’ll spend the rest of the election telling people how strong he is, how Biden could not have survived and he’ll use the attack to validate all his claims of Democrat corruption/Republican righteousness.
Don’t forget about how through ‘the protection of God’ trump survived so the Christian vote can put him in office with a made up deity’s approval.
Maybe it’s God’s warning for him to cut the crap. That’s the spin I’m going for.
Unfortunately I think he pretty much had the election the moment the democrats showed weakness by publically doubting their own candidate. But yes, this seals the deal for a trump win this year. What a damn fool. This is something that if you are going to do, you need to make absolutely sure you finish the job apripriately. You fuck this up and you end up giving him a gift.
Doubt it. The people, the actual Democratic voters, not numbers, know what’s at stake, nobody is changing their vote over this, nobody is going to lose votes over this.
I feel like you’re a little out of touch here.
There are hardline Democrats and Republicans who aren’t going to change their positions over anything. There’s also many people who don’t pay close attention to politics and only pick up on big news like this. Those are the people that are going to be influenced unfortunately. These people exist. They are uninformed, easily influenced and they can swing the outcome unfortunately.
Do you actually know those people IRL? People on the fence? I haven’t talked to anyone who hasn’t already had their vote decided. The political climate has been the most divisive in my lifetime, to the point where the people I’ve spoken with IRL are either dug in with Trump or dug in against Trump. This scene doesn’t change Trumps degressive views or awful policies. It doesn’t change Trump from being a Felon or suspected pedophile.
If there are swing voters it’s likely a really small number. At the end of the day the Democrats are dug in on Not Trump, and they have the numbers. They showed up for the last election, and the divisive politics have kept it in their peripheral since. RvW was huge, 2025 has been getting traction. There ain’t many left that don’t have their political compass set.
It seem like he was hit. Blood was on his right ear in one shot. Unclear if that’s because he was hit there or if he touched it after touching something else bloody.
He was escorted away on foot with secret service.
Edit: reports that one bystander and the shooter are now dead.
Claims the suspect was a man named Mark Violets. (This ID may be wrong no official sources covering this)
Biden condemns the act.
(I hate the source, F this guy) but here’s him being ushered off the stage after… https://x.com/stillgray/status/1812250467071885730
Edit: his base is going to be insanely fired up now. I’m genuinely scared about what’s going to happen now. I can see it already “the deep state tried to stop him and God saved Trump!” ugh.
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He’s a huge pussy.
The biggest. People are always telling him just how big of pussy he is. Maybe the greatest pussy of all time.
Also if I got shot or grazed, I wouldn’t be worried about my shoes.
I really hate the guy but if you’ve never had a near-death experience you wouldn’t understand that your logic is a bit weird in the moment. it takes more than a couple of moments for your brain to catch up with reality. his shoes are special thick lift shoes to make him seem way taller because he’s extremely vain. if he fell out of his awkward tall shoes when he ducked, he probably would have been preoccupied in the moment with not appearing short and weak (his true form) until the reality caught up to him. I don’t doubt at all that some sycophantic pr stooge was yelling into his earpiece to “look triumphant, look triumphant!!” when he was getting back up though.
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Very unlikely, it’s an easy intuitive thing to think when emotions are high, and there is so much at stake with the election and division so high, that emotions are high as well.
Having a shooter miss you on purpose is something that is extremely risky, not easy to stage, and the US has enough armed people with emotions boiling over and little to lose. It is very much the overwhelmingly more likely scenario.
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At this point, we know very little, but with what we do know at the moment - for this, you’d need:
- someone willing to be taken out as the shooter, willing to or being tricked into shooting blanks, or an extremely elaborate plan to switch in a body (you also have to acquire and prepare somewhere) in front of witnesses and potential cameras
- someone without blanks firing to explain the other bystanders dead from bullets
- complete control over the subsequent investigation, to make sure no one looks into it properly, which would make all the people involved in the know
It is still an extremely, extremely unlikely scenario
Agreed. Further, [email protected] in this post commented that we can hear the rounds hitting before the report, and since blanks don’t hit, we can presume this was not faked.
They literally did this plot on the Boys like a week ago.
Or just use a razor and actually cut your ear. I’d say someone took their shot and missed. He happened to turn his head at the last moment, or the shot would have made a solid hit.
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The reports I am hearing say that at least two people besides the shooter are dead, which probably is where (some of) the other bullets went. Dude is a coward, but also a narcissist, I assume he noticed that the Secret Service had already killed the shooter, so immediately switched into “I am invincible” mode.
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Again, I understand it as an intuitive reaction, but the world is a lot more chaotic than that, and huge conspiracies coordinated well like that are super, super rare. Waiting and being willing to adjust your position is a good thing to do right now. With more stuff coming out, the situation will become more clear.
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We heard a lot of shots, where did they all go?
Sounds like at least one bystander was killed based on another comment.
I wouldn’t be surprised that it was a collateral damage when SS was trying to kill the shooter.
CNN speculated that lots of those shots were the Secret Service returning fire. They are reporting on TV that you can hear them saying “Shooter down” and that it was then safe to move Trump. I couldn’t hear that, but someone on TV said they could hear that in the chatter.
There’s already pics of the shooter down.
That would make sense. The shooter it reportedly dead and supposedly also an attendee.
