only to find out IRL he’s into lame shit like black capitalism.
Does it mean something other than what is here, or did I miss something offensive in skimming through the entry?
This isn’t one of those lame “now they are the machine” posts is it?
This is it for the curious:
This is just related:
First “Violent” undocumented immigrants.
Then “Non-Violent” undocumented immigrants.
Then trans people?
Then documented but deemed undesirable immigrants?
Maybe citizens who have done the worst possible crimes?
Citizens who disagree too loudly with Trump or Musk?
When do you suppose they’ll build the next camp?
When do you suppose they’ll get to “the gays” or “the blacks?”
When will they get to your neighbor? Or to you?
When will it finally be enough for those who voted to put him in power? Ever?
Nobody claims that WW2 was because of voters
Maybe if folks had been shamed into not supporting the Nazis and their hollow, superficial, hateful “solutions” we wouldn’t even have an example with such obvious and clear parallels to draw upon.
Nobody claims that WW2 was because of voters, that the Poland invasion was because of the soldiers
Nobody should be (or seems to have been) fucking absolved for handing their nation to fascists, either.
edited to correct unclear wording
Little reminder: Those people you are alienating, those as per your and Lemmy judgement “Nazi, racists, uneducated, homophobic, traitors, fascists, unethical, uncompassionate and misogynistic” are voters with as much rights as you have to decide the course of the nation
Yep. They sure do. And I’m judging them for the direction they have chosen.
How is it whenever anyone makes a post like this, it’s “ZOMG don’t alienate the magas.” Do you suppose there are folks who care enough about unity to tell the magas maybe they shouldn’t alienate all the non-magas in their lives? Do you tell magas that? I have multiple neighbors who had signs in their yard for YEARS proclaiming Biden voters or Democrats as traitors, morons, etc as they adjusted the mix of their handwritten signs every so often.
Seems to me they have spent the past several years alienating me. Seems to me they have voted for policies and politicians that are explicitly intending to harm anyone who isn’t a white cisthet man. That includes quite a lot of groups that neither me nor anyone near me is a member of, but also includes groups that my children, my wife, and for that matter, a great many Trump voters themselves comprise.
And it seems to me that, just like when there was a bully in school as a kid, it’s somehow the victim always asked to be the bigger person, not the bully. That was horseshit then, and it’s horseshit now.
I mean in the sense that these are the standard blue collar, hard workers of the country. Those plumbers, electricians, waste disposal, street sweepers, truck drivers, and so on
Ask me about my background. (no don’t, but also don’t assume I’ve never been one of these people and can’t identify with where they are coming from)
Somehow the party with the worst record towards unions and labor has convinced all many of the folks with union jobs that they will save them, and that they’ll do so with a bsuinessman at the head of the country with a reputation for not paying his bills. And I should sympathize with that?
I reject your scolding and premise at the most fundamental possible level.
These people have spent more than the past 8 years being the loudest, rudest, most hateful group in any venue. On a personal level, we have avoided family gatherings to not have to listen to their shit, though somehow we eventually end up hearing it anyway. The policies they support obviously and openly hurt anyone not like them, and a very large percentage of the time they hurt themselves also. They are currently loudly cheering as our nation and government are being actively dismantled by the man they voted for.
I have nothing left for these people but to keep anyone and anything I care about as far out of their path and notice as possible, and hope that 5 years from now we can be arguing about this and not decaying in a mass grave someplace after they work their way down the “First they came for” ladder until finally they find something my family needs to be sent to a camp for.
The laws will surely stop him this time. /s
(Not that I’m not glad they are making the gesture.)
Nobody who’s voting republican actually believes you when you say they are supporting these things, because we live in clown world, and they’re all brainwashed into thinking that you’re lying.
I tell people this constantly, and get ignored or chided for the thought. Meanwhile, I’ve got a previously Trump supporter boss, who I’ve slowly become friends with and have shown him the problems on the right and moved him further to the left.
I’m not going to chide you, but after 8 years of trying, it’s only gotten worse.
I’m done. I need to focus on keeping my family safe and away from magas.
If you are having better luck changing hearts and minds, I applaud you for it. IME they aren’t interested in listening to anyone but Trump.
What filthy fucking liars everyone in this admin is. Not that it’s surprising.
Article below is literally from yesterday:
Trump says he’ll abide by court orders that block parts of his agenda
The idea of a politician with principles used to be the punchline to a sitcom comedy routine or the climax of a utopian drama.
I’m talking primarily about the voters, which it’s becoming increasingly clear I need to specify.
UnitedHealth hired a defamation law firm to go after social media posts criticizing the company
Whew, better be a big firm. Do you think they can analyze all those posts before the heat death of the universe?
I’m not surprised Vance knows what he’s doing.
I’m surprised the people who voted for him don’t, especially given how often I see a Trump sticker paired with a “We the People” window tint.
It’s like these people (edit- republican voters) have never read a book in their lives.
By about age 12 I had a reasonable grasp of our nation’s checks and balances, a cornerstone of our democracy.
At a minimum you’d think a rabid conservative fanbase that claims to love the constitution would be aware of this, and possibly expect the politicians they voted for to uphold such core principles.
That would require Republicans and US Conservatives to have actual ethics and principles beyond making sure they create the most unwelcoming world possible for anyone not white, straight, male, cis, and Christian.
Well she certainly didn’t vote for the party that’s going to do anything about the backlog of untested rape kits.
Remember, do not let R leadership or magas in your circle get away with DARVO. It’s how they try to “Win” when you call them out. He’s doing it right here.
Reverse Victim and Offender
Something something stallmanwasright.
WTH is this headline? Is this fear of reprisal?
Last line in the article is no less vague:
The answer to all these questions is: Who knows? As long as Trump and his GOP are in power, the American people probably never will.
So brave!
A CBS/YouGov poll found that nearly half of respondents want Musk to have little or no influence, with opinions split along party lines.
So literally what any of us would have predicted as the outcome to this poll, and it doesn’t matter anyhow, because Trump is fully in “whatever, I’ll do what I want” mode.
In case not a joke - that’s his mouth. In the last panel it’s closed.