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Secret service shooting back for sure.
I fully expect at least several “retaliatory” attacks against democrats in the next week by rabid MAGAts.
Edit Suprised the mods havent deleted this yet, consindering how hog wild they are going and labeling everything conspiracy and deleting it.
It looks like it’s coming both from his ear and his mouth. I’m guessing the mouth part is from being tackled by the Secret Service.
Edit: there’s a photo of him on the ground with the blood clearly coming from his ear. I think the only injury was the ear. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/possible-shots-fired-at-trump-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania/
I wonder whether that agent was just waiting for his chance to clock him good
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Today truly is a national tragedy
I, for one, am now advocating for target practice as a requirement for high school graduation.
No rest for the wicked
Gotta correct for wind…
it’s not easy, the guy introduces his own ones.
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There won’t be a next time.
Why were people Scared? Guns are SAFE! Guns are SO SAFE that they’re trying to FORCE them into Schools! It would be INCREDIBLY FUCKED UP if the same people who RAN AWAY from the Guns want to FORCE OUR KIDS into that Situation EVERY DAY!
Honestly, folks didn’t look that scared. I’d have been diving the fuck off those bleachers, but not these magas.
So 3 shots fired (rest were more rapid, so looked like SS responding), 2 people died, only trump get out of it without any major issue. A grazed ear implies that he survived by mere centimeters.
Then when going to the car he is mouthing “fight, fight, fight”. I’m sorry, but this is a very odd reaction for somebody that nearly died today.
He was trying to get people rioting on J6 (but that while succeeded, fortunately got stopped), he tried people to riot when he had criminal trial (didn’t work at all), and now in the heat of the moment, he thought that was perfect time to try it again?
For sake of everyone I hope this will also be unsuccessful. I’m glad Democrats quickly condemned this (this is something we quite missed in 2017-2020 when similar events happened).
Then when going to the car he is mouthing “fight, fight, fight”. I’m sorry, but this is a very odd reaction for somebody that nearly died today.
Adrenaline/Shock. Do not expect rational acts from people under shock. Do not expect actions in or out of character for them. You can be a completely different person in such a situation.
That mouth movement could have been “fuck, fuck, fuck”. Something you are very likely to say after being shot and it stings like hell.
His fist gesture would coincide more with “fight”.
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Okay, I’ve gotten over my initial shock of this. Clearly this shouldn’t have happened but this is the same guy who said his VP should be hanged, and he himself has called for political violence against his enemies many, many times
I am glad that decent politicians are condemning this attack, as they should. But I think it makes sense to put this incident in perspective, Trump has promoted and supported political violence himself many times before this, including on Jan 6th
You’re confused. Conservative violence is always warranted, justified, and highly effective. That will be the narrative.
Ugh, how many times has this happened already? People were getting spooked by the heritage foundation yucky shit and now they’ll get distracted by this nonsense
I’m afraid of the unhinged violence Trump will use this for in the future. His supporters will have every justification in their mind to do whatever they want to anyone who disagrees with them.
Yup. While it wasn’t a good decision on the shooter’s part (as the GOP will be fired up even more now), I also cannot find any sympathy for Trump in this. I hope he got scared shitless.
Without evidence so many of you calling it fake. I guess we’re no smarter than the wackjobs
It’s really disheartening see everyone assumes it’s fake without all the facts being available yet.
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Tbh I’m surprised this hasn’t happened sooner to him or the Supreme Court. Not that I endorse violence, I’m just kind of surprised considering all the violence the right wing has perpetrated up to now. It’s really a last resort for everyone else.
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I’m not. Now he’s a martyr and he was barely hurt.
Martyrs are dead by definition
As I said to someone else- that is the literal definition of a martyr, not the political concept of a martyr. The latter is what matters. There are plenty of examples of political martyrs who survived and did well because of it. The most prominent right now is the House Majority Leader, Steve Scalise, who survived the mass shooter at the congressional baseball game a few years ago and has been riding that sympathy wave ever since.
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Glad your happy… You going to be happy when his base rallies now, too?
I love how left leaning all of lemmy is… But the comments encouraging the violence or disappointment in the fact the shooter “missed”, seems off.
All emotions, big on rhetoric, not so good on repurcussions & consequences for actions.
However. I don’t see much really coming from this, just a galvanized Trump base. Maybe some switcjes in the middle. And I wouldn’t be shocked if there’s a false flag, “Oooo, LOOK, now we’ve found a conservative that wants to kill Biden! Both sides!”
…except nobody’s dumb enough to assassinate a senile lame duck. And everybody knows, nobody wants Kamala as POTUS. 🙄
youryou’re happy…ftfy.
Tell me any time in history where fascism has just said “You know what? You’re right. The votes say it all, we’re just gonna knock it off now…”
Violence has always been the thing that gets response. Without it, your begging and pleading is toothless. You’ll continue to get stomped on, you’ll continue to have your rights stripped away. You’ll continue to roll backwards in history until someone else says “You know what, this has gone too far…” and…uses violence to put an end to it.
You know why the pen is mightier than the sword? Because the pen can rally millions of swords in its place.
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The time traveler sent back to alter our timeline wasn’t a very good shot.
John Titor returns
There’s a wild ass theory out there about Trump being him. Since his uncle bought all of Tesla stuff.